Hunting High School

Chapter 207 Simple Selection Task

"Very clever way."

At the plenary meeting of the forgiveness hunting team later, Xiao Xiao analyzed the student union's thoughts in this way: "Because the rules of the school hunting competition have changed this year, students without any experience are allowed to organize hunting teams to participate. On the one hand, this method breaks the 'year' On the other hand, the status quo of the solidified hunting teams under the "merit points" system, on the other hand, also enlivens the atmosphere of the Campus Cup, which is more in line with its "young" temperament."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

As far as he knows, the hunting teams participating in the Campus Cup in previous years are almost always those teams—except for the school hunting team and the four college teams, they are Judgment, Blood Friends, 3a, Monster Qi, Destiny, and YPO with a long history. , Form a team with a long time.

As for the finalists who won the 'Campus Cup', eight times out of ten were the school hunting team, and the remaining two times were always hovering between the Jiuyou Academy hunting team and the Alpha Academy hunting team.

This greatly reduces the enjoyment of the entire hunting competition. Students participating in the school hunting meeting will focus more on the surrounding activities of the hunting meeting, such as hunting dance parties, hunting painting exhibitions, and even hunting flavor sharing activities, etc.

"...At the same time, increasing the activity of hunting clubs will inevitably lead to a mixed situation, good and bad."

Xiao Xiao raised his glasses, and continued to explain Own's point of view in a leisurely manner, "...As far as I know, there are no less than five hunting teams in our class alone who plan to form a hunting team to compete this time... A simple calculation, only the second grade , There are 70 or 80 hunting teams in the four colleges... This is not counting the first-year freshmen who are eager to fight, and the third- and fourth-year seniors who plan to add a little bit of color to their resumes. Roughly calculated, the number of hunting teams participating in the preliminary round may be Up to two hundred or more."

"That number is almost double that of previous years."

Zhang Jixin added the data obtained from his big brother at the right time, "In previous years, there were a total of a hundred school hunting parties that were eligible to participate, including the freshman team... Last year's participating hunting teams were able to advance to the main team through the round robin. At the hunting club, there were only twenty-seven in the end."

Xin Fatty bit the tip of his quill pen, thinking about it, "I remember that there are more than 2,000 students in the four grades of the school... Sigh... This means that almost half of the students have signed up this year! It's a bit of a 'campus cup' young The momentum of the people is gone."

"It's beyond my expectation that half of the people didn't sign up." Dylan, who was hanging upside down from the treetops, turned over and joined the discussion with his companions, his face full of surprise. I found a way to organize a hunting team... There was no chance in previous years, but since this year I was given a chance, I must seize it."

"It's one thing to be able to advance to the next level, but it's another thing to give it a chance and not take it." The fat wizard nodded in agreement with a full face.

"There are more hunting teams in the starry sky, fewer hunting teams in Atlas, half and half between Jiuyou and Alpha." Xiao Xiao tried to bring the topic back to his analysis, "This situation is related to the characteristics of the students recruited by different colleges... ...But I don't want to emphasize this point... I want to say that according to the number of teams registered this year, if you want to go through the round-robin selection like in previous years, only one month of hunting time is far from enough. I estimated , It probably needs the hunting committee to start organizing competitions from the beginning of the year, and in October, there may be a chance to select a team to participate in the main hunting meeting."

"So we can't use the old method." Xin Fatty concluded for Dr. "The student union moved down the hunting team selection mechanism this time, and handed over the initiative to the hunting team... It can be said to be very wise."

While his companions were discussing the selection plan presented by the student union, Zheng Qing noticed that Jiang Yu seemed a little restless, and looked at the pocket watch in his hand from time to time.

"What's the matter?" The young public finance student rubbed up beside the witch and asked in a low voice.

The witch seemed taken aback by his question, but her expression remained calm throughout.

"It's Li Meng." She regained her senses and shook her head slightly. "She didn't come today, I forgot to give her some more homework... I'm a little worried that I will go out with that girl Zhu Si to play wild at night while I'm not around."

Li Meng?

Zheng Qing looked around, and only then did he realize why the hunting team always felt something was missing during the meeting today - three noisy little witches and a lively little fox were missing.

"I remember that in the practical class, didn't she get out of breath because she practiced the 'Great Wind Curse' too hard and chanted the spell?" Zheng Qing still clearly remembered the appearance of the little witch rolling on the ground in pain in the afternoon practical class .

Hilda was terrified at the time.

"It's just a hiccup."

Jiang Yu seemed a little embarrassed, turned her head, and added in a low voice, "After being sent to the school hospital, Mrs. Bella helped her sort out her breath in less than ten seconds...but she insisted that she had an upset stomach... And I happened to receive a few paper cranes from the student union, and I was so busy that I forgot to give her homework."


Zheng Qing reassured, "Zhu Si can be regarded as the teacher of the school anyway, even if she takes Li Meng out for a walk, she won't cause any trouble... She has been alone in the dreamland for so long, I bet she is better than most of the school." The old students in the fourth grade are very capable of surviving in the wild...and Li Meng is not a child, so don't always look at her so deadly...the best way to educate is the right amount of tightness."

"I never doubted her ability to study, but I was a little worried about her ability to cause trouble." Jiang Yu sighed quietly, and then changed the subject, no longer entangled with her cousin's personal affairs, but reminded Zheng Qing of the main topic of today's meeting "...Just mentioned Zhu Si, what do you think about letting her be our instructor?"

"Let Zhu Si be the instructor?" Zheng Qing raised her voice subconsciously.

Several other companions heard this sentence immediately.

"Hmm? Great idea!" Xin Fatty slapped his hands in surprise, "I didn't expect such a simple thing... I bet that we will be the first hunting team to complete the selection task among all the contestants."

"Zhu Si is a lecturer, and indeed meets the minimum requirements for an instructor." Zhang Jixin commented briefly, noncommittal.

"not good."

Xiao Xiao clearly expressed his opposition, "The selection task is only the first phase of the task, and no one knows whether the second phase requires a teacher to guide the hunting team to complete new tasks... I think, within the scope of one's ability, one should try to find one A more reliable instructor."

"Like Lao Yao?" Zheng Qing said the second thought that came to his mind.

"Or Professor Li in Pharmacy, or Professor Yi in Divination." Xiao Xiao nodded, then shook his head again. "As for Lao Yao, there are probably not many hunting teams who have the courage to ask him to be their instructor."

Zheng Qing immediately remembered Lao Yao's status as a 'demon' that was rumored a while ago.

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