Hunting High School

Chapter 45: Mayfly Feather

"Have you seen the own starting score?"

The teaching assistant standing in the middle of the room interrupted the spying of the young public fee student. After getting a positive answer, he picked up the trial card of a classmate beside him and showed it to the surroundings: "Now, carefully touch the edge of your trial card. can feel a slight bump."

As he spoke, he threw the sign back into the hand of the wizard.

The boy hurriedly picked it up.

The teaching assistant raised his voice and explained loudly: "Then recite the guiding spell 'Tianwei Xiansi' repeatedly, and you will capture a spell from those bumps. It is sealed in your trial by the school through some superb alchemy skills. The knowledge in the cards... is small, but important!"

He noticed Zheng Qing's eyes looking left and right, and immediately glared at him viciously, with a slightly heavier tone: "You have half an hour to master this is very important for your next project!"

next project?

Zheng Qing caught this key word, which means that the trial has begun? Learning this spell will give you ten points? The young public fee student immediately perked up and carefully felt the subtle bumps on the edge of the trial card.

Similarly, most of the people in the room also fell into a similar "focused atmosphere" in an instant. Of course, there were also a few students who were whispering to each other while comprehending, and seemed to intend to borrow the "strength of unity" now.

Zheng Qing is also one of them.

After the teacher assistant provided the method, it only took a short time for Zheng Qing to perceive a spell from those uneven touches - feathers of mayflies, and the clothes are neat.

Including incantations, incantation formulas, chanting skills, and points to be aware of when using them, all poured out of the bronze medal in his hand and got into the wizard's head.

Zheng Qing subconsciously touched the quill in the gray cloth bag.

But immediately, he restrained the urge to own, and tilted his head to the side: "Is the mayfly in this spell the kind we know? It has molted its skin many times, and the adults do not drink or eat, and live and die...then A small aquatic worm?"

Just like the 'Ge' in 'Ge Zhi Tan Xi' is an ancient vine, you need to have a good understanding of the nature of 'Ge' before using 'Ge Zhi Tan Xi'.

Every spell involving a particular magical plant or creature requires sufficient knowledge of that creature. Cognitive errors will lead to uncontrollable situations when chanting mantras. It can be great, making the spell more powerful, or it can be so bad, causing the wizard to be backlashed by the spell.

Although the knowledge from the trial card has described in detail the shape of the 'mayfly', which is no different from the little bug in Zheng Qing's mind, but suddenly practicing a spell that has never been learned alone, without experience, No matter who you are, you will feel uneasy, and you will inevitably need to find some confidence in other people.

It's like checking the answers after an exam. Everyone knows it's useless, but it's hard to control the urge to check.

Hearing Zheng Qing's inquiry, Jiang Yu glanced at him suspiciously, and a pair of slender eyebrows frowned beautifully: "Mayfly? What mayfly?"

Zheng Qing's heart skipped a beat: "It's the mayfly in the spell? The mayfly in 'Mayfly's Feather, Beautiful Clothes'."

The witch's eyes paused for a moment, and then there was a hint of surprise: "The spell I realized was not 'Mayfly's Feather', but 'Cang Geng Yu Fei'..."

Li Meng immediately added: "Cang Geng is a bird, the kind of oriole that eats mayflies!"

Jiang Yu pinched the little witch's shoulders, motioned her to shut up, blushed slightly, pretended not to hear what the little witch said just now, and said calmly: "...I guess the spells in everyone's trial cards are not complete. Same."

"But we can guess the next item in this trial with a high probability." Sitting on the other side of Jiang Yu, Xiao Xiao poked his head in this direction and joined the communication between male and female wizards: "The one in my brand The mantra is 'Yan Yan Yu Fei'... notice what they have in common?"

"It's all flying spells." Xin Fatty didn't know when he unbuttoned his seat belt, and he also leaned over, and said in a serious tone: "The spell I got is the same as the scumbag, it is also a 'mayfly'

Feather'. "

Li Meng hid in Jiang Yu's arms, avoiding her sight, made a face at Zheng Qing, and laughed silently. It's just that at this moment Zheng Qing didn't have time to care about Fatty using the annoying word 'Brother Scum' again.

"Didn't Hilda tell us to stay in our seats? Aren't you afraid of being penalized?" He complained to Fatty quickly, and at the same time raised his head, looking around anxiously.

There was no sign of Mr. Teaching Assistant.

Fatty's nonchalant voice came from my ear: "Just as the saying goes, you can do what is not prohibited by the law. If there is no provision to deduct points for leaving the seat, then the possibility of deducting points is extremely low... It is the courage of all of us to fight."

His voice was a little loud, very loud in this small room. It seemed to be influenced by him, and the room was very stable at the moment, many other students also looked left and right, leaving their seats one after another to find their own companions.

In a blink of an eye, one small circle after another was formed.

Zhang Jixin also took this opportunity to squeeze over, and added in a low voice: "My spell is 'Mayfly Wings''s also a flying spell."

At this time, Fatty winked at Zheng Qing again, and lowered his voice: "There is another saying, that is, the law does not blame the public."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, and instead of complaining about Fatty's cautiousness, he asked, "Where did Hilda go? Wasn't he still in the room just now?"

"While you were flirting with our squad leader, the teaching assistant went out through that small door." Xin Fatty turned around and pointed to another small door at the end of the aisle opposite the entrance.

Then he was kicked by Li Meng in the back immediately, and almost turned over.

Zheng Qing also clenched his fist, feeling that Fatty really wanted to be beaten.

But Jiang Yu's voice made him give up this plan.

"The spells each of us got belonged to the flying spell, which means that the next project is related to flying." The witch seemed to have not heard those words like 'flirtatious', and analyzed in a calm tone: "... ...if anyone feels that the spell in their hands is too difficult, I think it would be best to discuss it with others while Mr. Hilda is not in the house."

This is indeed a very solid opinion.

At the same time, Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, stroked the tortoise shells all over his body, and looked around thoughtfully: "The room? No, this is not a room... this is the engine room. We are in the sky now. I still remember when I entered school last year experience?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a second, and the hairs on his back suddenly exploded.

"Will we be thrown from the sky by the school in a while?" His tone was a little out of control. Although it has been a long time since the special flight experience last year, he still left a deep impression on him.

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