Hunting High School

Chapter 245 Ghouls

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Ghouls are a very traditional and classic magical creature in the wizarding world, and they exist in many settlements of wizards and even white people.

Traditional ghouls—such as Europa ghouls and Arabian ghouls—have wild dog-like cheeks, huge fangs, emaciated bodies, and foul smells, and some powerful ghouls also have simple transformations. Ability to transform into a hyena or similar creature.

This is a magical creature that, although vicious in appearance, is not terribly dangerous.

This is also easy to understand from another angle. If they are really dangerous, they will not be reduced to the point where they live on the corpses of other creatures or even carrion. Their fearfulness is more due to their death-thirsty habit of being in contact with Death for a long time, making them infected by Death's breath and have a terrifying appearance.

Ghouls are low in intelligence, live in groups, and like to hide in dark and damp corners. If they cannot find a dead body, they will also hunt spiders, moths, and frogs for food. Old-fashioned wizards often kept ghouls near their houses to intimidate and expel white men who inadvertently approached their houses.

Unlike traditional ghouls, although they are nocturnal humanoids that eat scavenging creatures, the ghouls in the dreamland have evolved into a certain kind because of the existence of Mordiggian, the king of ghouls, and Nodens, the lord of the abyss. A more advanced magical creature - they have a religious organization, can speak a language made of simple words that sounds like gibberish, can freely travel between dreamlands and graveyards in the real world, and even Team up with the Daredevils to form armies and perform some complex tactics.

These subtle but significant changes make the ghouls in the Dreamland look more 'human'.

What's more, there is well-researched evidence that through certain evil magical rituals, Bai Ding and ordinary wizards can be transformed into this kind of ghoul-in a sense, this is a kind of depravity similar to a lich Behavior.

Therefore, the relationship between the wizarding world and ghouls has always been cold.

As a result, ghouls—without a doubt—become the Black Devil magic creature between the lich and the murloc. They're evil enough, but not dangerous enough to be demons.

This special status makes them one of the best "sparing partners" for young wizards to practice.

The ghoul that appeared in front of the forgiveness hunting team right now is a dream ghoul in the standard sense—it walks upright on two legs, its body leans forward slightly, and its gelatinous skin glows under the gloomy sky. A bronze-like color and slender dog-like ears make them look like distant relatives of goblins or goblins, but their sharp teeth and sharp claws make them even more dangerous.

While sending Bluebird and Dylan to attack the ghoul with a tangled formation, the remaining three hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team carefully formed a small formation, and continuously released detection magic to search for traces of other prey.

But to Zheng Qing's expectation, there was no second ghoul within the range of magic detection.

"What are you doing?"

Zheng Qing frowned, puzzled: "At least we have five people... Even if we are at the level of a first grader, we shouldn't send only one ghoul!"

While speaking, the ghoul in the distance had rushed to the street, and was easily pierced through the heart by Lan Que's sword. The whole process is very easy, like an outing.

This made Zheng Qing feel like he punched the cotton after accumulating energy for a long time.

"Everything has a gradual process." In contrast, Zhang Jixin, who is usually irritable, was surprisingly calm: "Perhaps this is a stage for us to adapt to the hunting game...Take a step back, if only one head needs to be slaughtered Ghouls can advance to the finals, and we don't lose."

"It's impossible for that to happen." Zheng Qing immediately shook his head in denial.

Dylan gestured to the rear, bound the dead ghoul with a binding spell, and dragged it back. The blue tits lingered on the outside, maintaining

A certain range of warning.

"Why drag it back?" Zheng Qing looked at the ugly body in the loess, and complained, "Are you going to collect some moss from its skin?"

In the dark environment of Life all the year round, a layer of mottled moss grows on the skin of ghouls, which was stained by them in the cemetery when they were foraging. This kind of moss has a good therapeutic effect on corpse gas and other similar symptoms. Ghouls are one of the few magic materials worth collecting.

If Xin Fatty was here, collecting those mosses would still make sense, but Zheng Qing didn't feel that Dylan, who was born in a noble under the moon, had such a need.

"Just in case." Mr. Vampire Werewolf replied cautiously, but did not make any further explanations.

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao, who had been paying attention to the surrounding environment, suddenly said:


A thin layer of light rose from the crystal ball in his arms, and in the light one could clearly see two ghouls crawling on all fours, approaching the forgiveness hunting team like hunting wild dogs.

This time, without Zheng Qing needing to speak, the blue bird that had been lingering outside drove the Flying Sword to stab the hearts of two ghouls, and then Dylan summoned vines to drag the two trophies back.

A moment later, a third wave of ghouls came, this time four.

Then there are eight heads.

Then there are sixteen heads.

After the five waves of attacks, Zheng Qing's face no longer had the initial ease, and more than 30 ghoul corpses were piled up in front of the forgiveness hunting team, like a small hill.

"According to this law, we can assume that every time we defeat a ghoul, the number of opponents will increase exponentially, which means that it won't be long before we will face an overwhelming group of ghouls."

The apologetic fortune teller concluded: " the puppet said that the longer you persist, the greater the chance of victory. That's what it means... other hunting teams should also face this situation."

"I'd rather have them all at once." Dylan sighed, looking at the own trophies.

"What if we prolong the response time?" A flash of light flashed in Zheng Qing's mind, and he immediately proposed: "If we deal with the next wave slowly... well, there should be thirty-two ghouls in the next wave... delay A few it considered a long time?"

Dylan looked at the young public servant with admiration, and patted him on the shoulder: "No wonder you are the captain, and I'm just a wage earner... Most people are too embarrassed to think about such a shameless plan."

Zheng Qing felt a slight heat on his cheeks, and he laughed dryly: "How is it?"

"You can try," Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, "but I don't think the school will put such a big bug in the rules... There are not so many stupid people in the student union."

"That's not necessarily the case...stupid rules are usually made by smart people."

It is rare for Zhang Jixin to spit out a few beautiful words: "Because they are too smart, they forget that most of the world is stupid, so the rules they make are not suitable for stupid people but only for smart people... Then those rules seem stupid in the eyes of most people "<script type=310cfbb7f3831bfb1c9cd7b4-text/javascript>show_ht3;</script>

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