Hunting High School

Chapter 227 Mutual Relief

"I did a little help."

Jiang Yu suddenly stepped forward and opened his mouth to help Zheng Qing: "The Jiang family of Zhongshan and the Su family of Qingqiu are family friends, so I asked the elders of the family to write a letter and asked Brother Qing to take him to the Qingqiu mansion... In fact, Congressman Su is far easier to deal with than other great wizards, and he is not as cold as the newspapers say..."

Zheng Qing looked at the witch who was talking nonsense with her eyes wide open beside her in astonishment. She didn't even feel that the hands clenched on her left and right arms had loosened, and the two excited gorillas suddenly realized.

"No wonder!"

Xin Fatty punched the palm of his hand, and stared at the young public fee student enviously: "Actually, you can leave this matter to me, my eloquence is much better than the captain... definitely won't delay replying so late. "

Upon receiving the fat wizard's gaze, Zheng Qing's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately closed his slightly opened mouth, while his mind turned wildly. Jiang Yu knew about the relationship between him and Su Shijun. In his impression, it was said by Mr. Su himself during the Battle of the Black Prison. Besides the cat, there were only two teaching assistants who passed out.

Of course, the great wizards with sensitive Divine Sense on the battlefield should have heard something, but the great wizards have the reserve of a great wizard, and they will not casually chew their tongues on the tabloid reporters.

And after the Battle of Hell, Jiang Yu never mentioned this matter again.

Zheng Qing hoped that the school's pact of silence had come into force, but right now, it was just that the witch didn't want to talk about this slightly sensitive topic with him.

Thinking of this, the boy felt a little guilty, and quickly glanced at the witch beside him a few times out of the corner of his eye.

After Jiang Yu stepped forward, he never had any eye contact with him from the beginning to the end, which made it impossible for the boy to guess what the witch was thinking through his eyes.

"My family has a good relationship with Qingqiu," Zhang Jixin rubbed his nose, and muttered to himself: "But my brother said that the most important thing in hunting competitions is fairness, relying on the help of my family to gain an advantage in hunting competitions..."

Before the voice fell, it stopped abruptly.

No one blocked Zhang Jixin's mouth, but he suddenly realized that his own defense seemed to attack Jiang Yu from the side, so he took the initiative to shut up.

Immediately, he glanced at the witch anxiously, and said in a low voice: "...I didn't mean that, I meant that even if I told my family, they wouldn't help..."

This kind of justification for mistakes, the more you say, the more mistakes you make. Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jixin himself became depressed, and his face turned purple.

But before the witch opened her mouth, Fatty Xin jumped out and took the initiative to fight: "This is not cheating! Bloodline is strength, luck is strength, why is power not strength? If it is really fair, then those vampires and werewolves in Alpha will The Transcendent blood in the body should be pulled out first, and everyone will use the same Dharma book and the same talisman pen to compete!"

"Yes, yes."

Zheng Qing also hurriedly spoke up, raising his voice slightly: "That letter was at best an introduction. What really convinced Councilor Su was the strength of the Exoneration Hunting Team... Maybe you have forgotten that Councilor Su and we were once together in the ancient black prison. She has fought side by side in front of the fort, and she has a very good impression of our hunting team!"

These words are not only to comfort Jiang Yu, but also to reassure Zhang Jixin, telling him that there is absolutely no cheating or black box operation.

Zhang Jixin's face paled, and he murmured: "I know, I know... I just think that you might misunderstand what I just said... If necessary, I can also write to my family."

"Then you are one step too late."

Jiang Yu blinked, smiled, without a trace of irritation on her face, and comforted her lightly, "Besides, as a witch, I may be more suitable than you to write to Councilor Su."

"You are indeed more suitable."

Dr. Xiao Da finally spoke again, he pushed his glasses, his eyes lingered on Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu for a moment, and finally landed on the witch, puzzled: "This is the only thing I don't quite understand about this matter... ...Why did you let Brother Zha go to the Qingqiu Mansion instead of going by yourself...

Reasonably speaking, as a witch, you should be more suitable than him to enter the Qingqiu Mansion. "

Jiang Yu obviously didn't expect Xiao Xiao to ask such a question, and was taken aback for a moment.

This time, it was Zheng Qing who helped her out.

"Oh, because I'm going to find Poseidon."

The young Gongfei Shengman immediately interjected - for this reason, he didn't even care about the doctor calling him a scumbag - but tried to put on a casual look, explaining:

"You know, that little guy plays with Su Ya all day long...and you should understand that the environment in the Qingqiu mansion is very good for the little fox...he rarely even stays in the pet garden this semester. Lai there for eight days... the fox maids in the mansion also like it very much... I always have to check it from time to time to see if it has been bullied... I helped deliver the letter by the way."

This is also the reason he first thought of explaining to his companions—Poseidon has a good relationship with the Qingqiu mansion, so he can invite Su Shijun—of course, he also knows that this reason is a bit lame, and it is easy for people to find loopholes and clues .

But what used to be a poor excuse there is just right here.

While speaking, the wizard glanced at the witch.

Jiang Yu also glanced at him at this moment, pursed her lips and smiled. The boy suddenly felt a lot more relaxed all over his body, and the previous insecurity dissipated.

"I knew that dealing with witches would never go wrong if I leave it to brother scum!" Xin Fatty patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder and praised without saying a word.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhang Jixin coughed violently, trying to wink at the fat wizard.

Fatty looked blankly at Zheng Qing, who had a very pale face, and the witch who had put on a serious face again, and finally couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

The laughter dispelled the chill of the night, and dispelled the haze that shrouded the hearts of the young hunters of the Excuse Hunting Squad.

Hearing Fatty's laughter, Zheng Qing's mood fluctuated back and forth between bad and good, and he felt his whole body was a little twisted. He finally couldn't help but interrupted: "Don't think that everything will be fine after finding a mentor... ...You should know what will happen tomorrow after other people know the identity of the forgiveness instructor."

"What could happen." The fat wizard waved his hand nonchalantly: "The big deal is to block the door of the classroom and look up at our great and glorious image."

"That's the treatment only the squad leader Jiang can get." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and suddenly stabbed him: "As for you, I doubt that you will be sacked in a sack and then thrown into Linzhong Lake. Murlocs... I remember that murlocs hate the reporters of the school newspaper."

"That's right," Zheng Qing hated the fat wizard's unrestrained speech. At this moment, he also fell into trouble, pretending to be a third party, and said in a choked voice: "Why is Fatty so close to our Councilor Su! He should be killed and feed the dog... fish!"

This conjecture makes sense.

Xin Fatty listened, his face turned pale.

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