Hunting High School

Chapter 179 Undercurrent

When the young wizards in the 403 dormitory were lying on their beds talking at night.

In another old castle far away from the school, Sir Friedman had just left the own lounge alone, and quietly appeared in the dark corridor.

The vampire's powerful eyesight allows him to see clearly at night without the need for any lighting spells. This saves a lot of trouble.

In the well-regulated Alpha Fort, the curfew after ten o'clock in the evening is an iron law that every student needs to abide by. Therefore, Friedman was walking in the empty and quiet corridor at this moment, without seeing any students.

Even so, Jazz still cast a disillusionment spell on himself to avoid any accidents. He hates accidents, of any kind, now.

The portraits in the wooden frames on both sides of the corridor drooped their eyelids, as if they were all asleep, but Jazz dared to bet with his surname that as long as there was any movement, these awakened portraits would use the most manic and vicious voice Curse him all night.

Turning the corner is a staircase leading to the next floor.

Sir Friedman touched a ruby ​​ring on his finger, felt the hot breath between his fingers, slowly closed his eyes, and walked down the stairs.

Go down seven steps.

Go up three steps backwards.

Then go down five more steps.

Go up a step backwards.

He has gone through this process many times in the past three years, and he can't go wrong with his eyes closed. After walking down the last step, a white mist billowed up from the bottom of the stairs without a sound, and immediately flooded the bottom few steps.

Jazz opened his eyes and stared at the tumbling mist for a long time. He smiled self-deprecatingly, and took out a thick black robe from the ruby ​​ring.

The style of the robe is outdated, except for the large hood, there is no decoration on it, and the neckline, cuffs, etc. are even frayed, and it looks like it has been passed down for a long time.

In Alpha Fort, 'historic' is a very good word, which means old, pure and orthodox. Sir Friedman had always valued these concepts until the title of Augustus was snatched away by that rude Fatty.

Thinking of the name Soprano, Sir's mood suddenly became much heavier, just like the black robe that was slowly being put on his body, he felt that his back was being bent bit by bit.

Putting on his robe and gorgeous bat mask, Jazz put his leather-gloved hands into his sleeves, and slowly walked down the stairs step by step, into the tumbling white mist.

Deep in the mist, there is a bronze secret door with a simple shape.

On the secret door, hung a green grimace.

"Good evening, bat spirit!" Grimace greeted with grinning teeth, and licked his face with his slender tongue, making it more oily: " are almost the last one again."

Jazz ignored it.

Walking to the secret door, he raised his hand and knocked on the bronze door.

Boom, boom, boom.

"...and as cold as ever." The green grimace grumbled, flicking its tongue and landing on the leather glove. The ruby ​​on the ring in the glove twinkled slightly, and Sir Freedman lowered his eyelids.

He is now able to control his own emotions very well when facing the sting.

The small bronze door opened silently, revealing the crowded and narrow meeting room behind the door. The large oval conference table seems to have never moved from place to place, and there are attractive fruit plates on the edge of the table, which makes people salivate when looking at it.

But Friedman couldn't remember any of the seven people who had eaten anything in the meeting room. Even Beelzebub, the greedy dead pig, only ate the food he brought.

That's not the point.

The point is, in the flower pot in the center of the conference table that seems to have been dry, today I saw a fresh green vine. There is no support, but the vines are climbing up firmly. The slender and bright yellow vine buds have already grabbed the row of candles that are planted upside down under the ceiling. A few small yellow flowers are aiming their open petals at the dancing flames, greedily Sucking the energy radiating from the firelight.

This kind of behavior greatly consumed the magic power of the candles, making the light in the entire meeting room dimmer than usual.

"Ho ho... ia ia... I knew it," Beelzebub's giggling laughter came from behind the conference table, mixed with the sound of him swallowing, which seemed extremely vague: "...Everyone will stare at that vine when they enter the door Half a day, ia...ia...ia, by the way, Lucifer, you are late again today."

"The curfew in Atlas is severe," Sir Friedman replied hoarsely.

A plump pig's head mask was raised from a pot of pastries on the table, with malicious colors shining in the dark eyes: "If I remember correctly... ia... ia... you said you were nine Some students!"

"Oh? Is that so?" The jazz wearing a bat mask scratched his chin and replied casually, "Maybe I remember wrong."

"Maybe it's because you thought that being a bat under a legendary monster might be eaten at any time, so you slipped away early, right?" Mamen, wearing a fox mask, laughed softly and interrupted.

This answer immediately made the atmosphere in the meeting room tense.

Sir Friedman carefully looked at the fox mask, and while habitually trying to figure out the true identity under the mask, he warned very formally: "That is not what we can discuss... It involves the existence of legends, it is a taboo... Any The legendary power is something we cannot guess. If you provoke them, maybe in the next second, this room, and everyone in the room, will turn into nothingness."

In order to make this warning more serious, Jazz even straightened his body slightly, which also made his hoarse voice more convincing in the small conference room.

"Just kidding." Fox Mask laughed dryly.

"Such existence should not be used as a joke." This time, it was Samael wearing a wolf-head mask who spoke. He also warned Mammon, and his suppressed voice seemed to come out word by word from his throat. Lai: "You have never seen the scene when several legends fight at the same time... That kind of scene where the world is destroyed and the world is destroyed will be deeply etched in your mind and become your eternal nightmare."

Behind the conference table, the other six Devils all looked at Samuel, their gazes were either scrutinizing, curious, suspicious, or disdainful.

Sir Friedman was the one who looked at Samuel suspiciously.

It means that Samael should have seen the scene of several legends fighting - and the only place where this kind of scene happened recently is the black prison - which means that Samael is likely to be a certain wizard on the battlefield of the black prison at that time.

Having said that.

But Jazz didn't think anyone in the room would give away any clues about his true identity so easily. God knows if this wolf cub is deceiving everyone, using an unfounded clue and a fooling word to interfere with other people's sight.

In fact, this is also the favorite game among the seven members of the Seven Deadly Sins.

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