Hunting High School

Chapter 255: End Of Trials (Part 2)

It's hard to give up.

Su Shijun took off his glasses, Shi Shiran stepped down from the stands, stood in the sky above the hunting ground, and greeted the supporters in all directions elegantly and familiarly, with a charming smile and beautiful eyes, his charming demeanor disappeared in an instant. Take away the glory of the whole world.

This small action immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience, both wizards and witches shouted the word "Su Shijun" almost in unison, completely forgetting that this is not a fan meeting, but a hunting match.

Zheng Qing wiped off his sweat and sighed heavily.

"Obviously we are the ones playing the game."

The young public finance student muttered, both grateful and a bit disappointed: "Why do you feel that everyone's focus is a little bit off..."

Having said that, he was still very grateful to the witch for diverting everyone's attention.

Even if only for a short time.

In mid-air, after the charming figure greeted him, it turned into a flash of colorful light and disappeared in front of everyone like a dream bubble—of course, this was only what the public in the stands saw.

In fact, the seven-color light did not leave the hunting ground immediately, but landed on the edge of the hunting ground silently, appearing in front of Zheng Qing.

"Good acting."

The owner of the Qingqiu mansion praised lightly, and threw a beam of white light across the wizard's body. Zheng Qing immediately felt warm all over, with a kind of refreshment after Duster.

But the refreshment only lasted a short time.

The witch's next words immediately frightened the young public finance student's face pale: "...if the school finds out that someone is cheating at the school hunting party, it will probably give a serious warning or demerit... I remember that you still have the memorized A probation? Well, I personally think that you can consider doing something to make a living after being expelled from school... If you really can’t find a job, you can come to Qingqiu Mansion to take care of Poseidon full-time.”

Zheng Qing argued subconsciously: "It's not me..."

"Of course not you." The witch folded her hands on her chest, and looked at the young wizard in front of her, with a look of thought in her eyes: "Mordiggian is a just and benevolent existence, and he will not marry someone just because of you. There are big people who meet each other, so let's put water in this kind of competition..."

"How can ordinary people know the thoughts of the gods." The wizard muttered, and it took a lot of effort to move his eyes away from the witch's arms, and tried his best to look as if nothing had happened.

Then he noticed that the witch's feet hadn't touched the ground from the beginning to the end, and the skirt was more than a foot off the ground.

No wonder she felt much taller than usual, the young public fee student muttered to himself.

"This understanding is not bad."

Su Shijun didn't pay attention to the boy's slander. After hearing his muttering, he nodded approvingly, and changed the topic: "I came here to tell you that I may not have time to participate in every game after the forgiveness... maybe Su Man or someone else will be sent here instead of'd better prepare in advance."

What preparation?

Naturally, it was those spectators who rushed to Su Shijun to watch the match but didn't see Su Shijun in the end. At this moment, the name of "Su Shijun" and some fanatical slogans were still echoing over the hunting ground. Thinking of the disappointed voices from the stands next time, he seemed to have seen rotten eggs raining down on him.

"Can you use a projection, or a prosthetic body?" Zheng Qing tried hard to search for a few simple concepts in his mind, and was quite annoyed that Dr. Xiao Da was not by his side for a while.

Otherwise, with the insight of a doctor, I will definitely be able to make better suggestions.

"Laboratory work cannot be distracted."

The corner of Su Shijun's mouth twitched: "You can also go to the mansion more often, in case I am lazy and don't go to the laboratory... Well, your waiting seats are here, let's leave it like this for today."

Before the words fell, the colorful light bloomed again, and it was fleeting.

Zheng Qing looked intently, and there was nothing in front of him, and there was no shadow of Su Shijun.

Looking back, the other two remaining hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were rushing towards him. Jiang Yu was in front of him.

, Xin Fatty is behind, and a little further away, there is Lin Guo, who is holding a plate of fruit.

"Are you hurt?"

Jiang Yu was full of eagerness and spoke quickly: "Although Mordiggian is an ancient and decent existence, but after staying in the starry sky for a long time, it is inevitable that he will be contaminated with some concepts there... Fortunately, I made preparations in advance."

As she spoke, she took out a small ampoule from her handbag, stuffed it into the wizard's hand, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Lourdes holy water... drink it quickly!"

Zheng Qing wanted to tell her that he felt very good now. But looking at the concerned eyes, he couldn't say a word of refusal, so he could only open the ampoule obediently, raised his head, and poured the holy water into his stomach.

Contrary to my impression, tonight's holy water tasted very weak, like a bottle of white water. Zheng Qing didn't think the witch would come up with an inferior product. The only explanation was that he really didn't have many 'Impurities' from the stars in his body now.

While he was pouring the holy water, the fat wizard grabbed his other arm, his face full of excitement and shock, and he yelled loudly: "Merlin! How did you do it! ... The blue bird is dead!" At the time, I thought it was over for tonight! No one would have thought that you insisted on it for three minutes!"

"Less than three minutes... and the blue bird is not dead."

Zheng Qing put away the bottle, immediately changed the topic, and corrected seriously: "This is a dreamland, we are competing in a dream, everything you see is not real..."

In the last sentence, he was sincere.

But obviously, the fat wizard's understanding of that sentence was a little bit off.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know it's not true." He patted his captain's shoulder hard, blew his nose very loudly, and said with emotion, "You know? I didn't sit on the bench... As far as I know, most of the other forty-six arenas have finished the game half an hour ago... Do you know what this means?"


The young public finance student asked absent-mindedly, his mind spinning wildly, trying to find a plausible reason to explain to everyone how he survived the last three minutes.

"It means that we are already in the first echelon of the school." The fat wizard replied solemnly, and at the same time made an easy-to-understand analogy: "It also means that if we are willing to print Fizz on the uniform Advertisement for Er's Magic Potion or Hooker Brothers, forgive me for a whole year's training fee."

Zheng Qing sighed sadly.

He is very self-aware-the apology is not worth so much money-rather than being chased by advertisers and telling Dan Hager to lose face afterwards, it is better to make a wiser choice earlier.

"Don't be kidnapped by those petty profits. At present, d&k can still pay the salary of the hunting team manager." When he said this, the young public finance student felt his heart was bleeding, like a cat watching The small dried fish on the plate was stolen.

In the distance, above the stands, the lazy voice of the puppet echoed faintly: "... Tonight's trials are over, please leave the stage in an orderly manner... I wish you all a sweet dream!"

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