Hunting High School

One Hundred And Sixty First Chapters In The Room

The Friday of the third week of September is the 30th of July in the lunar calendar. It is at the end of the month. The shadows are getting darker.

There was a faint sound that did not belong to this night in the distance.

A pulsatilla pulled its head out of the core leaves, stretched its slender neck and carefully looked in the direction of the sound—this is a kind of grass spirit between shrubs and Compositae plants, with slender They have reed stick-like bodies and fluffy pompoms like dandelions. Their heads are hidden in the white pompoms, like a head of lush white hair, so they are called "pulsatillas" by wizards.

Pulsatillas live in groups, and if one pokes its head out, dozens or even hundreds of Psylliums will be awakened. These grass sperm stretched their necks, opened their eyes the size of black beans, and looked into the distance in unison.

Then they saw a bright light appear in the shadows of night.

When it first appeared, the light was very small, only the size of a grain of rice. As time went by, from far to near, the light became bigger and bigger, from rice grains to soybeans, then to fists, bowl mouths, and wheels. The light spot is constantly deforming as it moves, and the light is pulled around, like a burning flame.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"They're coming!"

In the flames came the shouts of the young wizards: "Don't waste your energy, just use the first-order battle formation to run... How can the second-order battle formation be so simple! Tried several times, isn't it all wasted Magic?"

Behind the flame, there is a group of creatures that look like galloping horses, like tumbling black clouds, coming from the ground, with great vigor to engulf the flame.

"Didn't you say they looked like dogs?"

A young wizard roared in the 'flame', raised the book in his hand, and released three soft leg spells with subtle differences in succession: "I'm dead!"

"I'm on a horse!"

"I'm Ma Xuanhuang!"

Several light yellow mantra lights flew out of the Dharma book, landed in front of the tumbling black cloud, and blocked the figures of the group of 'horses'.

"The gangster is so hot!"

"Finally wind and haze!"

Two more spells flew out from the 'flame', and the strong wind rolled up a black and yellow dust storm, completely submerging the figures of the 'horses'.

"In normal form."

Then the other wizard took a break and answered the first wizard's question with a loud voice: "Gaitraxi is like a dog under normal circumstances...but if it is malicious to some people, such as it is now, it will change into another form. Many elves have the ability!"

"This is the least elf-like elf I've ever seen."

"I like nymphs better than these mules." Another voice, rumbling, complained, "Even the elves in Cornwall are cuter than them... maybe only the fence goblins are a little worse."

While speaking, the 'flame' did not stop.

Instead, like a gust of wind, it passed in front of the group of pulsatillas.

The grass elves, who had already been awakened, screamed, and the white fluff on their necks suddenly exploded. As the subtle magic power flowed, a gust of night wind came from the void and rolled up the group of pulsatillas, like a snowstorm blown up by a winter wind. , soared upward, and fled to a high place.

The screams of the pulsatillas sounded like thousands of birds chirping in unison, piercing and smooth, startled the 'flame' that fled like the wind, the flame stopped, and the lower half of the flame was exposed. The transparent orange-red afterbirth, and the figures of the seven young wizards in the afterbirth.

It was the seven young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.


The captain of the forgiveness hunting team subconsciously took out his rune gun, glanced at the group of 'Dandelions' who had gone away, and then looked alertly at the shadow of the trees where the 'Dandelions' stayed before, and put his finger on the trigger , the voice seemed very calm: "Who is there!"

"No one, just a group of frightened pulsatillas." Apologize

The hunting fortune teller angrily interrupted his captain's slightly aggressive reaction, and warned: "Also, put away your rune gun... Don't you know how much this hunting ground costs? Sell your small shop I can't afford to pay ten times!"

"I reminded him," Zhang Jixin muttered in a low voice, tugging at his own gloves anxiously: "My brother told me that the construction cost of this hunting ground alone needs nearly 500 jade coins, not including the prey in the hunting ground." Species introduction, school fines..."

"It doesn't sound very expensive." Squad leader Jiang interrupted the rambling of the red-faced wizard with a brisk tone.

This answer made Dylan, who could be considered wealthy, a little silent.

After a moment of silence.

Xiao Xiao's voice resounded in the 'flame': "How long are you going to stay here in a daze? Everyone is not proficient at mastering this set of dormitory formations. Once the formation stops, you can't even seduce the anger!"

The Room Formation is the battle formation being used by the seven hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team. It is a small battle formation under the 27 Constellation Formation. After being deployed, it can produce a First Stage fire attribute afterbirth outside the battle formation. Master this set The hunting team in the battle formation, the heavy afterbirth can also transform into the appearance of a room fire pig.

It's just that for beginners, it is thankful that the first stage flame-like afterbirth can be born outside the battle - don't care about the shape of this second afterbirth.

Like the Forgiveness Hunting Team, the afterbirth formed outside the dorm formation doesn't even have a basic shape, it's almost a crooked flame that is burning.

After hearing Xiao Xiao's words, before Zheng Qing opened his mouth, Xin Fatty looked back thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, we've been here for a long time, right... Where are those Getraxi?"

When the other people heard this, their expressions became serious.

The dust storm created by the magic in the distance has gradually dissipated, but the figures of the Getraxis who were originally submerged by the dust storm disappeared without a trace, as if everything before was their illusion.

"The wind and rain are gone, the birds and mice are gone!" Jiang Yu took the lead in flipping through the magic book, and set up a First Stage guardian magic circle with an alarm function besides the battle formation.

Then Xiao Xiao and Dylan released the lighting spell and the detection spell one after the other:

"Baby little star, three or five is in the east!"

"There are four directions, every detail is clear!"

Seven or eight wheel-sized balls of light rose from the battle formation like sugar Calabash, scattered away at a certain height, and suddenly illuminated a few miles around.

At the same time, an invisible magical wave centered on the hunting team and spread in all directions. Within the wave range, every plant, tree, and insect scale was clearly reflected in the crystal ball in front of Xiao Xiao.

A light green color full of vitality floated on the crystal ball, giving people a sense of peace of mind, which means that within the scope of monitoring, magic has not found any risk factors.

Seeing that the surroundings were peaceful, the young wizards in the battle formation all heaved a sigh of relief.

"I haven't figured it out until now," Xin Fatty scratched his head, the blueness on his skin slowly subsided, and his face was full of confusion: "Why did those Getraxi suddenly become so powerful? Aren't they just a bunch of dog spirits? "

Maodou squatted at Zheng Qing's feet, meowed twice in agreement, and the dog's face was also puzzled.

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