Hunting High School

Chapter 97 After Class

In the first class of school, Zheng Qing deeply felt the specific meaning of the "study pressure" mentioned by the seniors last year.

Without the pleasantries and foreshadowing at the beginning of the last school year, in the first class, Lao Yao showed the attitude he had when he was sprinting for the final exam last year. The lecture content was compact and complicated. After class, he not only assigned a lot of homework, but also explained Everyone previewed the content of the next class, making people feel as if someone was standing behind them, waving a long whip vigorously.

Thinking of the loud popping sound of the whip whipped in the air, the young public finance student couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously quickened his pace.

He wants to take a seat in the library before lunch.

"Sick? Is the magic backlash recurring? Do you need me to accompany you to the hospital?" Xin Fatty, who was walking by his side, noticed Zheng Qing's shivering, and immediately rushed over eagerly, grabbed it and ate it. Half of the cake, asked vaguely in his mouth.

The wizard gave Fatty a sideways look.

"Can't you just hope for me?"

He angrily kicked away a small stone in front of him, and at the same time unceremoniously punctured the little extravagant hope of the fat wizard: "And even if I am hospitalized, you still have to write your homework!"

A small stone crashed into a bush beside the road and knocked off a red leaf hanging on the bush. The red leaf fluttered in the breeze and didn't calm down for a long time until it was stepped into the mud by a passing three-tailed squirrel.

This three-tailed squirrel is being chased by another one-tailed squirrel with a chestnut in its arms. Two little things were running fast on the branches, with lively squeaks from their mouths.

Fatty stuffed the rest of the cakes into his mouth, looked at them enviously, and sighed, "It's only the first day of're insane. I heard that there is a welcome reception at Alpha Academy tonight, so I'll accept it all." The invitation is here! Why doesn't our college have such an event?"

The implication is that if there is a reception, maybe, probably, maybe, Lao Yao will look at the face of the reception and assign a little less homework. Regarding Fatty's idea, Zheng Qing could only say that he was thinking of 'Peach'.

"Will Alpha's orientation be so early?"

Xiao Xiao, who was walking on the other side of Zheng Qing, was surprised, and asked back at the same time: "Also, if you go to Alpha's welcome reception alone, aren't you afraid of being dragged into the grove by the drunk white robes?"

"I will wear black robes."

Fatty licked his oily lips, and replied venomously: "And I got an interview invitation from the school newspaper, but if they have some brains, they won't provoke me casually."

No matter which college they are in, the school newspaper reporters who control the school's public opinion will always get a little detached neutral privilege. Even if many of them are not really neutral.

"Discussing brains with people who drink too much is as ridiculous as expecting three-tailed squirrels not to bully one-tailed squirrels." Zheng Qing stared at the two squirrels bouncing around and drifting away, curling his lips.

"Anyone of you want to go with me? I can take my invitation card with you!" Fatty patted his belly rather refreshingly, very much like the sound of patting a ripe watermelon.

The two companions tilted their heads together, squinted, and looked at him.

This made the fat wizard slightly uneasy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He touched his cheek, then looked at his fingers: "Is there cake crumbs on my face? Left or right?"

Zheng Qing looked at him with pity: "Your problem is not as simple as having cake crumbs on your's that no normal wizard will bring another wizard to a reception."

The fat wizard's face flushed slightly.

"Homosexuality doesn't count," Dr. Xiao immediately corrected in a serious manner: "Of course, we know you are not, and you also know we are not."

The redness on Xin Fatty's face gradually faded, and it began to turn blue, with a dangerous glint in his pupils.

Zheng Qing watched the situation, lest Fatty calm down for a while and turn into blue. The titan patted him and Xiao Xiao into small pancakes, interrupted immediately, and changed the topic to a lighter one:

"I heard that some of the new students this year

There are quite a lot of beautiful girls, you have to hold on tight... Speaking of which, why didn't we receive the orientation task this year? Like Nicholas took us around campus last year. "

The blueness on the fat wizard's face gradually dissipated, and his tone was still a little unhappy: "Because when the freshmen arrived at Phuket Island, we were still in the proving ground. So this year's welcome task is still taken by the group from last year...except for Nicholas."

Nicholas was successfully promoted to the second grade this year, and finally he didn't need to lead the freshmen to encounter the strange eyes of his former classmates.

"He got what he wanted."

Thinking of the tall and thin wizard with the ponytail, Zheng Qing sincerely wished, "I hope he will have the same luck as last year..."

"To be honest, it is really difficult for a wizard in the North District to use frogs to survive the second grade and enter the junior year." Xiao Xiao gave a cruel but real possibility: "This is not staying up all night to recite The nature and use of the potion can handle it... even if he has Liu Feifei to help."

In the face of the heavy reality, the relaxed and happy chat atmosphere disappeared.

The three young wizards silently walked along the bluestone road covered with leaves. When they were about to reach the end, Zheng Qing suddenly came back to his senses and asked, "After class, I saw Lao Yao take Nicholas there a school?" What plan?"

"If the school has a way, the wizards in the North District won't make troubles one after another."

Xin Fatty shook his head, skillfully took out a puff covered with icing sugar from the watch, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "This summer vacation, the Beta Town Post is very busy... The wizards of the North District want to enter the first Studying at the university, the Ratmen want to fight for a seat under the moon, the centaur tribe in the Silent Forest suffered heavy casualties in the last black tide, and they also offered the school the same subsidies as the residents of Beta Town... All kinds of affirmative action movements are simply those Feast for the Pulitzers."

Ms. Pulitzer is the signature reporter of the Beta Town Post. She has always been known for her sharp words and her daring to "speech nonsense". Zheng Qing once accepted an interview with her, and she was deeply impressed.

"It's totally conceivable." The young public finance student felt concerned.

"Old Yao took Nicholas away, probably related to a certain experiment of senior sister Kerma."

Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses, glanced left and right, saw no one, then lowered his voice slightly and whispered: "I heard that she made a deal with Dr. Du Zemu and got the 'Du's Philosopher's Stone' The refining method is intended to be popularized among wizards in the North District to replace their current defects of using frogs to cast magic... At first I thought it was just a rumor, but I don’t know if you have noticed that during this school opening trial, Nicholas did not Bringing so many frogs and wearing a strange ring instead."

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