Hunting High School

Chapter 77: The Origin Of The Ogre

The story of the one-eyed crow is simple, but also quite bizarre.

It used to be an ogre, and it was the only shaman Elder of the ogre tribe at the moment—I said 'was' because the two-headed ogre challenged it that evening five days ago.

As we all know, because of the Innate curse and teeth, the physical condition of ordinary ogres will decline rapidly after the age of forty. Only by mastering the ancient shaman witchcraft can the survival of the elderly ogres in the tribe be guaranteed. In contrast, the two-headed ogre Innate can master shamanism.

Under normal circumstances, shamanic witchcraft can make ordinary ogres maintain enough respect for ogre shamans. But that evening five days ago, it was a two-headed ogre who challenged the old shaman.

Compared with witchcraft, the two are almost the same. The old shaman may have more experience and higher attainments in concocting potions or divination, but these skills are not very useful in dealing with the challenge of the two-headed ogre.

Compared with physical strength, the two-headed ogre who has always maintained his physical peak is even more of an old shaman who has completely overwhelmed his body.

"...It succeeded in the challenge, so it became the only leader of the tribe."

Speaking of this, the one-eyed crow turned his head and combed the feathers on his back with a pointed beak, and sighed deeply: "And I was forced to become a crow by his magic... If I knew it, I would It shouldn't have been brought back to the Horde."

"Didn't you turn into a frog?" Xiao Xiao, who had just been hit by a 'witchcraft', interrupted the old crow's narration, with a brooding expression on his face.

"Frogs, crows, toads, rabbits, etc., these little things are fine." The one-eyed crow was not annoyed by being interrupted, and explained very patiently: "It's just that it's easier to become a frog...and for For an ogre, turning into a crow is a little more humiliating."

Zheng Qing didn't want to hear a one-eyed crow eloquently explaining the customs and habits of ogres.

He cared more about what the old crow said earlier.

"Wait, take it back to the Horde?"

The young public fee student raised his eyebrows, with a hint of surprise on his face, he kicked the dead two-headed ogre beside him: "Isn't it from your tribe?"


The one-eyed crow shook his head very bluntly, spread his wings and shook: "It was found by the hunting team six days ago when they were out hunting, by the side of a miasma-filled swamp. They brought it back to the tribe, and I made the potion , cured it."

"Then it turned you into a crow the next day and took away your entire tribe?" Xin Fatty's gruff voice came from not far away, from far to near: "What a simple, barbaric and efficient social structure."

Zheng Qing turned his head, and the blue Fatty, whose figure had returned to normal, was slapping the dust on his body and walking towards this side.

"It's over?" the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team asked.

"Elder is cleaning the tail, everything else is over." Xin Fatty stopped at the feet of the two-headed ogre, looked down at the corpse with a big hole in its forehead, and regretted: "You guys are so lucky... Elder and I I've been looking for it outside for a long time, but this guy actually sneaked in!"

"We'd rather not have such bad luck." Zheng Qing muttered, then glanced at Jiang Yu, who was sitting beside Li Meng, and shook his head slightly.

Fatty changed the subject very perceptively: "Should I deal with it now?"

He pointed to the corpse of the two-headed ogre.

This is the general process after hunting. Each hunting team has a dedicated hunter who is responsible for processing the corpses of the prey, collecting their fur, bones, internal organs, and even eyeballs and other materials.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zheng Qing nodded at Fatty, and looked at the one-eyed crow again: "So listen to you, you attacked this guy for revenge?"

The one-eyed crow folded its wings and lowered its head, neither affirming nor denying.

Zheng Qing didn't care about it, and didn't bother whether the old crow's remarks were reasonable, but continued to ask: "...I was curious about one thing before, you are such a small tribe, there are neither other old ogres, nor

With enough cubs, why can a shaman be born? "

A sufficient number of Dingkou and a healthy and reasonable ethnic group composition are the sufficient conditions for the birth of a shaman. A simple understanding is that in a large tribe with an orderly inheritance and enough old ogres, there is a basis for formulating potions and studying divination.

And this small tribe with only young and strong ogres and less than twenty heads in front of them is a bit strange from any angle.

Hearing the young wizard's question, the one-eyed ogre sighed deeply.

"We are not natives of this world."

Its first sentence confirmed some of Zheng Qing's conjectures, and Xiao Xiao on the side also adjusted his glasses, looking as expected, the old crow spread its wings, as if wanting to stand more stable, After fanning twice, he continued to speak:

"A few months ago, we listened to the call of the world, gathered the bravest warriors in the tribe, followed the king to this dark world, and fought against the wizard... It was an earth-shattering battle, and the spells rained from It fell from the sky, and the terrifying roar deafened the soldiers' ears like thunder..."

Several young wizards of the forgiveness hunting team looked at each other, Xiao Xiao rubbed the crystal ball in his arms, Xin Fatty put down the scalpel in his hand, and even Jiang Yu came to the side holding Li Meng who was still sleeping soundly.

"If I remember correctly," Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting the one-eyed crow's memories of the Black Prison War, puzzled: "After the war, the allied forces of demons should have taken away all their subordinates, right?"

The old crow's one eye suddenly dimmed a bit.

"We are not demons." After saying this, it seemed to feel a bit out of place, and it immediately added: "Of course, we also eat wizards... Mmm, I haven't eaten for a long, long time!"

The last sentence was added immediately after seeing the unkind eyes of several young wizards after it finished the previous sentence, but it obviously had little effect.

So the old crow hastily sped up his speech, trying to blur this paragraph: "I mean, we belong to the tribe of His Majesty Leviathan, so when the demon alliance retreated, many subordinate troops like us were left behind. .”

"In addition, when attacking the atrium, my tribe was hunted down by a wizard hunting team. As a result, when the battle was about to end, we were a little far away from the we couldn't keep up with the big tribe's retreat in time."

"After the war, the wizard who re-ruled the world accepted our surrender and allowed us to live freely in the wasteland..."

When he said the last sentence, the old crow raised his voice a little, and stole a glance at Zheng Qing, as if he wanted to remind these young wizards that they were not exiles in the traditional sense.

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