Hunting High School

Chapter 188: The Morning That Hurts Each Other

Is the robe of the guilty envoy really heavy?

If you take over by yourself, as a cat, will you still wear a wizard's robe? Or would the Seven Deadly Sins have a proper vest for a cat?

Thinking of this, a series of wonderful characters such as Kalinta Cat Fairy and Panda Po’s Raccoon Master suddenly appeared in Zheng Qing’s mind. He imagined himself wearing a robe and a small white mask, standing under the shadow of a group of tall wizards Scenes.

It couldn't help shivering.

It won't be that bad, the black cat comforted himself in his heart, and subconsciously accelerated his pace back to the dormitory. But when he passed by an announcement booth and saw the somewhat faded hunting team recruitment plan posted on it, he couldn't help counting the time silently, only to be surprised to find that the second assessment time agreed with him by the Seven Deadly Sins is next Saturday It is October 3rd, and the lunar calendar is August 15th, which is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Although there was no taboo against traveling in the old almanac that day, and Zheng Qing didn't need to reunite with his family when he stayed at school, but it was naturally best not to go out during an important festival.

It turned its head to look for the two masked figures again, and when it was time to discuss changing the time, the area under the cat fruit tree was already empty. The tree was also empty, not even a cat.

The black cat can only embark on the return journey in frustration.

This time, it took a little longer than the last time to forget about the seven deadly sins.

When we returned to the dormitory, it was already two o'clock in the morning. Two purrs of different severity came from Xin Fatty's bed. The black cat could easily tell that the heavier one belonged to the fat wizard, and the lighter one belonged to the fat cat.

It seems that Xin and his senior sister Linda haven't had any substantial breakthrough yet, the black cat thought mischievously, and glanced at Dr. Xiao Da's bed.

Still empty.

This made the black cat feel a little bad for no reason, and he didn't even ask the elf to wipe his paws when he jumped into the bed. The immediate consequence was that after waking up the next day, the wizard found a few mottled plum petal footprints on his pillow. You can vaguely smell the smell of the mud on the shore of Linzhong Lake emanating from above.


The roar of the brown bear sounded in the 403 dormitory, and the earth-shattering howl of the young public fee woke up Dylan, who had just got into the coffin, and Xin Fatty, who was sleeping soundly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" The fat wizard rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up from the bed, held the snoring fat cat in his arms, and asked repeatedly: "Is there a witch to check the bed? Is it a witch from our class?" ? Do I know you?"

Half of Dylan's head was drooping by the coffin. Hearing this, Chong Xin rolled his eyes and said mockingly, "Don't bring the scene from your dream to reality... just lower the level of our entire dormitory."

Then Mr. Vampire Werewolf turned his head, looked at the public fee student sitting on the edge of the bed, sniffled his nose, and raised his eyebrows: "You turned into a cat last night? You still smell like a group of wild cats."

Then it suddenly dawned on me: "...Is it because I couldn't help 'bullying' a certain female cat after becoming a cat, and now that I am awake, I recall that I have a group of fluffy cubs?"

He was joking about the embarrassing incident that happened to Zheng Qing in the spring. At that time, the wizard didn't know enough about the cruel reality of the cat world that he was chased and fled by a group of female cats in rut.

This has become one of the classic jokes in the 403 dormitory and in the excuse hunting team.

When Zheng Qing heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth and argued: "Shit! Nothing... Don't spread rumors! There is no pregnant female cat on the cat fruit tree!"

He was impressed by the low-cost bad influence of rumors.

"Oh! I get it! There are no pregnant cats on the catfruit tree right now," Dylan repeated in a tone that didn't deserve a punch.

"Arguing about this kind of topic has already lost half of your battle." Xin Fatty, who has studied debating skills, said this, his eyelids drooped, and he fell back on his own pillow: "Since it's okay... huh, call."

Before the words fell, the rhythmic snoring sounded again. From the beginning to the end, Tuantuan, the fat cat lying in his arms, did not change its posture, and did not even stop purring.



There was the sound of water washing down in the bathroom, and soon after, Dr. Xiao came out, wearing a belt, while looking up and down at the young public fee student: "...What is the ghost calling in the morning? It affects other people's rest. "

Zheng Qing has already wrapped the bed sheet polluted by the black cat with a pillow towel, is opening the Dharma book, licking the dry nib of the quill, and intends to copy a sentence of "thin the dirt and my clothes" - this is In the Life class he took last year, he learned the laundry spell.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's sudden appearance, the young public fee student was stunned for a few seconds.

"Why are you here?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise, forgetting that he was still holding the quill pen, so that a drop of pitch-black ink was pulled by gravity, left the nib, and smashed heavily on the Dharma book, contaminating the half-copied paper. spell.

——Oh, hell, the wizard was frantically wiping away the stains on the spell book.

"Why can't I be here!" Hearing Zheng Qing's question, Xiao Xiao looked puzzled and pointed his nose back: "I'm still a member of 403 dormitory..."

"Brother scumbag means, didn't you stay away last night?" Dylan looked at the chaos outside the coffin with his bluish black eyes, and added very kindly: "As For those who have been here, I will give you some advice based on my more than a thousand years of emotional experience...Young people must learn to be moderate...Young people don't know how precious they are, and they cry when they are old...Look at you, it's only been one night, I can’t even walk steadily.”

Xiao Xiao's face turned from white to blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then to black.


Several heavy reference books on the desk are automatically turned without wind, and the pages of the books are flipping; the lights hanging on the ceiling above the head are flickering and dimming, and there are ominous sparks bursting from the interface; The bronze mirror turned slowly, and a palpitating red surface appeared on the surface of the mirror.

The grunts of the fat cat and the fat wizard dropped a few degrees at the same time, becoming inaudible.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf also accepted it as soon as he was ready, slid back into the coffin with a swipe, and fastened the lid of the coffin tightly, as if he had already slept forever and did not want to be disturbed.

Zheng Qing's reaction speed has never been fast, but he will not be so slow that he will not wake up until the curse hits his head: "...No need to explain, we all know that Sima called you to the office to discuss historical issues with you."

These words pierced Dr. Xiao Da's pent-up anger all at once, and he didn't know where to disperse.

He grabbed his half-tied belt, stood there thinking for a while, and finally struggled hard: "I was indeed discussing the history of magic yesterday... I had a glass of cold milk before going to bed at night, and my stomach was ruined... Yes Have loose bowels!"

"Cold milk is indeed prone to diarrhea, and it needs to be warmed up." Zheng Qing nodded seriously, and at the same time corrected him kindly: "...but we usually don't use 'feeding milk' but 'drinking milk' and 'eating'. This kind of verb is a word that only wizards in the Middle Ages liked to use."

This made the doctor even more frustrated.

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