Hunting High School

Chapter 230 Meet

The 'blue bird title book' is a more advanced magical communication method than the paper crane, which Zheng Qing has seen on the battlefield of the black prison. After the interrogation, the blue bird cannot turn into a piece of ordinary letter paper like a paper crane, but will turn into a blue flame.

This is not only a very effective means of secrecy, but also an instant "receipt" technique - when the blue bird turns into a flame, the wizard who released the blue bird can easily know from the flame that the letter was heard by the recipient. Still had an accident halfway.

Noticing the envious eyes around him, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, I don't have Su Shijun's letter paper to collect." He smiled exaggeratedly, and glanced quietly at Jiang Yu who was standing on the edge of the hunting team.

The witch is carefully sorting out the magic potion and Bo Fu's Blood Essence that may be used in tonight's training camp, and seems to have not noticed the small commotion here.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, clapped his hands, and yelled: "Since Councilor Su will come later, let's run the Bofu's battle twice in advance... Let the councilor see your solid basic skills."

"That makes sense." Zhang Jixin nodded appreciatively, and said a rare beautiful sentence: "On the hunting ground, dry sweat is far more convincing than pale words!"

"What about my bow tie?" Dylan seemed a little hesitant, wanting to show off in front of Su Shijun, but also didn't want to dirty his own makeup and neat hunting suit.

The fat wizard crossed his arms and said thoughtfully: "I think Mr. Su should have been used to those well-dressed and polite nobles under the moon... so when a sweaty, disheveled, panting The vampire werewolf standing in front of her must have left a deep impression on her."

"Yeah, it sounds reasonable." Classmate Dylan was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed: "But I have a special physique, and it's hard to sweat profusely..."

"So what if you bleed, so what if you don't bleed, does it have something to do with what I said?" The fat wizard looked at Mr. Vampire Werewolf speechlessly.

Dylan blinked: "But you just said..."

"Important point! You have to understand the important points when others speak!" Xin Fatty took a deep breath, with a blue color on his face: "Am I talking about whether you are sweating or not?"

"I just want to correct it. I can't sweat profusely." Dylan reminded cautiously. At the same time, he took out a handkerchief and made a gesture of wiping sweat: "...This, really not."

The fat wizard took a deep breath again, and his whole body swelled up. The moonlight shrouded his body, forming a light blue halo.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Mr. Vampire Werewolf accepted it as soon as he saw it, smiled dryly, and waved his hands again and again: "I understand, it's just a contrast... Whether you sweat or not is not the point, the point is the contrast!"

"Hurry up, you two!"

The main hunter of the Forgiveness Hunting Team held the formation map in his arms, frowned and reprimanded: "Everyone else has already taken their positions... In the first round, Fatty will be the leader of the formation, I will be the assistant on the left, and the doctor will be on the right." Bute seat, swordsman hunt seat, gentleman safari seat, squad leader and captain alternate seats. Are there any other questions?"

There were scattered negative voices all around.

"What about me?" Li Meng stood on tiptoe and raised her arms very actively.

"You?" The red-faced wizard raised his eyebrows, looked at the little witch, then at Jiang Yu, finally sighed, and added after deliberation: "Well, you and Lin Guo, let's be supervisors... yes, Supervise, see if anyone in the hunting formation behaves irregularly, write it, here are the quills and parchment for recording, you can get reimbursed afterwards..."



When Su Shijun came to the hunting ground, the training of the forgiveness hunting team was already halfway through.

The light blue titan, which is more than ten meters tall, runs, jumps, and rolls in the open hunting ground. From time to time, it reaches out to pull up a big tree, rubs off the branches on the trunk, and waves it with great momentum.

"You guys have performed even better than I expected." The senator of the Parliament under the Moon quietly appeared behind Zheng Qing, and chuckled: "...It seems that my instructor is not

There is more to teach you. "

Startled by the sudden sound, the wizard subconsciously pulled out the Colt silver python hanging on his waist, and there was a crisp rattling sound as the box turned, which was especially clear in the quiet night.

"Scare me!" Zheng Qing let out a breath, and suddenly realized the situation, realized that his attitude was wrong, and quickly corrected: " are here?"

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Su Shijun looked at him with a half-smile, tilted his head, and his eyes fell on the silver rune gun.

She was wearing a very ordinary black robe today, with a wide belt, red trim around the neckline and cuffs, and a ponytail casually tied behind her head, stuffed in the wide hood.

Zheng Qing quickly put away the rune gun in his hand, and quietly stuffed it back into the gray cloth bag. In his impression, this was the first time he saw Su Shijun combing his ponytail.

He couldn't help but want to look back at another witch with a ponytail beside him, but the cool breeze in late autumn stirred up a fine hair, which made him stop this stupid idea abruptly.

"Please, I invite you to come, not call."

The wizard corrected Su Shijun's words in a low voice, and finally had the courage to turn around, looked at Jiang Yu, and asked tentatively, "Cough...should we call everyone together to listen to Mr. Su's lecture?"

Jiang Yu lowered her eyelids, her expression was calm: "You are the captain."

Zheng Qing looked at Su Shijun again for help, only to find that the senator of the sub-moon council was looking up at the potato-like moon in the sky with great interest, as if he was very interested in today's moon phase.

He tugged at his neckline resignedly, and was about to yell to call his companions to gather, when Li Meng's scream came from beside him: "Ah! Su Shijun!"

This voice was like a rooster crowing, and the entire hunting ground that screamed brightly for a moment—to be precise, after being disturbed by this name, the Bofu's titan that was running was shattered, and the magic power of the backlash collided with the formation, Groups of light blue halos burst out, illuminating half of the hunting ground.

In the halo, the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team fell down from mid-air like balls.

"Ge Cu is tired!"

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team let out a loud roar, and waved his hands to summon five thick vines, which sprang out from the void and pulled back the dazed hunters.

"Is this the result of your training?" He rushed towards them angrily, furiously: "Didn't you run well just now? Who made a problem this time!"

Xin Fatty got up from the ground, and slapped away the guy who was in the way.

"Mr. Su, hello, I'm the assistant hunter of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Xin Banner Schmidt-Bayer, codenamed Fatty, you can call me Xin Fatty or Fatty."

The fat wizard deftly bypassed his team leader, rushed towards the tall figure, introduced himself with a flattering face, and at the same time took out a brand new business card from his pocket: "...I am also a part-time employee of the school newspaper. Reporter, the article "Su Shijun's First Hunting Team" on the front page today is my own work, hehe..."

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