Hunting High School

Chapter 57: Crows

Zheng Qing complained that Li Meng was a crow's mouth, and it was not groundless.

Before passing through the thunderclouds, the little witch had happily guessed that there might be a flock of big, man-eating birds hiding under the clouds as part of the school's trial program.

Right now, after the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team successfully passed through the thunder clouds, although they didn't see those big man-eating birds, they found that it was not easy to land safely.

Not far below the young wizards.

A dark 'cloud' with an indeterminate shape was wriggling without direction, and there were bursts of hoarse noises in the cloud, even if it was still far away, everyone could feel the deafening sound.

"It's a crow."

The crystal ball held in Xiao Xiao's hand watched the details of the pitch-black cloud, which was composed of crows flying with wings: "...the mirror image shows that their individual magic power fluctuates weakly, almost None, but in swarms, they pose a great threat to us. Just like a colony of army ants can easily devour an elephant."

Looking at the picture in the doctor's crystal ball, Zheng Qing has almost imagined a group of crows with red eyes screaming, like a rain of tireless sharp arrows, rushing towards the small forgiveness hunting team like raindrops. The mouth and sharp claws easily tore apart the magic barrier protecting them.

Just thinking about it, he couldn't help shivering.

"Good luck."

Fatty had fun while working hard, and even found an excuse to praise the little witch: "At least it's not a group of Shantak birds. We can't afford to mess with those big birds... Thanks to Xiaomeng's reminder, at least we were mentally prepared beforehand." .”

The little witch gave Fatty a sideways look, as if she wanted to say something, but seeing Jiang Yu's face, she finally flattened her mouth and suppressed the irritability in her heart.

While the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were hesitating above the crows, the other teams of Tianwen Class 08-1 also passed through the thundercloud layer and appeared at low altitude.

It's just that compared with the unscathed Zheng Qing and others, these teams that came later looked terrible. The hair and robes of the members of almost every team became messy and even tattered under the lightning attack. There are also some innate talents that are repelled by thunder and lightning, such as Matthew, who was born in a vampire family. His originally fair face was even darker, and he instantly changed from a nobleman in the ancient castle of Europa to a witch doctor in the black African jungle.

"Speaking of which, how did we pass through the thunderclouds safely?" Xin Fatty touched his bare chin, and looked at Jiang Yu and Zheng Qing absent-mindedly: "You two are behind, can you see clearly what happened? It’s impossible for those lightning bolts to weigh the light and fear the heavy, bully the weak and fear the hard.”

"I didn't see it." Jiang Yu pursed her lips and replied very simply.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds.

Before he could figure out how to prevaricate, Jiang Yu helped him out: "...his face is swollen like that, let's rest and recover. The most important thing right now is how we can get past those crows."

Zheng Qing immediately covered his cheeks, purred, and nodded in agreement indiscriminately. Fatty glanced at him suspiciously, but luckily what happened afterwards diverted everyone's attention.

Not all wizards are lucky enough to pass the thundercloud trial.

Zheng Qing personally witnessed several students falling from behind the clouds like meteorites—because of the distance and speed, they had no chance to help them—the moment they saw them, those figures were gone. It smashed heavily into the noisy crows below.

To everyone's surprise, the crows did not attack the fallen classmates.

On the contrary, hundreds of crows croaked, separated from the group of crows, clustered together, like a huge black magic carpet, wrapped up those unknown young wizards, and fell to the open space in the distance.

This scene gave others great confidence.

"Aren't those crows a trial project?" Xin Fatty held back for a long time, holding back a lame analogy: "Looks like a safety cushion? A safety measure set up by the school to prevent students from being in danger in thunder clouds?"

It has to be said that the possibility of his guess has become very high.

"Would the school be so kind?" As the master hunter with the most experience in forgiveness hunting, Zhang Jixin is always unafraid to use the worst malicious guesses to test every link in the training ground: "My brother told me that the fox warms the chicken's nest." , must have bad intentions."

"The school is not a fox, and we are not chicks." Xiao Xiao held the crystal ball, and while carefully watching the black 'magic carpet' going away, he murmured: "But I'm sure, it's better to fall sooner than later." The score will be higher if you fall... It depends on whether you want to take a risk."

A gleam of red light flashed across Zhang Jixin's red face, immediately showing the courage of a master hunter.

"If we only intend to tremble and hide behind a safe back, then what's the point of this kind of trial for us?" He waved his arms and cheered up several companions loudly: "We will definitely be on the hunting ground in the future." Faced with this difficult choice, apart from the sense of security that the school trial has given us at this moment, if there is a prey we must catch below the crows, what other options do we have?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Although Zhang Jixin has always been very aggressive, sometimes the difference between decisive and decisive is actually very subtle, and the difference is only in whether he succeeds in the end.

If you succeed, you can always find out 17 or 18 sufficient conditions that should be done so as to demonstrate the decisiveness of the decision maker.

If you fail, you can also find fourteen or five reasons why you can't do this, and make labels of recklessness, recklessness, or even negligence, and hang them on the loser's head.

Xiao Xiao put away the crystal ball and took out the Dharma book in his arms.


He took out the quill, quickly copied the spell on the blank page, and added without raising his head: "But again, the school will not give us the risk of not being able to solve it from the beginning...Everyone, get ready for the Chaos Curse and Sleeping Curse." , Wind Curse, Snare Curse or Binding Curse, just in case...then let's go straight through. Don't fall in the last team."

No one disagreed with his opinion.

Because in just a moment, a team has already rushed towards the black and swirling crowd of crows. Standing on a high place, Zheng Qing can clearly see that everyone in that team is holding their hands tightly. Dharma book, the magical brilliance on the Dharma book has not been released.

Then the crows seemed to have encountered Moses who was crossing the Red Sea with a staff in hand, and easily separated a long and narrow passage, allowing the hunting party to pass through.

It was like a firing gun.

All the hunting teams rushed down in unison, the difference was that some hunting teams maintained a simple formation during the process, while some hunting teams scattered into a group in order to compete for time.

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