Hunting High School

Chapter 107 Seven Colored Flowers And Stripes Of Grass

"The little spirit witch has fainted again!"

"Her eyes are still open, but she is unconscious."

"Could it be the flower that sucked her soul away?"

"The plants in the Baicao Garden are terrible!"

"No, no, it's not that scary! Everyone stay calm and don't panic." Downton stood behind the line and loudly maintained order: "The flower probably has an effect. Li Meng should just pass out. Don't make a mess!"

The men and women of Tianwen Class 08-1 surrounded the city in a small circle, carefully looking at Li Meng, who was absent-minded in the center of the field, biting each other's ears and whispering.

Jiang Yu lowered her head and hugged Li Meng, whispering something in her ear quickly.

Zheng Qing guessed that maybe she was using a spell to awaken the unconscious.

But obviously, this kind of method that usually works from the outside world doesn't work at all in Baicao Garden.

Li Meng was still unconscious.

Jiang Yu looked around anxiously, which made the surrounding students feel even more uneasy.

"Control the atmosphere." Xiao Xiao stood behind Zheng Qing and pushed him quietly.

Zheng Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Because of this small accident, the freshmen were a little uneasy.

However, as the class monitor, Downton still insisted on maintaining order at the end of the line according to the professor's arrangement.

Not to mention the deputy squad leader Jiang Yu, Zheng Qing estimated that if Li Meng didn't wake up, she would always be in his arms like this.

The chief student, Liu Feifei, looked at the unconscious Li Meng with a panicked face, obviously it was not suitable for her to appease everyone.

As one of the only two public-funded students of Jiuyou Academy this year, the students in the class still have a certain respect for Zheng Qing, so this task fell on Zheng Qing as a matter of course.

"Everyone be quiet!" Zheng Qing bit the bullet, stood up, and comforted him: "Everyone pay attention to the surrounding environment first, and don't accidentally touch any flowers and plants."

The original murmur of discussion disappeared instantly.

Everyone turned around carefully and looked around carefully, noticing if there were any strange plants appearing.

"Professor is here!" Duan Xiaojian stood outside the crowd and yelled, breaking the atmosphere that had just stabilized: "Get out of the way, let's go, let's go."

With a straight face, Professor Li Qi Huang squeezed through the crowd with strides and came to Li Meng's side.

"What's the matter?" he asked in a low voice.

"Li Meng just touched a plant with seven-colored petals, and the flower made a sound like air leakage." Jiang Yu raised her head, her face was anxious, and she spoke quickly, but in a very orderly manner: "Then Xiao Meng Lost consciousness."

"Seven-color petals? Lost consciousness?" Professor Li raised his eyebrows.

"Although the eyes are open, the eyeballs do not respond to external light. Other bodily functions are still intact, and they have conditioned reflexes to external stimuli. The 'Awakening Curse' has no effect, and the 'Anti-Coma Curse' has no effect either." Jiang Yu told himself just now The inspection done was completely reported.

"Very good." Professor Li nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his fingers and pressed a few acupuncture points on Li Meng's forehead and hair, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It doesn't matter, she is just allergic to the pollen of the seven-color flower... That classmate, go to Uncle Stendhal for a few straws."

Duan Xiaojian quickly squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the front of the team.

"Allergies?" Hearing Professor Li's explanation, Zheng Qing asked curiously, "Shouldn't allergies be sneezing? I'm allergic to poplar catkins, and I sneeze and have a runny nose every day."

"Don't interrupt if you don't understand!" With a dark face, Xiao Xiao dragged the ignorant public fee student back.

There was an expression of didn't know whether to laugh or cry on Jiang Yu's face.

"Ah, the allergy to Qisehua is somewhat different from the allergy to poplar." Professor Li also smiled. He did not avoid Zheng Qing's question, but explained seriously: "When Qisehua receives external stimuli, it will shrink the greenhouse and spray out the inside of the flower. some of the irritating gases—most of which have hallucinogenic effects."

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"Because it is the gas ejected from the inside of the greenhouse, it will inevitably bring out some pollen of seven-color flowers."

"Most of the time, those psychedelic gases just disorientate the creature that harmed the flower, causing them to experience dizziness, fragmentation, or a momentary blanking of the brain."

"However, if the creature that harms the flower is allergic to pollen, then the gas mixed with pollen will be more harmful. Symptoms such as coma and shock may occur. In severe cases, it may even cause a riot of wizard magic power."

"Magic power runaway!" Jiang Yu's face lost all color in an instant, she looked at the professor in horror, and shouted: "She can't have a magic power riot...she is a spirit witch."

Zheng Qing gasped.

He is no longer a boy who is new to the world of wizards. He knew what would happen if a spirit witch showed magical power and ran amok a few days ago after the incident at the Wandering Bar.

Simply put, the rampage of the spirit witch's magic power is a disaster.

To use an inappropriate metaphor to describe it, the nuclear power plant in the wizarding world leaked.

"Spiritual witch?" Professor Li didn't seem to be nervous, but looked at the unconscious little witch with interest, with a clear expression on his face: "So that's it... don't worry, 'Tiaocao' is very effective for symptoms of loss of soul. The effect is very good, especially the 'tiaocao' from Baicaoyuan, which has always been rated as the top grade in the Wizarding Union. Moreover, this little girl's allergies are not serious, and she should not experience a loss of magic power."

This explanation obviously reassured the onlookers a lot.

"But, professor." Liu Feifei who was standing beside her suddenly spoke out, interrupted the professor, and stammered and asked, "I remember Tiaocao is a herbal medicine used to treat scabies. I haven't heard that it can cure lost souls..."

Maybe she just realized that she was questioning the professor, and her voice became lower and lower, gradually becoming inaudible.

The crowd of onlookers suddenly fell silent.

There is nothing more daring than to question a school pharmacy professor about herbal use.

If it wasn't for Liu Feifei's identity as the chief student of Jiuyou College, she would have been dragged down by someone covering her mouth.

Many people watched the scene in front of them nervously and excitedly.

"Very good!" To everyone's surprise, Professor Li was not only not angry, but also very happy: "What's your name?"

"Her name is Liu Feifei!" Someone among the onlookers immediately answered this question.

"Her name is Liu Feifei, and she is a public-funded student this year, professor!" Others also added in a hurry: "She is still the chief student of our college!"

"Very good." Professor Li coughed lightly, and the surrounding students immediately shut their mouths.

"In pharmacy, there are two kinds of plants called grass." The professor's words made everyone feel suddenly enlightened:

"A shape is similar to a leek, with white flowers and black fruits. People who eat its fruits can cure scabies. Although this kind of grass is rare, it is very frequently used in some ancient prescriptions."

"Another kind of grass, similar in shape to sunflower, with red flowers and yellow fruits. The shape of the fruit is like a baby's tongue. People who eat it can get rid of confusion."

"The grass I just mentioned is the second type, and it is the only grass planted in the Herb Garden."

Liu Feifei's face slowly turned red, and she was waiting for a while, and suddenly bowed heavily to Professor Li: "I'm sorry!"

"Is there anything you need to be sorry for?" Professor Li's eyes widened, and his tone was very surprised: "As a good student who is excellent in study and dares to question, I should reward you with a credit!"

Liu Feifei stood up straight, her face was flushed, tears were almost falling down, but the smile on her lips couldn't be stopped no matter what.

The students around looked at her enviously, and stepped forward to congratulate her.

Zheng Qing secretly sighed.

This kind of credits is really earned from learning, so I can't envy you.

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