Hunting High School

Chapter 81: Ancient Precepts Are Forms

Seven o'clock at night.

The sky is still dark, as if the sun of this world hasn't learned to commute to and from get off work on time.

More than 400 second-year students who participated in this trial started from every corner of the trial field, and finally gathered in a small square that had just been leveled.

Zheng Qing saw the blue-faced Matthew Karen, who hadn't seen him for a few days, and he seemed to have become thinner, as if a gust of wind could blow him away; and Nicholas, this time he finally stood up bravely in front of everyone Beside Liu Feifei, holding her shoulder without hesitation, Zheng Qing noticed that there were several cracks in the ruby ​​on the ring on his hand.

A little further away, Linguo was waving his hands vigorously towards them in the Alpha Academy team, and several white-robed witches stood beside him, whispering something in each other's ears; not far from the little wizard, the little witch from Quebec The wolf cub Andrew folded his arms and looked around gloomyly. He was surrounded by several hunters from the Ouroboros Hunting Team. He seemed to have noticed Zheng Qing's gaze. The chunky wizard glanced at him and twitched his lips. , reluctantly showing a slightly kind smile.

Zheng Qing nodded slightly, and looked away expressionlessly.

The square is surrounded by slightly swollen hills, including the old man Verne, dozens of gray-robed school workers and a similar number of black-robed supervisors are standing on those hills, watching these young wizards quietly. .

It's been a long time, these young people have too much to say - from their adventures these days, to the points on their respective nameplates, to the fact that someone mastered a powerful magic and destroyed a small mountain with one blow; A wizard hero saves the beauty, which witch sneaks out on a date at night, and so on.

For a while, the atmosphere was raging, like a vegetable market in the early morning.

croak! croak! croak!

The group of crows hovering quietly above the square suddenly made a deafening noise, neat and short, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students, and the noise gradually died down.

The crows circled left and right, outlining a complicated and gorgeous magic circle in mid-air, a beam of pale white light passed through the magic circle, and cast it directly on the tallest hill at the end of the small square.

The light converged, revealing the rigid and heavy black high-necked robe of the old man Ruoyu. At the same time, the aura belonging to the legendary wizard spread in all directions. The crows were quiet, and the grass and trees were low. The earth dragons also stopped their work temporarily, and quietly hid in the burrows they arched. The towering backs seemed to be suddenly solidified mountains, revealing various shapes.

On the small hills surrounding the small square, the gray-robed school workers and black-robed wizards stroked their chests and took off their hats one after another, lowered their eyebrows and bowed their heads to pay tribute to the legendary wizard. The young wizards in the small square straightened their postures one by one, looking at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and their hearts were like still water.

Blossoming red morning glory quickly germinated, twirled, and bloomed among the hills, revealing big mouths ready to fight.

No pleasantries, no celebrations.

Ruoyu old man's deep voice sounded slowly, repeated by those big mouths in morning glory, and passed into the ears of every young wizard accurately and clearly:

"Two months ago, in this world, the school fought a fierce battle with the allied army of demons."

"Many brave young men died."

"But the demon has not been completely defeated by us."

"Some students know about this matter, and some students may hear about it for the first time. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you should know that the world of wizards has never been a peaceful and prosperous world."

"Secret battles, silent deaths, happen all the time in every corner of the infinite world. Every test you experience in school today, every trial you participate in, will save you in a future battle, Or the lives of your friends."

"Yes, I know that the students who can enter the first university and the students who can enter the second grade are the best group of young people in the world."

"Even in this trial, some teams achieved an average of over 170 points..."

If a stone is thrown into the calm water, low whispers and rustling sounds suddenly sound like ripples on the water surface - the farther away from Zheng Qing and others, the more obvious the restlessness.

You must know that this time, during the trial landing and piercing the clouds, many students' basic points were dropped, so that at the end of the trial, less than half of the students had just stepped on the passing line, and more students had not yet reached the pass line. Touch the dividing line of 100 points.

Zheng Qing tried to keep a calm face, resisting the urge to wave his hands to greet the surroundings.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the shadows whispering and whispering, especially the few wizards he paid attention to. Downton still had a bit of emotion on his face, Matthew's face seemed to be getting paler, and a little further away, Andrew's expression from Alpha Academy also became a little more gloomy.

Similar to Zheng Qing, several other young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team also showed their own poise. The difference is that Zhang Jixin held his head high, with a look of 'this is all trivial' on his face, while Xin Fatty looked left and right, Gu Pan Shen Fei seemed to be eager for someone to ask him something.

Li Meng, the only student who might make a fuss, may realize that he has lowered the average score of the entire team, and instead became more and more sluggish. This also saved Jiang Yu a lot of trouble.

Ruoyu's calm eyes swept over this corner of the Jiuyou Academy's phalanx, paused for a moment, and the voice in the trumpet flower also paused for a moment, and then continued to sound:

"...But what I want to say is that these are not reasons for you to be proud, nor are you worthy of pride."

"You have the most outstanding Talent, the best tutor, the purest blood, the most fearless courage, and the most pious belief among young people. Based on these conditions, you will defeat a group of exiles from a foreign land and explore a land that is more strange than dangerous. Geography, apart from success, do you have any reason to submit other answers?"

"It's nothing to be proud of."

"Let me tell you what to be proud of: a tortoise with a heavy shell on its back beats a rabbit in a race, it is something to be proud of; a Jingwei can only pick up a stone at a time, and finally fills it Even an ocean, it is also worthy of pride; there is also a titan, chasing the footsteps of the sun, and finally died of hunger and thirst, he is also worthy of pride."

"Pride is not what you can do, but what you can't do but do."

"That's it for this trial."

"When you go back to school, you have to think about what you have done, what you can do, and how you should do it. Tomorrow is the last day of summer vacation. I wish you all a happy start to school."

"The ancient teaching is the form, and the majesty is the power!"

"Receive the blessings from the sky, and the blessings are boundless!"

"Knowledge bless you."

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