Hunting High School

Chapter 131: Organized Chaos

When Zheng Qing stepped into the gate of the Applied Magic Research Institute building, the sky had completely darkened.

The darkness behind him was like the world of Leviathan's big mouth; in front of him was an empty, quiet hall without a single person. When Zheng Qing came to this building last time, the front desk parrots who were in charge of reception were gone, and there were still a few emerald green feathers left on the empty bird rack, which made Zheng Qing very disappointed.

He put the prepared bird food back into his pocket, touched Poseidon's little furry head in his arms, and continued to walk deep into the building.

The little fox has completely given up struggling, looking at the world of Damn it with dull eyes, and there is a trace of lifelessness in the two big watery eyes.

"Can you hear it?"

Zheng Qing rubbed the little fox's ears, and his tone was somewhat poetic: "The elegant hallway whispered softly: Poseidon, Poseidon, have you finished your homework, Poseidon? Loving mother, thank you child... hear that?"

A sad whimper escaped from the little fox's throat.

"For whom does the knell toll? My heart beats a silent drum."

The young public finance student continued to talk to himself, muttering illogical nonsense, while holding the little fox and walking towards the direction of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory: "...the number of amulets drawn on weekdays is less, and I only found out when I was about to use them today." , can neither protect you nor me... This sadness flows against the river... Silence, silence, silence is Cambridge tonight."


Poseidon seemed to hear the voice called 'Frightened' from the wizard's chest, and became more and more pessimistic about the future of his own. He mustered up his strength again, struggled, stretched out a claw, and pierced through Zheng Qing's armpit. , the pink toe tip opened due to excessive force, like a peach blossom in full bloom.

Zheng Qing looked in the direction the little fox was trying to find, and it turned out to be the tall floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the corridor.

There is a half crescent moon outside the window, hanging on the angle between the glass and the window edge.

Cool and white.

The young public finance student was slightly distracted, and the texts he had read before flashed through his mind-a golden full moon hung in the dark blue sky,

"It's a beautiful night tonight."

The wizard said with emotion: "It's so beautiful...the weather is suitable for stabbing. Have you ever seen a puppy? It looks like a puppy, but it is very fierce. Its fur is as smooth as oil, it doesn't bite, and it is very clever. ..."

He stirred up the scattered thoughts in his mind, and randomly stuffed them into the mind of the little fox in his arms, making it fascinated by listening, and no longer struggled hard.


The little fox opened his mouth to question, wondering if the wizard had really seen Xun.

"Yuan, dog, catch. Wine, water, drink." The young public finance student waved his hand grinningly: "Actually, there is no xiu in this world. If you talk too much, you will have xiu."

On the ground, Zheng Qing's shadow diverged, one was straight in the moonlight, like an exclamation mark, and the other was bent in a striking arc, falling in the narrow aisle, like a big question mark, as if doubting whether the wizard was right or not. Be careful of being hit by a confusion spell, otherwise why did you say so much nonsense tonight.

Out of the corner of Zheng Qing's eye, he caught a glimpse of the long, dark question mark.

"There are two shadows under my feet."

He touched the little fox's head, and sighed for the first time tonight: "...One is mine, and the other is also mine. I didn't want you to work so hard at first...but hard work is not enough. Baba came to the door and made things difficult for us."

While speaking, he was already standing in front of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory.

Just like what he saw when he came here last time, the field behind the door is tall, empty, and closed, like a huge air-raid shelter. Along the central axis of the laboratory, huge light spheres are arranged one after another, slowly rotating on the gray base, emitting waves of obscure and heavy magic waves.

But different from the last time, this time Zheng Qing stood at the door and looked in, but there was no one in sight. Not only the researchers who usually surrounded the light spheres disappeared, but even Su Man, the head maid who maintained the order in the laboratory, disappeared.


"anyone there?"

The young public finance student coughed lightly, and called out cautiously: "Cough... Is there anyone in the 2D Evolution Lab? I'm Zheng Qing from Jiuyou College..."

Poseidon huddled in the arms of the wizard, obedient and quiet, and the big tail behind him was also much more ladylike, hanging out of the arms, motionless.

Similarly, the lively shadow under Zheng Qing's feet also began to become 'shy', strictly following the law of the light falling behind the wizard's figure, without breaking the rules in the slightest.


Zheng Qing felt a pain in his palm, he took a breath, looked down, and saw that the letter paper he was holding in his palm was being refolded into the shape of a paper crane.

The paper crane's slender neck had already come out of his fist, and it was wriggling forward vigorously, trying to pull its body out as well.

The wizard hesitated for a moment, and let go of his palm.

The paper crane stood lightly in his palm, spread its triangular wings, shook its wrinkled body, leaped forward, and flew deep into the laboratory.

Zheng Qing knew that this was the owner of the laboratory guiding him.

He followed behind the paper crane obediently.

At the end of the laboratory is an office separated by a huge bookcase, which belongs to the owner of the laboratory. When Zheng Qing entered the office, he happened to see the paper crane lying flat on the edge of the big desk in the room.

Su Shijun sat behind his desk, crumpled up the letter paper, and threw it into the trash can in the corner of the room. At the same time, he pointed to the sofa with the quill in his hand, signaling Zheng Qing to take care of himself.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and put Poseidon on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Good evening," the owner of the laboratory greeted in a brisk tone: "It affects your participation in the opening ceremony... but that kind of ceremony is not very interesting. It is enough to attend once and know the general process. Any more, it is a waste of life .”

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a waste of life." The boy agreed without principle, his eyes swept over the owner of the office, and then landed on the coffee table.

The coffee table was empty, except for the hairball that Zheng Qing had just put down, there was nothing else.

No fruit bowl, no pastries, and no tea.

"Sorry." Seemingly guessing what the young public finance student was thinking at the moment, Su Shijun helped the pair of wide glasses that concealed his face, and expressed his apology insincerely: "I can't be busy there is no juice, no tea , and no coffee."

"Ah?" Zheng Qing looked at the witch in a daze.

"Well, you need to understand. A single unmarried mother, Life is always in a kind of organized chaos...she needs to balance work, life, studies..."

Speaking of this, the witch paused for a second, glanced at Poseidon who was lying on the coffee table in an orderly manner, and added: "...and other issues such as parenting, it is inevitable that some places have not taken care of them well."

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