Hunting High School

Chapter 120: The Out-Of-Control Paper Crane

Baicao Garden is located on the side of an independent two-story building in the backyard of the school.

The entrance is a thin and dilapidated arched stone door. On the lintel is a wooden sign with three large green characters of "Baicaoyuan". There is a very old oak tree outside the door, which is very eye-catching.

It's just that apart from the potion practice class and students who work voluntarily or non-voluntarily, few people usually come here.

For one thing, the garden is full of precious flowers and plants. If you accidentally bump into it, it will be a big trouble if a petal falls off. Every year, when the old students bring the new students to visit the school, they always talk about the seniors who have suffered. has become the norm.

Furthermore, Uncle Stendhal, who manages the Baicao Garden, is famous for doing whatever he wants. When he sees students wandering outside the garden, he always likes to pull them into the garden to help him weed and water, and do voluntary labor. Students will consciously avoid this place.

Only those silly-faced novices in the first grade took the task assigned by the old wizard as an important task entrusted to their own, and they did it with great interest and never tired of it.

Zheng Qing followed at the back of the class line, listening to Xin Fatty mocking those stupid first graders in a mocking tone, intending to refute him that everyone is so stupid, but finally gave up the idea.

Instead of arguing with Fatty on a muddy topic, it's better to pay more attention to those two strange paper cranes.

The young public fee student was holding a cup of milk tea that was almost finished, squinting his eyes, staring at the two paper cranes flying around not far in front of him, hesitating in his heart.

He folded those two paper cranes for Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin. The news in the paper cranes is very simple, tell the two late companions that the first class this morning has been changed to a practical class of Potions, if they receive the paper cranes I have already arrived at East 603 of the teaching building, don't doubt life in front of the empty classroom, hurry up and come to Baicao Garden.

But after the folded paper cranes were released in the classroom, they never escaped from Zheng Qing's sight. They flapped their wings unhurriedly, appearing in the sight of the boys from time to time.

"It's a bit strange indeed."

Xin Fatty soon noticed the two paper cranes, and analyzed seriously: "Perhaps the spell you drew at the end of the letter was made them into pets?"


Zheng Qing categorically denied: "During this period of time, I have folded so many origami cranes because of the Forgiveness Hunting Team incident... Even if I close my eyes, I can't make a mistake!"

Having said that, he was not as sure as it appeared on his face. Because sometimes it's weird how people stumble on the things they know best and don't realize it afterwards.

"You try to recall it?" The fat wizard gave another suggestion.

"It's useless." Zheng Qing inhaled a pearl slightly melancholy, crushed it in one bite, and shook his head: "To save trouble, I folded a disposable paper crane, which has no function of being recalled... Well, this is for you Two."

"What the hell?"

"Jia Ma Talisman," when Zheng Qing replied, he had already bent over and hung two divine amulets on his lap, and stomped his feet: "As the saying goes, 'If the mountain is not for me, I will be the mountain', the living will never be taken Urine is suffocating to death... Run fast, grab them, take them apart, don't you know what's going on?"

Before he finished speaking, the young public finance student turned into a cloud of green smoke and rushed towards the paper crane. Xin Fatty shook his head, while muttering about Gou Dahu, he bent over with great effort to hang the armor and horse amulet, and put it on.

The two figures made other wizards passing by and students in Tianwen Class 08-1 look sideways. Li Meng's eyes lit up and she was eager to try.

"Let me help too!" She put her hand into her small schoolbag very actively.

"No, you don't want to." Jiang Yu pressed the little witch's arm to stop her restlessness, and pulled her face down completely regardless of Li Meng.



The two paper cranes fluttered their wings, and shuttled lightly through the void, always able to escape from the fingertips of the wizards at the nick of time.

Zheng Qing, who was following them, became more and more surprised.

Not only because the two origami cranes were able to escape the interception of him and Xin Fatty, but more importantly, they flew

The direction of the line is exactly the direction where the Baicao Garden is located.

This surprise was not resolved until the arched stone gate.

"How did you come so fast?"

A figure bent over to arrange the rows of dragon skin protective clothing on the ground stood up, supported his waist to move his muscles and bones, and looked at Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty in surprise. On the running talisman: "You are so lazy... Do you have too many talismans to use? Why do you have to use armored horse talismans to walk two steps in class?"

It was Xiao Xiao who spoke.

"Why are you here!" Xin Fatty was obviously more surprised. Before he stopped, he circled the doctor several times, looking up and down non-stop: "Didn't the scumbag say you are in the library?"

Zheng Qing ignored the fat wizard's words.

He watched a paper crane lightly land on the doctor's wrist, and the other paper crane passed through the arch without a sound and disappeared into the Herb Garden, feeling a little dazed in his heart.

"That is to say, you and Elder have already come to Baicao Garden? Where's Elder?" He confirmed.

"He was carried into the garden by Uncle Stendhal."

The apologetic fortuneteller curled his lips, as if mourning for his companions, then shrugged his shoulders, and replied briskly: "Last night when I was looking at the line chart, I guessed that there would be some unexpected changes today. Museum, happened to meet Professor Li and Brother Xin passing by, and then the professor arranged for us to come here first to sort out the equipment for entering the park...Here, this is your dragon skin suit...What is this?"

He was wearing heavy dragon leather gloves, which made it inconvenient to take apart the paper crane.

When Xin Fatty took the dragon leather suit, he explained what happened in a few words first, and finally asked with great interest: "Do you know why this is? I've never heard that paper cranes have such... um, such a strange behavior." move."

Xiao Xiao took his hand out of the dragon leather glove, took apart the paper crane two or three times, and briefly glanced at it: "The spell is fine, and the content is the same..."

Then he twisted the letter paper, licked it on the tip of his tongue, and added: "Ordinary locust tree bark paper, the material is very clean, there is nothing abnormal."

"I folded so many paper cranes recently, and this is the only, no, the only one out of control." Zheng Qing struggled to put on the dragon skin suit, and at the same time couldn't help complaining: "I heard what Lao Li meant to let us collect the dew... ...Can I collect it while wearing this thing?"

"Maybe it's because you folded too many paper cranes recently."

Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses, looked at the young public fee student meaningfully, and said softly: "Magic is always full of miracles, which means that they are not static...Most of the time, this kind of change can be speculated, but there are also cases , some changes are difficult to predict... From another perspective, are there still few cases of 'out of control' around you?"

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded when she heard this.

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