Hunting High School

Chapter Two: The Big Sculpture On The Telegraph Pole

It was very late, Zheng Qing had to go home.

Although Zheng Qing has graduated from high school and is about to become an adult, he has some freedom, but after all, he is still using the family's money, so he still has to listen to what his parents say.

After finishing a glass of apologetic beer, he stepped on his bicycle and headed home.

The night is dim, and the sky is full of gray clouds that can never disappear. Not to mention the stars, even the moon rarely shows itself. In this coal-rich province, over the past ten years, the houses have been getting taller, the roads have been getting wider, and the colors on the streets have become more and more colorful. It was gray and foggy.

The bicycle wobbled into a small alley.

This path can directly cross Santiao Street, greatly reducing his journey home. The alley is very deep, and few people walk at night. The street lamps that have not been cleaned for a long time cast a dim yellow color, which adds to the gloomy atmosphere in the alley.

"Crack, crack..." The worn-out bicycle whined helplessly under Zheng Qing's vigorous pedaling, which was very obvious in this quiet alley. Zheng Qing looked at the broken basket in front of the car with some annoyance, thinking that he must find some time to repair it after returning home, no matter what, at least he won't keep screaming when he rides out.

"Fluttering..." The sound of birds flapping their wings came from a telegraph pole not far away, followed by a few lazy and clear chirps. Obviously, the rattling broken car under Zheng Qing's body disturbed him. The rest of these little animals.

Apologetically, he turned his gaze to the electric pole not far behind him, Zheng Qing was very embarrassed about his behavior of disturbing other people's dreams.

"Squeak!!!" The classic car made a sharp brake sound.

Zheng Qing put one leg on the ground and turned her head vigorously to look back.

He swears that there is a huge black figure standing on the telegraph pole, like a bowed and half-squatting person. But those emerald green eyes are particularly obvious in the dark night, very much like the big wolfhound of grandma's house.

Blinking, he shook his alcohol-dizzy head.

As if feeling Zheng Qing's eyes, the emerald green eyes were slightly sideways, and his eyes fell on Zheng Qing's body, and then he gracefully stretched out a pair of huge wings amidst his dull expression, and patted them lightly.

Taking a few deep breaths, and then exhaling heavily, Zheng Qing rubbed his cheeks that were a little swollen and sore from drinking, and finally felt a little sober.

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Looking up again, those green eyes had completely disappeared. All he could see was the gray sky and the pale street lamp not far away.

The entrance of the dark alley in the distance seemed to be like a big gaping mouth, mocking Zheng Qing's eyes.

Stretching his hand into Own's chest, he held a dusty palm-sized bag in his hand, and he could faintly see the golden pattern on the bag through the light on the side of the road; on the top of his head, a tuft of dull hair trembled uneasily .

A big eagle.

Zheng Qing recalled it again and again, and finally determined that it must be a big eagle.

Although I don't know why this kind of animal whose Life is in the mountains appears in the city, but thinking of the old owl I saw on campus when I was a child, I feel relieved.

Since even the old owl can leisurely hang on the branches of the campus all day, then it should be fine for a big eagle to squat on the pole for a while. After all, no one can guarantee whether these guys whose lives are in the old mountains and forests will find time to come to the city to relax.

Without the groans of classic cars, the surroundings fell into dead silence again, and the noise on the street not far away seemed distant and ethereal, as if several miles away.

"Oh..." A soft and strange cry suddenly sounded in the alley, and Zheng Qing suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and a burst of cold sweat broke out involuntarily. My dizzy mind suddenly came to my senses. At the same time, a heavy pressure suddenly flooded the entire alley, making Zheng Qing hold his breath involuntarily.

For a long while, there was no movement, but the feeling of depression became more and more serious. Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and amidst the sudden jingling of bells, he kicked the pedals hard a few times, and the classic car rushed out quickly, trying to get rid of this oppressive atmosphere as soon as possible.

Although somewhat unwilling, Zheng Qing still admitted in his heart that own is timid. After all, the dark night is always the eternal nightmare of human beings, even today with lights. No matter how the electric light develops, it will never give people a sense of security like the sun.

There were tens of meters away from the entrance of the alley, and Zheng Qing could already clearly see the cars speeding past the entrance of the alley.

A shrill cry sounded, and before he could react, a huge black shadow had already caught his eyes. Accompanied by a dull impact sound and overwhelming dust, another petite figure hit Zheng Qing heavily and rolled into the sand pile on the side of the road.

"Plop!" Zheng Qing fell heavily on the ground with his bicycle, but he didn't care about complaining. A donkey rolled and got up from the ground. At some point in his hand, he had already grabbed a stack of yellow paper. The red cinnabar imprint on it was on the dim street light. There was a slight red light emitting from below.

He glanced at the pile of sand next to him, and his big fluffy tail shook weakly.

"Oh~~" The hissing sound not far away clearly expressed the anger.

Zheng Qing, who just got up, hurriedly followed the prestige. On top of the electric pole by the road, the big eagle just now came back at some point, staring at him dissatisfied.

At a height of more than ten meters, under the illumination of a simple street lamp hanging on a telegraph pole, Zheng Qing could clearly see that the feathers of this big eagle were erected. Zhang, with his head held high, obviously has bad intentions.

"It's so fierce..." Feeling the green eyes of the big eagle cursed in a low voice, Zheng Qing quietly took two steps towards the retreat, trying to sneak away, but he didn't notice that there was a huge pile of sand behind him. As soon as he stepped back, his feet sank ankle-high into the deep sand.

"Damn!" Zheng Qing became more and more angry, how unlucky he is! Isn't it just a little late to go home? Just bent down, ready to take off the shoes to clean up the sand inside, the sand pile suddenly rose up, and Zheng Qing was caught off guard, and sand was sprinkled all over his head and face again.

"Fack!" Anyone who has been entangled in one after another of bad luck will always feel an evil fire in his heart and want to vent it, not to mention that the alcohol that entered the stomach not long ago is slowly evaporating its own power.

Looking along the sand, a little yellow dog under the street lamp is staring at the sky with its teeth bared. This little dog is about one foot tall, with fluffy hair, narrow and long eyes, but it is very bright and energetic, and its ears are a bit big, like Jingbaer's ears, but they stand up strangely, like a wolf dog. Take a closer look, this puppy has a big belly, and many places on the fluffy fur are tangled together, faintly oozing blood.

The facts are clear at a glance, and Zheng Qing can easily make up the plot in his own mind.

The big eagle that came out to run around fell in love with this pregnant puppy, and was about to have a tooth-beating ceremony, but the little guy broke free. Zheng Qing, who saw the situation clearly, couldn't help but let out a long breath, and the stack of yellow paper in his hand had disappeared at some point.

"Do it!" The evil fire in his belly suddenly turned into infinite power under the influence of alcohol. He reached out his hand to find a broken brick from the ground, turned his head to look at the evil big eagle, and threw it vigorously.

Although he has never been very good at throwing softballs, he is still a great threat when the distance is not far and the target is large.

The broken bricks silently crossed the telephone pole, and smashed viciously on the window of a nearby upstairs house amidst the sharp neighing of the big eagle.

"Clatter..." The crisp cracking sound of the glass completely vented Zheng Qing's accumulated evil fire, and also shocked the big eagle into the air.

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