Hunting High School

Chapter 247 Inside And Outside The Hunting Ground

Zheng Qing knew the incantation of 'Emperor's Corpse Carried Up'.

It is often combined with another short mantra "Ba Luan Qiang Qiang" to form a "getting up mantra", which is often used by students to force them to get up when they can't get up in the morning.

Although Zheng Qing didn't experience it personally, he saw Xin Fatty use this spell more than once, and the effect was very good. Even if you slept like a dead pig one second, you will get out of bed under the influence of the spell in the next second, like a ghost possessed.

But right now, Dylan cast this short spell on a dead ghoul and made it 'wake up', which is kind of creepy.

Desecrating a dead body is a very serious mistake in any normal society.

Even the corpse of a ghoul.

In the wizarding world, this kind of profane magic has a special term - necromancy. In the eyes of most wizards, necromancy undoubtedly belongs to the category of Black Devil law.

This is a stubborn image rooted in the minds of most wizards, as stubborn as cockroaches in the sewers and moss on damp corners.

First University is a very decent school.

This is unquestionable and well known.

A second-year student of the First University performed necromancy on a dead ghoul in broad daylight and under the watchful eyes of everyone, which made Zheng Qing terrified like the complete exposure of Poseidon's identity.

"Are you crazy?"

The young public servant jumped up and waved the magic book, trying to interrupt Mr. Vampire Werewolf's magic, but after the book was spread out, he realized that he didn't understand the magic of necromancers.

Xiao Xiao grabbed his sleeve and shook his head slightly.

"This is not necromantic magic that desecrates corpses."

The apologetic fortune teller first calmed down the panicked captain, and then explained briefly: "...This is the talent control magic of high rank undead against low-rank undead...We are lucky, in the face of ghouls In this game, Dylan happened to be chosen."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf gestured an OK gesture to Zheng Qing, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a pair of beautiful and pale fangs.

Pure blood vampires are high rank undead, while scavenging ghouls are low rank undead, this is common sense. Although Dylan has half of the werewolf blood, the other half of the vampire blood is extremely noble, so he also mastered part of the talent magic that belongs to the vampire.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, the apologetic captain heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a little damp on his back, and realized that he was in a cold sweat just for a moment.

"Were you trembling just now?" Dylan sniffed sharply and asked suspiciously.

He was waving his fingers, like the conductor who was beating the time in front of the orchestra, waving his arms and fingers slightly, turning the vampire conductor around.

"No, it's adrenaline."

The young public finance student immediately denied Mr. Vampire Werewolf's speculation, and explained quickly: "Increased adrenaline secretion will lead to an increase in metabolic heat production, and decreased secretion will lead to a drop in heart rate and body temperature... This is a scientific explanation. , has nothing to do with magic."

"Is that right?"

Dylan withdrew his gaze in a daze, and refocused on the vampire corpse in front of him. As time went by, his commanding rhythm became more and more brisk, and the ghoul's movements gradually became more flexible, and its movements were even more agile than its movements in life.

"It looks like a good idea, but isn't one end a bit short?" The red-faced wizard folded his arms, looking at the corpse of the ghoul, pondering.

"Do not worry!"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf winked his eyes at his companions, implying something: "So many materials... It's no problem to entangle hundreds of ghouls... Even if they are stronger than before."

"Just rely on the end you direct?" Zheng Qing snorted.

Dylan smiled, and the Dharma book at his waist automatically floated in front of him. Without wind, he turned several pages in a row, and then he pressed the Dharma book with one hand.

, with a restrained smile and a solemn face:

"The gods stop getting drunk, and the emperor's corpse is loaded!"

"Working wishes to report, drum bells to send the corpse!"

There was the dull sound of bells and drums faintly in the void, mixed with incomprehensible ambiguous prayers, and Zheng Qing felt as if he had come to a certain temple or place of worship in an instant.

The gray-white mantra light gushed out of the dharma book like running water, scouring and rolling, and in an instant, it flooded the hill-like pile of ghoul corpses, and the continuous magic power seeped into the mountain of corpses amid prayers and the sound of bells and drums , A pair of gray eyes opened one after another, arms twisted and stretched out, the whole pile of corpses looked like a blooming corrupt Lotus flower, exuding a frightening aura.



"Black Devil law!"

"The Black Devil method of the Necromantic system!"

"The Forgiveness Hunt used a forbidden technique in full view!"

When Dylan summoned the first ghoul carcass, the puppet figures in the stands yelled happily, lest the audience could not hear clearly, and almost stuffed their noses into the petunia stamens: "Did you see that? They summoned The corpse of a ghoul... oh? oh..."

A black-robed wizard hurried through the crowd, squeezed to the side of the puppet, and handed over a slender piece of parchment. The puppet pulled his nose out of the morning glory reluctantly, and glanced at the contents of the note. .

Then it immediately became listless.

"Oh, that's it."

It cleared its throat, and explained briefly in a voice seven or eight degrees lower than before and at a fast speed: "According to relevant policies, the dominance of high rank undead over low-rank undead falls within the scope of protection of the "Wizard Code". what we're seeing is legal."

Having said that, it angrily stuffed the note into its mouth, and chewed it viciously a few times.

"Legal, but unreasonable!" The puppet man gestured his middle finger viciously at the sky in a vague tone: "In this terrible world, even in dreams, we can't get the justice and equality we deserve!"

It was answered by the chaotic noise in the stands.

Few people listened carefully to the fragmented and subjective words of the puppets. The young wizards gathered together in twos and threes, holding up their brass binoculars, listening to the "experts" in their respective circles explain the game.

Of course, not everyone is focused on hunting grounds.

From the beginning of the game until now, there has always been a strong voice in the stands, enthusiastically and firmly waving the banner with the Qingqiu clan emblem painted with nine-tailed flowers, shouting the name of "Su Shijun" in unison.

"The tenth batch of prey has been released!"

The puppet regained his energy, stuffed his nose into the morning glory, and shouted hoarsely: "... We can see that the ghoul corpses of the forgiveness hunting team have already greeted them under the command of the hunter 'gentleman'... ...It must be admitted that even if this is in a dream, this is an extremely cruel scene..."

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