Hunting High School

Chapter 31: Suet Oil

"Originally, I checked the accounts in the store."

"At noon, there weren't many customers in the store. The bald man wandered around for a while after entering the store. When he was the only customer left in the store, he suddenly got into trouble. A few spells knocked us down."

"Then we watched as he stuffed Ding Dong's ears into the bag. At that moment, Ding Dong's ears and a few cats who had been stockpiling in the back warehouse came back and scared the robber away."

"Almost at the same time, the doctor broke free from the restraining spell on his body and chased after him..."

Fox Five quickly described to Robert Lee what happened to him in the store. Ding Dong Er and a few cats gathered beside Ding Dong Er, looking around cautiously, as if he wanted to leave but did not dare.

Xin Fatty came back from nowhere, squeezed between Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, holding his notebook and quill, with an excited expression of catching big news.

Zheng Qing gave Fatty a sideways look, resisted the urge to beat him violently, and looked at Xiao Xiao: "Why have you stayed in the store for so long? Didn't you just check the account?"

"The store is running out of stock."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses: "Originally we sold Linzhong Lake murlocs and Rat Clan's special products, but you all know what's going on with the Rat Clan now. Their shelves have been empty for a long time... I checked the accounts in the store today. At that time, I heard that there was a batch of mutton oil for sale at the wandering bar across the street, so I sat there for a while and took pictures of them, which took a little too much time."

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. After hearing the doctor's explanation, Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty paid attention to two completely different directions.

"Sheep oil?"

Xin Fatty's eyes lit up, and his whole face seemed to glow with light: "If there is lamb oil, there will be lamb meat! Do they sell lamb meat? How much? Cooked meat or raw meat?"

While speaking, he swallowed hard, and there was a suspicious transparent liquid glistening at the corner of his mouth.

"The vagabond bar is still open?"

Zheng Qing was very interested in the other name mentioned by the doctor. He frowned and asked: "The Dark Council has made such a big deal in the Black Prison Battlefield, and the wandering wizard hasn't escaped yet?"

Xiao Xiao leaned back, looked left and right, and didn't know which one to answer first.

After a while, he thought about it, and answered Zheng Qing's confusion first: "After the Kuroshio ended, the Wandering Bar was actually closed for a while, but it was reopened more than half a month ago...but I didn't see him today , there are only a few multi-armed waiters in the store... On the surface, the announcement issued by Beta Town is that the homeless bar pays taxes according to the regulations, and the store operation is legal and compliant..."

When these words came out, several listeners, including Zheng Qing, curled their lips in unison. If the "underground market" wandering bar, which is quite famous in the entire wizarding world, can be regarded as a model of law-abiding, then Dan Hag should probably be abolished.

Maybe he also felt that the official statement was too funny, Xiao Xiao shook his head, did not repeat it completely, changed the subject, and said his own judgment: "... But according to the information I heard in the wandering bar, there is a high probability that the school and the dark What did the council do, so the vagabonds stayed on."

Xin Fatty sniffled and said contemptuously, "That's why you drank all the Amber in the middle of the day?"

"You can't ask others for news with empty teeth." Speaking of this, Xiao Xiao seemed to think of something, took out a note from his pocket, and stuffed it into Hu Wu's arms.

Hu Wu was answering the magistrate's inquiry, but he didn't react for a while, and took it blankly.

"What?" Zheng Qing vaguely saw the emblem of the homeless bar on the note.

"Reimbursement certificate." Xiao Xiao wiped the corners of his mouth, serious: "Whether it's helping to buy goods or inquiring about news, I can't pay for it alone... Don't worry, I will raise this matter at the hunting team meeting, and it is absolutely compliant."

Zheng Qing has no doubts about this—although he always feels that Xiao Xiao's behavior is for private use of public funds, but it is not the time to ponder these details for a moment.

"I also have bills to be reimbursed." Fatty watched this scene enviously.

Xiao Xiao waved

Hand, wrote lightly: "No problem, as long as the reason is sufficient and the purpose is reasonable, after the general meeting of the hunting team approves it, I will reimburse you."

Fatty sighed heavily, and the quill in his hand was a bit listless. He didn't have the eloquence and popularity of a doctor, and the idea of ​​eating and drinking with public funds was cut off as soon as he thought about it.

"Is the sheep rare?" Looking at Fatty's frustrated expression, Zheng Qing thought of his previous question.

"It's not that rare, but it's really rare."

Fatty picked up the gossip and gossip around him and recorded it in his notebook, while answering Zheng Qing's question simply: "The magical creatures originally from Qianlai Mountain, the school introduced a group of them in the Silent Forest...the shape is like a sheep, but it's long. The tail of a horse, the meat is fresh and tender, and the oil can remove wrinkles, and many witches like to use suet oil as a base to prepare their own cosmetics."

Xiao smiled and said: "It is said that the batch of mutton fat in Wandering Bar is extracted from a batch of mutton sheep that died outside the town when the black tide hit some time ago. Their flesh and blood have been taken away by several big families in the western district."

In the west area of ​​Beta Town, there are many villas of aristocratic wizard families, and the Qingqiu Mansion is among them. Hearing that the mutton had been taken away by the wizard over there, Fatty sighed, knowing that there was no hope for him.

"So it can remove wrinkles... no wonder." Zheng Qing suddenly wondered why Xiao Xiao bought this batch of mutton oil. Because they have discussed many times in private, the easiest and most profitable business on the entire pedestrian street is related to witches.

"I also want to add mutton oil!" Li Meng heard the word "wrinkle removal" at the side, and immediately became interested, and unceremoniously stretched out her hand in front of Xiao Xiao: "First, two or three catties, let me see Effect."

"You are so young, what kind of sheep oil do you use?" Zheng Qing pushed the little witch's arm away impatiently.

Xiao Xiao tilted his head, glanced at her, and at the same time looked at Su Ya, who was holding Poseidon, and Zhu Si, who was standing bored behind them.

"Why are they here?" He turned his head and looked at Zheng Qing in surprise.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes.

He didn't know how to answer this question.

Before he could think about what to say, he heard a few 'chi chi' sounds from the open space next to him, similar to the sound of a balloon deflated, and immediately four or five figures appeared indiscriminately.

Some of them wore black robes, some wore gray robes, and some wore red robes and white robes—Zheng Qing could easily distinguish those black robes with the badge of the three-pronged sword on their chests, and the gray robes were school workers. The committee members, and the seniors in red and white robes must belong to the school patrol team.

But I don't know why they arrived at the scene so late.

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