Hunting High School

Chapter 85: Distinctive Bitterness

After entering the campus, the topic of Qixi Festival was overwhelmed by the increasingly enthusiastic atmosphere of the start of the school year.

After all, there is a limit to ridicule. Obviously, the companions all saw Zheng Qing's depressed mood and absent-mindedness, so they changed the topic at the same time and moved to the evening class meeting.

One of the hottest topics discussed was whether Lao Yao would appear in tonight's class meeting.

"Didn't Downton say in the class meeting last time? Professor Yao will show up." Zhang Jixin was a little disapproving of the arguments of his companions.

"It's not necessarily true." Xin Fatty shook the thick and bulging stack of newspapers in his hand, shaking them with a rattling sound. This is what he just picked up when he passed the newsstand on the pedestrian street.


The eyes of several other young wizards were immediately attracted.

"A few days ago, um, the day we started the trial, the First University investigated and dealt with a secret laboratory located in the depths of the Silent Forest."

Having said that, the fat wizard cleared his throat and read in a serious tone: "Out-of-control research, out-of-control education, out-of-control schools... This is the front page article written by Ms. Pulitzer for the Beta Town Post."

"I can imagine the fineness of her article with my toes." Zheng Qing muttered, picked up the edamame that suddenly jumped to his feet, held it in his arms, and scratched its ears.

The gray-skinned dog meowed comfortably.

Linguo was immediately attracted by this unusual dog, and leaned over to give it a couple of strokes. Seeing that he was interested, Zheng Qing simply stuffed Maodou into Linguo's arms, so that he would not feel bored.

"The Beta Town Post is an influential newspaper after all. Although the selected articles have a certain tendency, they can still be called 'regular' after all."

Xin Fatty shook his head, and shook his hand to throw out another newspaper: "Like this one, the article by Eddie, a special correspondent of the Bugle Daily - the ghosts of the mountains and tsunami - is about the professors in the First University taking advantage of their own status , to lure innocent wizards into illegal human experiments, all kinds of "guesses" "should" "maybe" "approximately" throughout the article, if I am not a student of the First University, after reading this article, I am afraid that I will think that this is a black school In the magic and anatomy college run by wizards, every student has a big herringbone scar on his chest."

"I can prove that you are still alive." Zheng Qing raised three fingers and said to the fat wizard solemnly.

"It's hard for me to prove myself." Dylan sighed sadly.

The fat wizard gave them both a sideways look.

"No, no, no, you didn't understand what I wanted to express." He said, putting away the Daily Bugle, stuffing it into the deepest part of the stack of newspapers, and then spoke slowly, and continued:

"... Generally speaking, the purpose of our newspapers is first and foremost to cause sensation, to sensationalize the public, and not to care about the pursuit of truth. The pursuit of truth can only be respected when the two seem to coincide. Papers that only publish ordinary opinions The distrust of the public—no matter how well-founded its opinions—is profound in the public eye only if it is distinctively acerbic.”

"Wow, that sounds good, it has a unique sense of sharpness." Zheng Qing exclaimed.

Fatty glanced at him: "I didn't say that, it was Edgar Allan Poe."

"So, what does this have to do with whether Professor Yao comes to class at night?" The red-faced wizard finally couldn't hold back, and interrupted the chatting of his companions anxiously.

He has always been impatient to discuss such empty and boring topics.

"Oh, I got off topic... You can read this, the article in the school newspaper."

With that said, the fat wizard turned out another newspaper:

"It published the school's follow-up to the raid...the contents are all the same old stuff, probably to strengthen the construction of school ethos at the school level, consolidate the moral bottom line of teaching and research personnel, pay close attention to the implementation of the "Wizard Code", and improve the number of registered wizards and on-campus teachers. Staff awareness of experimental compliance, etc.”

"The last paragraph of the article mentioned that on August 31st, that is, today, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the 200908

The 31st meeting will be held in the large conference room of the office building to further review the raid. The meeting will be chaired by Professor Yao Xiaomi, the dean of Jiuyou College and the legendary wizard..."

Zhang Jixin finally caught up with Xin Fatty's rhythm, spoke again, and interrupted: "You mean, Professor Yao might not be able to attend our class meeting because he presides over this meeting?"

"That's a very reasonable guess." Fatty rolled up the newspaper in his hands, put it in his arms, and shrugged.



Xin's speculation will eventually take time to verify.

After several young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team parted ways on campus, Zhang Jixin went to the office building to find out about his big brother who had just been Lei Zhe; Lin Guo reluctantly returned Maodou to Zheng Qing and returned to Alpha Fort.

The remaining three wizards lost their interest in wandering, and went straight back to dormitory 403, pulled up the curtains, drapes, and coffin boards, and fell asleep.

The seven-day trial exhausted everyone physically and mentally.

Although the school on the proving ground also gave these young people a proper rest time, it is like a long-distance train journey alone. Even if you sit all the time, the small seat and depressing environment will make you physically and mentally exhausted.

Zheng Qing sleeps from morning to afternoon.

He was awakened by a slight rustling sound.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and beside the pillow, his group of elves were piled up in disorder, arm in arm, their translucent wings wrapped together, sleeping in a mess.

Zheng Qing carefully turned his body sideways, lest he would wake up these sleeping little guys. Raising his hand to raise the curtain, the light in the dormitory is extremely dark, which is very suitable for continuing to sleep.

The wizard squinted his eyes and quickly adapted to the dim environment.

Then he found the source of the rustling sound - Xin Fatty was hiding in his bed eating, squatting on Fatty's pillow, snoring comfortably while chewing the jerky in his mouth. There is also Maodou, sticking out his tongue, standing under Fatty's bed eagerly, his tail twirling like a windmill.

From time to time, a small piece of dried meat is thrown from the bed, and there will be a very inconspicuous chirping sound in the rustling sound in the room.

At the same time as Zheng Qing raised the curtain, the chirping stopped abruptly. Like a gust of wind, Mao Dou rushed towards Zheng Qing, his tail twirling more cheerfully.

The wizard quickly raised his finger and hissed silently, signaling it to shut up.

Gouzi clicked his tongue, and sat obediently on the side, but after a second, he couldn't help turning his head back, and looked at a certain bed in the distance that was overflowing with fragrance.

"Are you awake?" The fat wizard finally noticed the movement in this corner and asked vaguely.

"Yeah," Zheng Qing snorted, feeling his mouth was dry. He paused for a moment before asking, "What time is it? Where's Dylan? Has Xiao Xiao come back?"

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