The three-headed Persian budgerigar was familiar to all the students present.

As one of the honorary members of the Presidium of the Student Union of First University, Sanshou Parrot, who had been the honorary chairman of the Student Union for ten consecutive terms, was older than many teaching assistants and even lecturers of the First University. After retiring, it, like other retired old wizards in the school, chose an idle job to stay in the school for the elderly.

It’s just that it’s just a parrot after all, and it doesn’t have hands and feet to go boating on Linzhong Lake or Silent River; it can’t be responsible for the night patrol of the campus; it’s even more impossible to manage the Herb Garden or the library—if it is the gardener of the Herb Garden Chang, those broods of earth dragons in the garden must be the first wave of rebellion, and the vermilion fruit and Huang Jing raised in the garden will also suffer disaster.

After going back and forth, this big parrot became the 'chief executive of chores'.

For example, when the student union recruits new students, the student union will invite the old senior to sit on the spot, and occasionally ask him to do a roll call; for example, when the school hunting party is held, the school's hunting painting exhibition and song hunting party will also give this big parrot a There are also many student associations in the school who are proud to have this big parrot as a guest. The rich knowledge it has accumulated in the First University during its long life is very important to many young wizards. It is a valuable asset.

This time, after the school reform trial meeting, the big parrot was also invited to serve as the on-site host.

And it does a good job, and it's organized.

When Zheng Qing went to the long table on the edge of the first square to hand in his talismans, talismans, and potions according to the arrangement of the big parrot, he happened to meet Li Meng, who was looking sullen, looking for something in her small schoolbag.

"What are you looking for?" The young public finance student greeted briskly, and at the same time looked around: "Are you alone?"

The little witch rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Zheng Qing didn't take it seriously, he laughed dryly, and honestly went to the side to hand in his own 'contraband'. The complete talisman, talisman bullet, talisman, and even the Medal of Merlin were all put into a small wooden box.

"Has it been verified?"

A gray-skinned parrot screamed hoarsely, then flapped its wings, raised a paw and grabbed a quill from its tail, then dipped it in the cinnabar box on the table, The quill was handed to Zheng Qing: "Hiss... just sign it after checking it is correct! Hurry up! How can a wizard with ten fingers be slower than a bird like us?"

The corners of Zheng Qing's eyes twitched, and he didn't argue with the gray-skinned parrot. After checking that the list was correct, he signed it quickly, and then watched the gray-skinned parrot swallow the small wooden box in one gulp.

Such a storage process is really reassuring.

Looking back, Li Meng was still standing aside trying to find the own small schoolbag.

"Have you found it yet?"

Zheng Qing asked kindly, "Do you need my help?"

"Ni Zukai!" The little witch said indignantly, "It's all because of you... If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to find it!"

Zheng Qing felt baffled, whoever he provoked!

"Wait a minute," he made a calm gesture, and asked again: "What are you looking for? What does it have to do with me? I just want to help..."

"My cartridge!"

Li Meng looked angrily at Zheng Qing, waving the Dharma book in her hand: "I only found cinnabar in my schoolbag, but no ink cartridges! My cousin promised to help me pack my schoolbag, but she came back so late and asked me to pack it myself." ..."

"Li Meng!" A familiar soft shout came from afar.

The little witch shuddered, shut her mouth immediately, and gave Zheng Qing a vicious look, as if warning him not to talk nonsense, then hugged the little schoolbag in her arms, kicked her little leather shoes and ran towards Jiang Yu go.

Zheng Qing patted his head helplessly, followed her, and walked together to the phalanx of Tianwen Class 08-1.

When he returned to the team, the classmates in the class had divided into several small groups with clear distinctions-this is also supported by the school, because the trial will be similar to hunting, and when the level is close, it will be even more difficult.

Respect for group rather than individual combat.

Xiao Xiao and others gathered around the forgiveness hunting team.

It's just that it's different from usual. Today, there are not only wizards in this small group, but also two more witches——Jiang Yu and Li Meng.

Zheng Qing knew about Jiang Yu's participation in forgiveness.

As for Li Meng, there is a high probability that Jiang Yu brought her with her because she was afraid that something would happen to her. Although in this way, the number of people in the team exceeds five, which is against the rules, but this is an informal hunting game, and no one cares about this detail.

When Zheng Qing returned to the team, everyone was gathering around Zhang Jixin, listening to him explain tactics in a low voice while sorting out their supplies.

He looked at the small schoolbag behind Li Meng, and was about to ask her if she had found the ink cartridge, when Xin Fatty suddenly yelled and slapped her hard:

"Ha! I remembered!"

Fatty looked Zheng Qing up and down, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "I just said I feel familiar!"

"What?" Everyone raised their heads and looked at Xin Fatty who was startled.

"I mean the hairball," Fatty pointed to Zheng Qing, with a look of enlightenment: "That's the hairball that cats vomit, right! The balls often vomit on my bed... I just said why it looks so familiar!"

But immediately, a trace of confusion appeared on his face: "But why is it black and white? There is no black hair in the round..."

Zheng Qing looked down at the Dharma book in his hand, wondering if he would force the book into Fatty's mouth, whether it would be able to stop his stinky mouth.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and glanced at the others.

Zhang Jixin didn't know what Fatty was talking about, and scratched his head with a dazed look on his face; Jiang Yu helped Li Meng's braid with a blank face, but seeing the little witch grinning, the squad leader must have a lot of strength.

"There is a black cat in the dormitory, have you forgotten?" Xiao Xiao silently reminded.

"That should also be a pure black hair ball!" Fatty tilted his head and looked at Zheng Qing with a bit of confusion in his eyes: "...but there were white hairs in the hair ball before, so it can't be the melanin on the black hairs." It's been digested."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zheng Qing slapped the Dharma book hard, and growled, "Now is the meeting time, not the time for you to chat!"

Zhang Jixin repeatedly nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I see!" Fatty exclaimed again, grabbing Zheng Qing's shoulders: "Say, have you been licked by Tuantuan?!!"

"I know Bai...ah!" Li Meng screamed.

Everyone turned around and saw Jiang Yu raised his hand to express his apology, while trying to maintain a serious expression: "I'm sorry... I was not careful just now, and my hand was a little heavy."

There was no embarrassment in her expression.

Li Meng covered her head, pursed her mouth, tears flowed, and did not dare to accuse her cousin of dereliction of duty, but kicked Xin Fatty's leg: "You talk too much! Let you talk too much!"

While avoiding it carefully, Fatty felt very unlucky.

Who did he provoke.

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