Hunting High School

Chapter 91 September 1St

Although Zheng Qing possessed a forbidden curse seed called 'Order', he was unable to make rules.

Just like he can't stipulate whether the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, whether the moon rises at night, whether the starry sky should be so far away from the earth, whether vampires and werewolves have continued their hatred for thousands of years.

He just follows the rules of the universe and goes with the flow.

Even if he did something, it was only within the limits of the rules, like the difference between mashing a potato or frying it into chips.

It's just that although God created this world, Merlin and His companions must have done something to this world, which brought about such awesome changes in this world.

Zheng Qing doesn't understand these things.

He just vaguely realized that he was grabbing power that did not belong to him through those invisible 'rules'.

Power, very much, very huge power, growing all the time, and more and more powerful. It's like an earth dragon whose body is cut off, rolls around in the earth's air, and will grow back again.

Every time the young wizard felt that he had exhausted the disturbing power in his body, it would quietly build up again.

When he studies, his strength will increase; if he sleeps, his strength will increase; if he becomes a cat, his strength will increase; if he wastes recklessly, his strength will grow faster; It was found that the cage had broken a big hole.

No power can put shackles on power.

So, after struggling for a while, the young wizard finally figured it out, stopped resisting, lay flat, and slept like a baby every night. Let that seed take root, germinate, and grow.

"Stretch out your hand, boy, reach out and you can take down the sun."

He muttered, talked to himself, smiled abruptly, closed his eyes tightly, not only didn't reach out, but put his hands into his armpits, wrapped in a thin quilt and turned over, pretending that he could sleep more soundly.

In fact, it does make for a better night's sleep.

But he had no time to go on sleeping.

The twittering of birds outside the window penetrated the glass of the balcony, the thick curtains on the bed and the thin sheets, and continuously penetrated into the ears of the wizard, making him seem to have returned to the grove last night—the tired birds returning to their nests are here The treetops and branches called, chirping, endlessly.

"Woke up?"

Xu Shi heard Zheng Qing's grunt, outside the tent, immediately came the doctor's whispered inquiry, followed by the rustling sound of getting up: "Wake up, get up quickly, the morning class is a little late What time did you come back yesterday? What is Lao Yao looking for?"

The snoring on Sim Fatty's bunk stopped abruptly, then became lighter and slower. Although his eyes were closed and separated by the heavy curtain, Zheng Qing still felt that he saw a pair of ears that suddenly pricked up in the dim morning light.

"Didn't wake up!"

The young public fee student muttered, without opening his eyes or moving his nest, trying to search for some fragments left in his mind, but in the end he found nothing.

He opened his eyes angrily, and there were a few elves lying on his pillow, with small black eyes open, curiously looking at the wizard who seemed to be 'talking in his sleep'.

Seeing him open his eyes, the elves immediately dispersed, screaming, fluttering their little wings, and disappeared from the tent in an instant.

Zheng Qing sighed deeply, knowing that he had no chance to sleep in,

As expected, in a blink of an eye, the elves returned to the tent again, but this time, they brought hot towels, toothbrushes filled with toothpaste, mugs, mouthwash, and even an elf who didn't know where to go. For some reason, he also holds a grape, which is purple and purple, which is really attractive.

"I want to sleep a little longer."

The wizard muttered, rolled over, and finally got up slowly amidst the urging voices of the elves, took the hot towel, wiped his face, and suddenly became sober.

"School has just started, we have to return to normal work and rest time as soon as possible...'s good for you to regulate the magic in you. "Xiao Xiao stood in front of the full-length mirror, wearing a belt. A big mouth on the upper frame of the mirror was opening and closing frantically, as if shouting loudly, but no sound could be heard.

"What is this?" The young public finance student looked at the mirror curiously.

"Very simple noise-cancelling magic." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, looked at Zheng Qing from the mirror, and kindly reminded: "If you don't want to lose your temper, you'd better go out early before it opens its eyes."

Zheng Qing paid a little attention, and sure enough, the fat cat entrenched at the end of Fatty's bed lost its purr, and its fluffy pointed ears were trembling irritably in the cold morning light.

The gray dog ​​stuck out his tongue soundlessly, and circled the boy's calf like a whirlwind.

Zheng Qing saw Xiao Xiao's contemptuous eyes from the reflection in the mirror, as if he was silently laughing at him, not as good as a dog's eyesight.

"Go out and wait, don't make trouble!"

The wizard pushed the edamame away with his feet, and reprimanded him in a low voice. With a retraction of Gouzi's tongue and a flick of its tail, it suddenly turned into a sharp angle and disappeared in place.

When Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao finished washing and went out, they immediately saw a gray figure running around on the soft lawn in front of the mountain in the dormitory, chasing a three-tailed squirrel.

The little squirrel flicked its three tails quickly, like an old-fashioned airplane at full power, flying around against the tip of the blade of grass, but it couldn't get rid of the dusty shadow behind it, and it squeaked in fright. Barking.

"Be careful, don't eat it!" Zheng Qing yelled loudly as a warning.

Gouzi immediately left the chasing squirrel foaming at the mouth, flashed back to the wizard's feet, meowed, and began to circle around his calf.

"You haven't said, what time did you come back last night? Why didn't we hear you coming in?" Xiao Xiao hugged his notebook and lazily repeated the previous question: "Also, after the class meeting last night, the boss What did Yao call you for?"

"I turned into a cat last night and came back from the balcony. You didn't find it normal."

Zheng Qing bent down and scratched Maodou's ears, and seeing it squinted comfortably, his mood immediately improved a lot: "...Tuantuan knew that I was back...As for Lao Yao, he asked me to stay yesterday to save me. Give me back my rune."

As he spoke, he reached into the gray cloth bag, pulled out a Remington, and waved it in front of the doctor.

"This gun?" Xiao Xiao squinted his eyes and pushed his glasses: "If I remember correctly..."

"Yes, you remember correctly."

Zheng Qing interrupted him, and happily replied: "I was taken away by that terrifying banshee on the battlefield of Hell... But because she was half-hearted on the battlefield, the allied army of demons didn't take her away when they retreated... Then when the school was sorting out the spoils, it brought me back this gun."

"In order to avoid danger, the school checked for a long time, and it was handed over to Lao Yao yesterday."

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