Hunting High School

Chapter 242 Excuse Me And Change My Name

"rule, no3, only the hunters who persevere until the end will have a chance to welcome the dawn of victory!"


"Cheer! Jump for joy! Go to hell!"

"Let's unscrupulously release your shallow and vivid desires in this world where illusion and reality are superimposed!"

"Every ray of spiritual light that you shattered in the dreamland will become the nutrient for the growth of ignorant life!"

"Every drop of blood you shed on the field will turn into the cheering saliva of the audience in the stands!"

"If someone asks what's the positive in all this?"


"Death is the greatest meaning of hunting! Fighting is the only true meaning of hunting!"

"The last voice on the hunting ground is only eight words—"

"Broken bamboo, continued bamboo, flying soil, chasing meat!"

Accompanied by the hoarse cry of the puppet man, the drums echoed like a storm. It stretched out its slender cane to the audience, and its eyes were full of encouragement: "Let us shout together——"

The hunters in the hall looked at each other, and after a while, someone shouted intermittently: "Broken bamboo, continuous bamboo, flying soil, chasing meat!"

"Not loud enough!"

The puppet was very annoyed, as if angry at the young wizards wasting the atmosphere it created, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the rapid drumbeat sounded again, and then it repeated the previous action: "Let us all shout together——"

"Broken bamboo, continued bamboo, flying soil, chasing meat!"

This time, the hunters in the audience shouted very cooperatively.

The puppet nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand and pressed it, the background sound disappeared in unison, and the whole hall suddenly fell into a dead silence, it bowed slightly to thank, Zheng Qing vaguely heard it whispering like a whisper:

"Although I'm just a puppet, I still dream occasionally"

White mist swept in from all directions, drowning the bowed puppet, the rostrum under its feet, and the figures of forty-seven hunting teams around the rostrum in an instant.

Except for the seven hunters of the forgiveness hunting team, Zheng Qing could no longer see any other figures.


The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team let out a loud roar, pulled back the rune gun hanging from his waist, and looked around vigilantly; almost at the same time, the seven Forgiveness hunters took their respective positions and launched a heptagram battle formation.

In the next second, the mist trembled, and a long and narrow passage was cut through the mist.

At the end of the corridor, there is an exit like a tiny light spot.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, holding the book and the talisman gun, and walked into the corridor first. Jiang Yu followed closely, and then Xiao Xiao, Fatty, Blue Bird, and Dylan.

Zhang Jixin, as the other main hunter of the hunting team, took the initiative to stay at the end.

At the end of the foggy path, there is a small door.

Behind the door is a cheering world.

Zheng Qing raised his head, and the high stands all around were filled with blurred figures and brightly colored flags. The sky is covered with thick clouds, no sunlight can be seen, and the dry loess is under the feet. When you step on it, there will be a deep footprint.

"This is our hunting ground today."

Zheng Qing judged, and he was inexplicably relieved. Compared with all difficulties, the unknown is the most terrifying one. Now that he is standing in the hunting grounds, the young public finance student has some expectations for today's opponents: "Forty-seven hunting teams, forty-seven hunting grounds, that is to say, the audience in the stands are all coming to see us. guilty?"

Looking at those densely packed figures, the wizard suddenly became much more energetic.

"Why can't we see the appearance of the audience on the stage?" Xin Fatty set up a pergola with his hands, looked around with squinted eyes, and complained at the same time: "There will be no dummies inside, right? I didn't see clearly when the puppet demonstrated before."

"It's not a dummy." Jiang Yu's slightly cold voice suddenly came from the side: "You can tell the difference if you listen carefully."

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and carefully discerned for a moment.

Gradually, the smile on his face became stiff. Because in the stands, those small voices were slowly reorganized in his ears, and gradually gathered into the same word——

Su Shijun.

Most of the co-authors came to see Su Shijun?

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team thought indignantly, but had to admit that compared with the relatively unknown Forgiveness, Miss Su's 'box office' appeal was obviously stronger.

"It may also be because of the location." The wizard smiled reluctantly, and said with mud: "Like we watched the hunting game in the stands last year, we used binoculars, now we want to see the stands, we should also use binoculars, Doctor, you What do you think?"

"Me? I don't have any ideas." Xiao Xiao looked at it absently, thoughtfully: "I just suddenly felt that the arrangement of the student union this time is very clever."

"How to say?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf asked very interestedly.

"Arranging the game in the dreamland will not only save a lot of resources, but also prevent riots in the stands." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and reminded: "You will not forget what happened in the school hunting game last year." Accident."

When he said this, Zheng Qing suddenly remembered the brief conflict between Alpha and Jiuyou Academy in the school hunting competition last year - the resignation of the previous Lei Zhe and Augustus was said to be due to the aftermath of that conflict.

And if the hunting match is arranged in the dreamland, even if Jiuyou and Alpha's extremists cause trouble again, at best it will be a fight in a dream, and the energy wasted is not even comparable to the consumption of a more advanced magic.

"Smart indeed."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement: "For the sake of safety in all aspects, the student union really took great pains. I don't know if the finals will also be arranged in the dreamland."

"Of course not."

This time it was Zhang Jixin who joined the chat, and the red-faced wizard denied his captain's guess with affirmative tone: "In addition to the ordinary audience in the final of the school hunting meeting, there were also senior officials of the alliance, alien envoys, and representatives of many wizarding organizations, and it was true. After all, there are subtle differences between hunting and dreamland, even for the reputation of the first university, the student union will not do that."


Suddenly, a deafening crackle sounded in the sky above the hunting ground, interrupting the chatter among the hunters and suppressing the chaotic and chaotic voices in the stands.

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"And the sneaky guests in the stands!"

The puppet's familiar voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ear, and he shouted loudly in its exaggerated tone: "The first trial of the No. 35 hunting ground of the School Hunting Club is about to begin! The owner of this hunting ground has appeared among you In front of you! Let us call her name together—"

"Su Shi-jun!"

"Su Shi-jun!"

"Su Shi-jun!"

There was an overwhelming cheer from the stands, and Zheng Qing, who was listening directly, rolled his eyes. Even the puppet who presided over the hunting competition was stunned, a little out of step with the rhythm of the crowd.

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