Hunting High School

Chapter 120: Watching Eyes

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The huge fireball in the sky poured out its own heat unhurriedly, covering the entire Green Valley in a sluggish atmosphere.

The teaching assistant who went to Mrs. Bella for help has not returned for a long time.

The freshman team on the lawn gradually became disorganized, and the students gathered in twos and threes to chat and have fun, completely forgetting the warning from the practical teacher not long ago.

Of course, there are some differences in the degree of disorganization between different colleges.

The freshmen of Astronomy Class 08-1 of Jiuyou College were doing irregular Braun movements in the enthusiastic sunshine. Everyone was running around impromptuly, and warm applause and cheers came from the crowd from time to time. Even the squad leader Tang was dazed surrounded by a few girls, completely ignoring his own responsibilities.

On the opposite side, the team of Alpha Academy looked much more orderly. Their freshmen are divided into distinct small circles according to their bloodlines, family status, and talents. There is no intersection between each small circle, and the people in the small circle smile reservedly, look around with indifferent eyes, and talk to each other in a low voice.

If they had goblets in their hands, it wouldn't be rude to attend the Duke of Milton's blessing dinner.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

I don't know if they also look like this when they go to the toilet. Andrew stood at the edge of the Alpha freshman team, with a sneer on his lips, and he speculated maliciously about his own classmates.

Although he disapproved from the bottom of his heart, Andrew still maintained the same atmosphere as the big team in the small circle centered on him.

This is a question of principle.

Alpha gentlemen can never be as uneducated as nine nerds.

Suddenly, Julian leaned into the ear of the little Young Master of Taylor's family and asked quietly, "Do you know that nerd?"

"Which nerd?" Andrew was listening to other people's bragging with great interest. Hearing this, he turned his head impatiently to look at the team of Jiuyou Academy, and complained softly: "There are a lot of nerds over there."

In Alpha Academy, nerd is a proper term, specifically referring to the students of Jiuyou Academy. Just like people from Jiuyou Academy have always used 'hypocrites' to call people from Alpha Fort, this is a deep-rooted prejudice between the two academies.

No one can stop the students from teasing each other in private.

"Short hair, tufted hair on the head, bright eyes, medium build, and an Eight Trigrams cufflink pinned to the sleeve." Julian described briefly: "The boy was standing in the front row of the Jiuyou team, Now talking to a gypsy witch with big wavy hair."

"You just said the last condition is very obvious." The boy next to him was obviously very speechless to Julian's torment: "There is no need to use your poor vocabulary to describe other people's appearance."

"But that boy's eyes are really bright." Another person in the small circle shook his head in disapproval, and said, "The vision of the vampire son is still very accurate."

Son of the Vampire is the nickname given to the carpenter's son by friends, and Julian welcomes it.

Both the vampire and the holy son have already missed him, and being able to occasionally hear such a title in daily life has already made him very satisfied.

"There are two strong boys standing behind that nerd, right?" Andrew squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the somewhat thin figure, with some doubts in his eyes: "Who is he? He looks familiar."

"Zheng Qing." Julian looked very happy: "His name is Zheng Qing, and he is a public-funded student of Jiuyou College this year."

"I've heard of this name!" Someone in the circle immediately said: "It is said that he resisted the magic of the banshee on the special plane of the First University hijacked by Nikita this time."

"Also," someone next to him added: "I heard from some seniors in the student union that this Zheng Qing stopped a crazy pig demon in the Daming Square of the Four Seasons Square before entering school, as if he used a thunder spell to kill the pig demon directly. The pig demon was hacked to death."

"It wasn't hacked to death, it was shocked to death." The other corrected: "No matter what you say, that pig demon fell into his hands. My Uncle who works at Trident Sword knows the name of this new student. Everyone There are rumors that the Wizarding Council will award him an Order of Merlin."

In the small circle, a few freshmen chattered, shaking up the information of the nine-year-old freshman.

"I remembered it too." Andrew touched the magic ring on his hand, squinted his eyes, and said slowly: "It is said that he came down from Kunlun and is good at talismans. He directly got the highest score in the basic test of the talisman class. The little lecturer surnamed Zhang was terrified."

Julian's eyes widened in surprise, and there was a sound of praise in his mouth.

Obviously, he hadn't heard the rumor.

But he knew that even for a son of a family as proud as Alpha Academy, being able to impress the teachers of First University as a freshman was a remarkable achievement.

"Why did you mention him to me?" Andrew suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Julian seriously, and asked, "It seems that you don't know him very well... Do you want me to introduce you to that gypsy witch?"

He didn't deliberately lower his own voice, and the faces of the people next to him who heard the words showed knowing smiles.

A blush crept across Julian's pale cheeks.

He shook his head quickly.

"I heard that Mr. Soprano has some quarrels with this public servant, but as Mr. Soprano, it's inconvenient to trouble him." The carpenter's child leaned into Andrew's ear and whispered : "I think it's a good opportunity if you want to visit Mr. Soprano."

Andrew's plan did not hide from his friends.

So, every member of this small team has recently been looking for a way to hook up with another big shot at Alpha Academy.

"Good opportunity." The young Master of Taylor's family rubbed his chin, repeated Julian's words, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides, as far as I know, the relationship between this public servant and Sir Friedman is not very happy." The joy on the face of another partner next to him was beyond words: "The relationship between us and Sir Friedman was a little unhappy a few days ago. Maybe this is an opportunity to make amends."

The others nodded upon hearing this.

"This kid can really make trouble!" Andrew squeezed his fists, the row of colorful magic rings on his fingers shone brightly in the sun, and there was an interested smile on his face: "I can't wait to get to know him .”

There are nine students in the team.

Zheng Qing didn't notice those probing eyes not far away at all.

He was opening his mouth slightly, staring intently at the charming smiling face in front of him, his mind spinning rapidly.

A few minutes earlier, Jelena had jumped right up to him through the crowd and revisited the idea in the bar.

This beautiful witch plans to start learning about talismans as soon as possible.

Therefore, Zheng Qing needs to find out what all his free time is as soon as possible.

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