Hunting High School

Chapter 174 The Fourth Monday

Zheng Qing didn't know the figures that reappeared in the hunting ground after they left.

Similarly, he didn't know whether the two teaching assistants who sent him to the school had returned to the hunting ground again.

The world beyond everyone's sight is always between existence and non-existence. Only when they intersect, the known covers the unknown, makes the world appear real.

The next two days of the weekend were uneventful, nothing happened.

Unless you count the fact that Zheng Qing turned into a cat again on Saturday night and went to Maoguoshu for a date. This is already the third time he has performed the transfiguration in a month. The transformation potion provided by the school seems to be slowly becoming resistant to it. At the same time, Zheng Qing has become more and more proficient in mastering transformation magic, so that he has a vague feeling that he can succeed if he smells the transformation potion. become a cat.

In this delicate state, he really needs reliable advice from an 'authoritative wizard'.

However, the busyness of the magic project presided over by Professor Yao increased further on weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, Zheng Qing went to the office building several times, but the door of the professor's office was always locked, and even Shen Tuyu, who used to sit on the door frame and play cards, Lei also disappeared, leaving only a 'big white cat' lazily napping on the edge of the door lock.

"Since it's related to the potion, why don't you ask Professor Li?" Xiao Xiao gave Zheng Qing a seemingly reliable suggestion. At this time, they were in the dormitory, watching Xin Fatty comb the hair lying on the desk.

The fat cat purred comfortably, while the elves happily collected the cat hairs falling from the table, wove them into soft cushions, and stuffed them into their cardboard house.

"Probably because transfiguration belongs to the category of magic spells." Zheng Qing replied with a gloomy expression.

If given a choice, he would rather face Lao Yao, who has been promoted to a legendary monster, than enter the Potions professor's office again - the smell of salted herring, mixed with rotten grass and fishwife's internal organs, makes Professor Li's office It has become a forbidden place for all students of the entire First University.

Almost all the students firmly believed that Professor Li Qihuang had no sense of smell, but Potions is a course that requires a very sensitive sense of smell. This strong sense of contradiction is intertwined with the increasingly strong strange smell in the professor's office. It took a huge amount of determination to get every student who wanted to get into that office.

As far as Zheng Qing knows, only at the end of the semester and the beginning of the semester every year, students who have failed to take the make-up exam will bite the bullet and sneak into that office—because the make-up exam is usually taken in the professor’s office—students who choose to retake it will go to the office. Stop the professor at the door of the classroom after Potions class and ask the professor to sign their retake application form.

"People from the Student Union have always wanted to install a fume hood with the highest power in Professor Li's office." Fatty Xin lazily chatted while combing Tuantuan's hair, "...but the professor disagreed, and I heard it was because of him. I feel that exercising the sense of smell in a complex smell environment can help improve the discrimination of the subtle differences of different potions."

"Melpomene's Sigh." Zheng Qing sighed a long sigh - he is now able to use the slang of such wizards very naturally.

"Professor Yi is quite proficient in transfiguration." Xiao Xiao gave the second suggestion.

This time, Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, but still chose to refuse: "Let's see and's not urgent. Professor Yi is also very busy."

Having said that, the real reason why the wizard chooses to refuse is that Professor Yi is a great fortune-teller—he has too many secrets that he doesn’t want others to know, and the more he knows about the wizarding world, the more he knows about divination and fortune-tellers. The more he learned, the more cautious he was when dealing with wizards who were proficient in divination.

Xiao Xiao is an exception, his level is still very limited.

At the very least, Dr. Xiao Da didn't know about the origin of the little green snake in Zheng Qing's ears or Zheng Qing being a big bomb.

"I don't know if Lao Yao will go to this class meeting." The young public finance student sighed deeply, not having much hope in his heart.

He was right.

Not only did Lao Yao continue to be absent from the regular class meeting on Sunday night, he even adopted the same method as the previous session for the spell class on Monday morning.

The projection teaching method is the same as that of the class--that dull shadow doesn't even smoke a pipe except for answering the content related to the class.

Zheng Qing had to stop Downton after class.

"I want to find..."

"Professor Yao?" Class President Tang finished the sentence for him in a considerate manner, and at the same time handed over a blank parchment: "Here, write down what you want to ask... The professor will probably give it to you within one working day. No answer...Jiang Yu can do this, why don't you go to Jiang Yu? Don't you two have a good relationship?"

Zheng Qing never knew that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was also like Eight Trigrams.

"She's very busy!" The young public servant replied in a rough voice, and at the same time directed the own quill to quickly copy the questions that had been prepared on the parchment.

The parchment automatically curled up and rolled into a strip.

Downton tied the parchment roll with a red silk ribbon, and then showed it up and down in front of Zheng Qing: "See clearly? No one else can see your question except the professor."

Although Zheng Qing didn't realize this, he was very satisfied with this traditional wizarding virtue of focusing on privacy.

Putting away the quill, the wizard looked around, looking for the location of Xiao Xiao and others.

Then a slender figure blocked his sight.

It was the new gypsy witch.

"Hello," she had a hoarse voice similar to Elena's, and even the scent from her body was very similar, the witch greeted friendly: "I heard that you have an excellent hunting team, I want to join, what do you need?" What about the conditions?"

Zheng Qing was caught off guard by the sudden application.

While hesitating, a calm voice came from the side: "I'm very sorry, the Forgiveness Hunting Team is already overcrowded. Even if you join the Hunting Team, it will be very difficult for you to have a chance to enter the next month's Hunting Tournament... It is very likely that you will sit all the time. Cold bench."

Zheng Qing didn't need to look back to know who the speaker was.

"That's right, the hunting team is already overcrowded." The wizard immediately expressed his own position firmly: "And we have no plans to recruit new hunters this year... I'm very sorry."

Then, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Yu with a smile on his face.

Squad leader Jiang lowered his eyelids and tidied Li Meng's hair in front of him, as if she wasn't the one who spoke just now. Li Meng rolled his eyes at Zheng Qing, as if proud of catching you to eat.

Carmen was stunned for a moment, his eyes fluttered, and he turned around on the wizard and the witch, and his heart suddenly understood.

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