Hunting High School

Chapter 83: The Forgotten Days

"The jump countdown."

"Five minutes to prepare."

There was a deep and powerful sound of telling the time, and it was unknown which janitor or supervisor was speaking. Zheng Qing raised his head and looked around. As far as he could see, most of the surrounding scenery was filled with turbulent clouds, and it was completely impossible to tell who was who and who was where.

From time to time, one or two dark figures flashed past him, which were other wizards riding crows. Zheng Qing is very sure that these crows have special observation and communication methods, so that they will not collide with each other when flying in the clouds, and they can also find the correct flight route.

But these are not the focus of his complaints.

"I don't know why we have to be thrown from the sky..."

The young public fee student hugged the neck of the three-tailed crow below him, roaring loudly. Although the saddle under his body seemed to have a magical force that sucked his butt firmly on the crow's back, he still couldn't help but hugged the three-tailed crow's neck tightly.

It made him feel a little safer.

Because it is in the high-altitude clouds, a mouth is not only filled with wind, but also filled with cold rain. Forced him to shut his mouth in a hurry before finishing a sentence.

Fortunately, the communication between the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team is through "Yanyan Yufei, lower and upper voice", so it is not impossible for them to hear each other's words.

Xiao Xiao’s calm answer immediately came to his ears, and Zheng Qing seemed to see him holding the notebook and pushing his glasses: “The reason is the same as the trumpet flower we discussed before... Subjectively speaking, this is an old school project. In order to exercise the courage and belief of young wizards. Objectively, to travel between worlds, you need to find places with weak crystal walls. Low-altitude areas are greatly affected by gravity, which will weaken the interdimensional speed of the transition spell on the magic circle. The ability to plot four-dimensional nodes."

This answer made people dizzy, mixed with the feeling of going up and down in mid-air, making people even more dizzy. The young public finance student regrets his choice of topic.

He wiped the cold water off his face, hesitating in his heart whether to tear off the two water-avoiding talismans.

The reason why he didn't use spells was because both arms were 'occupied' by the three-tailed crow's neck, which made it difficult for him to hold up the book and recite the spell.

The hesitation is because he didn't realize this when he first took off, and when he realized this, his body was already drenched. At this moment, wasting a few water-avoiding talismans is a bit of a sense of "making it useless, it's a pity to discard it".

Zheng Qing observed several crows passing by him, and found that none of the wizards on their backs used amulets, just letting the high-altitude icy air and rain slap on their bodies indiscriminately. This choice from a third party also has a certain influence on his decision-making.

"Countdown to jump... Three minutes to prepare."

The young public payer straightened up.

Accompanied by the sound of the countdown, the clouds in front of him suddenly subsided, like flocks of frightened little fish, huffing and escaping from this airspace, which made the wizard's vision suddenly clear.

At the end of the airspace, against the background of thick clouds, stands an oval 'gate' made of lightning. The distorted lightning is like the traces of the quill of the mad wizard Wilmas, and the endless magic power is contained in the disorder, which is daunting.

From Zheng Qing's position, one can clearly see the group of crows neatly arranged in front of the halo, from far to near, successively lighting up a soft and clear halo, which is the guardian magic that protects young wizards from passing through the Thunder Gate.

Then he felt his feet tighten.

Looking down, a thin layer of light like a plastic film began to spread upwards from his toes, tightly clinging to the feathers of the three-tailed crow, at an extremely fast speed, covering his chest, then his neck, mouth nose.

He subconsciously took a deep breath, held his breath, and closed his eyes.

"The countdown to the transition..."

"Prepare in a minute!"

The slippery film finally spread to the top of his head, completely covering his ears. The sound of the whistling wind, the noise of the crows, and the continuous countdown sound all went away one by one, as if the windows were closed in a room with excellent sound insulation, and Zheng Qing instantly felt a lot cleaner.

Immediately, soft music came to my ears.

It's like a group of orioles twirling on the branches, like a brook gurgling by, or like a drizzle on a spring night, and the creaking sound of wearing a heavy cotton-padded coat in the thick snow in midwinter.

Zheng Qing tried his best to listen and analyze. Gradually, those rustling white noises faded away, and a piece of melodious music was smoothly connected.

It felt a bit like the siren's singing he had heard in Murloc Sea City, but also a bit like the voices of those nymphs in long gauze skirts at the school hunting competition.

All in all it's beautiful.

Just as he was indulging in the beautiful singing voice and mellow voice, before he could distinguish clearly, the oppressive feeling tightly wrapped around his body disappeared quickly.

The boy suddenly opened his eyes and took a big breath of fresh air. The magic power in his body cheered and interacted with the familiar atmosphere between heaven and earth, as if showing off their long and magical journey.

The sky is dim, but the sun is shining brightly, in stark contrast to the dull and lifeless sky in the world of Hell. Zheng Qing couldn't help squinting his eyes, and it took him a while to adapt to the new light.

Looking around, there are white clouds all around, and a clear green gemstone dotted in the endless blue sea under your feet, and you can vaguely see the exquisite patterns on the gemstone.

It's Phuket Island.

They have gone back to school.

Zheng Qing turned his head, and behind him was a bright sun, warm and charming.


The trial for the second grade started on the morning of August 25th and ended at the night of August 30th. It was already the morning of August 31st when the young wizards from the four colleges rode back to Phuket Island on crows.

The next day, September 1st, is the official school day.

Tonight, these young people who have been busy for a week have no chance to take a good rest. They still need to attend the second class meeting before the start of school - the summary of the trial in the class, the elective course schedule for the new school year, the final grades and the announcement of the number of publicly funded students for the new school year , Wait, all kinds of trivial but important things one after another.

So much so that after the crows landed on the first square, many young wizards had no time to congratulate each other, so they left in groups of three or four in a hurry, feeling like they were waiting for no one.

In contrast, Xiao Xiao's performance is a little bit weird.

After landing, he didn't go back to the dormitory with Zheng Qing and others. Instead, he walked halfway into a small shop on the pedestrian street. When he came out, the original dirty robes on his body had become brand new and neat, and he held a bunch of colorful flowers in his hands. Including daisies, roses, oleander, blue enchantress, etc., and most importantly, there is a red rose in the center.

"Do you need to be in such a hurry?" Zheng Qing teased the little wizard.

Xiao Xiao ignored him, but Xin Fatty looked at Zheng Qing in surprise: "You don't seem stupid, because of this trial, he has already missed Qixi Festival, and if he doesn't behave positively, is he waiting to be hanged and beaten by Mr. Sima?" ?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds, and with his hands tucked into his sleeves, he counted a few times before he realized that the second day of the trial meeting, August 26th, was Qixi Festival.

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