Hunting High School

Two Hundred And Thirty Second Chapter Crack Field

When Jiang Yu claimed the credit, he was originally helping Zheng Qing.

Compared with a public welfare student who raised a little fox, Zhong Shan Jiang's name is obviously bigger, and it is more reasonable to invite Su Shijun.

But if this lie is exposed, Jiang Yu may only face a little embarrassment, while Zheng Qing will face more scrutiny from his companions—since it is not Jiang Yu's credit, then why did you invite Su Shijun?

Just because of the little fox who has a good friendship with Su Ya?

Or did you hire an accountant sent by the Qingqiu Su family in your small shop?

Or are there other hidden secrets?

Zhang Jixin, who is careless on weekdays, might laugh off this confusion, but Zheng Qing has no doubt that Xin Fatty, who is sharp-eyed, and Xiao Xiao, who is good at thinking, will definitely get to the bottom of it and explore the contradictions in detail.

Thinking of the consequences of the Dongchuang incident, the young public-funded student couldn't care less, forcibly interrupted Li Meng's good time, grabbed Jiang Yu's wrist, dragged her to Su Shijun, and introduced her eagerly, eloquently:

"This classmate Jiang Yu is Li Meng's cousin!"

"Student Jiang Yu, you know her well. She fought side by side with you on the black prison battlefield... The letter I sent to the Qingqiu mansion, the letter inviting you to be the instructor of the forgiveness hunting team, is Jiang Yu. Yu asked the elders in the family to help write it!"

While talking, he winked frantically at the owner of Qingqiu Mansion, emphatically emphasizing the word 'that letter' in his tone, and at the end, he added again: "... If it wasn't for her to help make the bridge, excuse me The crime hunting team can't invite an excellent senior like you to serve as the hunting team instructor!"

Compared with the chattering wizard, Jiang Yu's expression was a little bit awkward, maybe it was because of being grabbed by the wrist, she turned her face away slightly, a touch of pink appeared on her neck.

Su Shijun stared at the hand that Zheng Qing was holding, his eyes were a little subtle.


She obviously cared more about a certain word he just used than the key points of what the wizard said, with a hint of displeasure on her face: "Am I that old?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a second, then immediately changed his words and said flatteringly, "It's senior, excellent senior!"

"Senior doesn't necessarily mean older."

Jiang Yu suddenly raised his head, looked squarely at the great wizard in front of him, and added in a very soft voice: "Before I was born, I heard the Tao before me, and I learned from it; after I was born, I also heard the Tao before me." I, I will learn from it... I heard that there is a sequence, choose the good one and follow it."

Zheng Qing tilted his head, always felt that the witch's last sentence was a bit weird, and it didn't sound like the original text.

"It doesn't matter which one is good, choose the good one and follow it."

Su Shijun raised his eyebrows, his eyes lingered on the wizard and witch in front of him for a moment, a playful smile appeared on his face, and at the same time, he quickly counted in his sleeves, and lightly changed the subject: "That letter... you mean That letter...I naturally know Jiang Yu. Before the Black Prison Battlefield, we met in Lao Yao's office...I was very impressed by her bravery at that time. See you today, I feel better than you. I was braver before."

Hearing this comment, Jiang Yu didn't back down at all.

"It's my honor." She pulled her wrist out of Zheng Qing's hand, and bowed politely: "...Greetings, I'm glad to see you again."

Zheng Qing didn't know what charades the two of them were playing, but apparently, Su Shijun had also smoothed things over for him just now, which made his heart sink back into his throat.

"Now that I have introduced myself, my eyes flicked over the group of wizards, and finally fell on Zhang Jixin: "... Is it difficult to demonstrate the battle formations, tactics and magic we have mastered one by one? "

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The red-faced wizard shook his wrist, his joints were ringing like firecrackers, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes.

Zheng Qing felt a little uncomfortable, and quickly remedied: "Just do your best... Don't try the 'Multiple Wind and Fire Curse', don't send everyone into the school hospital before the official start... Doctor, you are a secondary hunter, pay attention !"

Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses and nodded reservedly.

The spell Zheng Qing mentioned was a group magic recently practiced by the Forgiveness Hunting Team. Because the spell involved was more complicated, the magic power backlash had occurred several times during the practice. He was very worried that the boys would not care about their own loss for the sake of face.

"Who will be on stage during the demonstration?" Jiang Yu whispered in the boy's ear.

Although her voice was very soft, in the quiet night, people around her could still hear her clearly. Before Zheng Qing could speak, Xin Fatty patted his chest and laughed.

"I'm the eye of the formation, I must be one of them." He winked at his companions, and walked towards the hunting ground with a face full of color.

"I'm the assistant hunter, as you said just now." Dr. Xiao Da embraced the crystal ball, saluted Su Shijun slightly, and followed without haste.

"I, the master hunter, no one knows more tactics and battle formations than me." When he said this, Zhang Jixin's nostrils almost went up to the sky.

Only the last two slots remain, Hunter and Hunter.

"It's still a swordsman and a gentleman." Zheng Qing looked at Jiang Yu inquiringly: "They just warmed up, so it should be easier than us to get into the state..."

Jiang Yu nodded in agreement.

Dylan patted Zheng Qing's shoulder in satisfaction, and quietly gestured to him with a grateful gesture; the blue bird showed the same indifference as always, and after handing over the sable hanging around its neck to Lingo, silently followed the pace of the hunting team .

Li Meng yelled, pretending to be very busy, and directed the flustered Lin Guo to sort out the magic materials and herbs piled up not far away.

Zheng Qing stood on the edge of the hunting ground, looking at the light blue afterbirth gradually rising around the apology battle formation in the distance, Jiang Yu stood on the left, and Su Shijun stood on the right.

Soon, he realized that the position of own was a bit inappropriate, and just as he was about to move away, Su Shijun gave him a sidelong glance.

"I thought you were the captain of the forgiveness."

She folded her arms and casually looked at the happy hunters on the hunting ground, lacking in interest: "...Since you are the captain, you should have your own opinions, and you can't refer to the opinions of the team members in everything... On the hunting ground, there is not always a It's time for you to seek everyone's opinion."

Before Zheng Qing could speak, Jiang Yu chuckled beside him.

"It's also thanks to him being able to listen to other people's words," said the witch without a hint of sarcasm, and she seemed extremely sincere: "He has not been in contact with the wizarding world for a long time, and his experience in hunting teams is still limited, so he can only listen to others' opinions. Only then can you show stability and tolerance... What do you think?"

The two witches looked at the wizard together.

Zheng Qing pinched his nose in his heart, pretending that he didn't hear the discussion between the two, and rushed towards the hunting ground with an angry look: "You guys have gone astray! Are you all blind? Outside the battle formation My afterbirth is shaking! Fatty! Xin Fatty! Don’t transform just for the sake of transformation... Be careful to match the rhythm of others!"

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