Hunting High School

Chapter 122: Jian Jia Cang Cang

"The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost."

"The reeds are gray, and the dew is not yet clear."

"The reeds are gray, and the dew is not yet."

"The above are the three most commonly used spells for collecting Bailu. Using them, you can collect the three most basic magic materials, 'Hoarfrost', 'Bailu' and 'Baihua'."

"Of course, in addition to these three sentences, some of the more ancient mantras can also be used, such as 'the early cold green girl arrives, the dew turns into frost', 'the sky is clear and the white dew falls', 'the jade toad leaves the sea, the white dew blooms time' and so on, but these non-standard spells are not fully compatible with the spells on the dew plate, and the mana consumption is very high, and in the collected materials, there is a high possibility that 'white dew' and 'white frost' may be mixed, or Mixing 'Bai Shuang' and 'Bai Hua'... the gain outweighs the loss."

"So, you can use the three standard spells when you collect them."

"For today's task, each person needs to collect three coins for Bailu, three coins for Baishuang, and one coin for Baihua... As long as you master the spell correctly and with the help of the Chenglu Pan, you can complete the task in less than half an hour, but you must pay attention , 'copper plate bearing, jade bowl', when the collected magic materials are put into the jade bottle, they must be kept pure, otherwise it will cause secondary pollution..."

After assigning tasks to everyone at the edge of the field, the professor patted his sleeves and stood upright, as if he didn't care about the follow-up, resigned and independent.

The wizards were only a little dull for a few seconds, and the areas on the edge of the field ridges that were convenient for collecting white dew were snatched up - in these areas, the reed leaves had already grown into a pool of water, and the wizards only needed to stand on the ridge and put the dew on the plate. Put it under those reed leaves that poke your brain, and you can read a spell to collect it, and you don't need to go into the water at all.

"You should remind me!"

Zheng Qing squatted on the Long, stretched out his hand into the cold water, shuddered immediately, turned his head to look at his three companions, and sighed: "It's terrible to be in the water in this season!"

"Isn't he wearing a dragon skin suit?" Xin Fatty looked indifferent, but Zheng Qing suspected that the fat wizard's fearlessness at the moment was more due to his fat body.

"Doctor, haven't you reacted yet?" Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao.

"Are you going to compete with the witches in the class?" The apologetic fortune-teller pointed around and asked.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and only when he looked at it again did he feel a little dazed. At this moment, those standing on the edge of the reed pond and holding the dew plate enthusiastically are almost all witches, and there are only a few wizards, and they are all combinations like Nicholas and Liu Feifei.

The other wizards, including squad leader Downton, Matthew Karen, Duan Xiaojian, etc., have already started to move their hands and feet, arrange their dragon skin protective clothing, and look like they are ready to go into the water at any time.

"As long as they can be clean little fairies," the young public fee student muttered in a low voice, depressed: "I also want to be a refreshing little prince."

"No one's stopping you... Do you want to partner with Squad Leader Jiang?" Fatty Xin gave Zheng Qing a mocking look, then jumped into the pond, splashing a huge splash, causing the surroundings to scold language.

Zheng Qing looked in the direction where Jiang Yu was, and happened to see Li Meng looking forward eagerly, with a look of "If you want to go into the water, I count on you", she shuddered and looked away decisively.

That little girl is a ticking time bomb, she could faint if she stays on Longshang honestly, if she is allowed to go into the water and catch the cold, it will be others who will suffer in the end.

While speaking, the four wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had already stepped into the water.

Zheng Qing was the last to go into the water.

The expected cold air did not come through the body, and the one-piece dragon skin protective suit blocked the cold air in late autumn, which made the young public finance students waste their clenched teeth in vain. It seems that the Welsh Green Dragon's head and back hide is not only strong and tough, but also has excellent protection against cold and heat.

Of course, the mud under his feet was a trouble that Longpi couldn't eliminate.

"Fortunately, I didn't let that girl into the water."

Zheng Qing trudged through the pond with the team, feeling the increasingly heavy resistance around him, and felt very grateful. The water on the shore is shallow, the further you go to the depths of the reed pond, the deeper the water is, it has gradually disappeared.

Pass the waistline of young wizards. If classmate Li Meng really followed her into the water, she would almost drown her neck at this moment.

"What did you say?" Zhang Jixin walked at the front of the team, because of the leeward wind, he couldn't hear the specific content of Zheng Qing's muttering.

"I said, do you want water-avoiding talismans?" Zheng Qing took out a stack of talisman papers from the gray cloth bag, clicked out a few water-avoiding talismans, and asked.

Before he finished speaking, three outstretched hands stretched out in front of his eyes, with different sizes and consistent movements.

"I really overestimated you." The young public fee student muttered, but with a smile in his eyes, he divided the talisman papers one by one, and then stuck one on himself.

The resistance in the water is instantly eliminated, and even the mud at the bottom is no longer a problem.

He felt that his lower body submerged in the water seemed to have become a part of the water, while the upper body exposed out of the water was the same as usual. The whole person was divided into two completely different but incompatible parts, which felt extremely strange.

The water-avoiding talisman originally allowed the wizard to breathe in the water like a fish, but now it is used by Zheng Qing to reduce the difficulty of water activities. Only a local tyrant with a large pile of talismans of various colors can withstand such waste.

The overlapping cyan reed tents soon overwhelmed the other students in the class. Except for the sky and water and a few companions, there was only a slight rustling sound when the reed leaves collided, showing a sudden loneliness.

Occasionally, the voices of other students loomed in the rustling, becoming the only connection between them and the world.

Zheng Qing felt that she had to say something to get rid of the pressure of this loneliness.

Before he could speak, Xin Fatty asked carelessly from the side: "Doctor, you said Bailu is so important, and collecting it once a year is enough? Just like today, there are only one of us in this reed pond. People are busy, and all of them can't get much... If one winter, I suddenly need Bailu to make medicine, and I don't have any preserved dew, where should I find it?"

"Ji Dong's order of autumn can make Bailu fall early." Undoubtedly, only Xiao Xiao can answer this kind of side question.

"Is there really a way?!" Zheng Qing was also startled.

"As long as you read a few more books, you won't ask such stupid questions." Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses, looked at the other companions with astonishment in contempt, and explained simply: "Li said 'Ji Dong' When the autumn command is carried out, the white dew will fall early, the insects will become demons, and the four despicables will be protected'. What does it mean? It means that when the autumn spell is executed in December, the white dew will fall early, insects will cause disasters, and disasters will arise everywhere. One word It's 'reverse', two words are 'abnormal', three words... I didn't think about it... In short, if you want to violate the natural seasons and rules and use magic to achieve a certain goal, you must pay a corresponding price."

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