Hunting High School

Chapter 128: My Horse Gnaw

Hilda Don Alfonso stood in front of the students uneasy.

When the little witch fainted in front of him just now, his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

Thanks to Mrs. Bella's rich experience, it only took a few minutes to stabilize the situation of the little spirit witch.

Even so, he was still scolded by the stern head nurse—a few years ago, when he was still studying at school, he was often reprimanded by this lady.

Hilda raised her head and glanced melancholy at the purple bamboo forest on the hillside.

The black and purple bamboo poles look like overripe sugar cane, but the green bamboo leaves clearly indicate the true identity of these grass plants.

Just like him.

Although he usually appears a little lazy and even rebellious in front of his friends, deep down in his heart, he considers himself a very responsible teacher.

Maybe I shouldn't be too demanding on them, the teaching assistant let out a sigh of relief and regained his energy.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"According to the syllabus I got." He flipped through the lesson plans in hand, then raised his head, glanced casually at the freshmen of the two teams, and asked in a brisk tone: "The spells that Jiuyoutian 08-1 class has mastered It's 'Ge Zhiqinxi', and the Alpha Academy has mastered 'My Horse Hui Hui Tui'... Do you have any objections?"

There was a low murmur of reply from the crowd.

No one offered a different opinion.

If the teaching assistant can observe these freshmen patiently, he will probably be able to notice the tense atmosphere between the teams on both sides and the strange eyes of the freshmen intersecting each other.

But the little accident not long ago made Hilda suddenly feel physically and mentally exhausted.

This made his confidence in this class weaken a lot, and even the performance of the students was ignored by him.

"Then, what about the student who was assigned as a training partner in the last class?" He raised his head and looked around.

Duan Xiaojian squeezed out of the team with a mournful face.

Xin Fatty waved his hands behind his back, beat the beat slightly, and hummed a low "funeral march" in his nose.

"Next, I will do a simple demonstration with Duan Xiaojian, a student from Jiuyou College." Hilda grabbed Duan Xiaojian by the shoulder and hurriedly pulled him to the front of the crowd.

"First of all, it's 'Ge Zhitanxi'," the teaching assistant flipped open the book, a little emphatically, "Pay attention to the safe distance between the two people, and the eyes of the caster...'Ge Zhitanxi, Shi Here'!"

Dark green vines appeared out of thin air again.

These meandering, snake-like plants soothed the muscles and bones, restrained Duan Xiaojian's hands and feet leisurely, and unhurriedly pulled out a few bows. They even thoughtfully built a crude armchair for their prey with leftover rattan.

This move relieved the tense trainee's expression a lot.

"The safe distance is three meters! Be sure to look at your own opponent when casting a spell." Hilda raised her voice and emphasized to everyone: "If your eyes deviate when you cast a spell, like this..."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the edge of the grass.

The vines that made up the armchair fell apart, dragging their loot, and swarmed towards the open space.

Duan Xiaojian rolled on the ground twice, and soon found that the vines tied to his hands and feet were only as thick as fingers.

He shrank his bones, jumped up and down, desperately struggling to get rid of these convulsive vines.

"Fractionated Divinity when chanting the spell will not only greatly reduce the power of your spell, but may also make your prey escape. In serious cases, it may even cause the spell to lose control!"

Hilda looked at the freshmen of Tianwen Class 08-1 with a serious expression, and said loudly: "If anyone, I mean anyone, plans to lie in the school hospital in the first month of school, then you can completely ignore my warn!"

The freshmen tremblingly watched the thick vine rolling and struggling on the lawn—now it looked like a mad python—and shook their heads.

"Another spell."

Hilda dragged Duan Xiaojian, who had just stood firm, to Alpha Freshman.

"This spell is relatively safe." The teaching assistant obviously wanted to complete the demonstration in one go.

Still the same as before.

With a safe distance of three meters, he locked his eyes on the target of the spell.

"I'm going to go back and forth!" Hilda held the spine of the Dharma book with her left hand, pressed the pages of the book with her right hand, and recited the incantation.

Duan Xiaojian, who had just stood up straight, lost his legs and rolled on the lawn again.

Not long after, there was loud snoring on the grass.

Zheng Qing poked his head to look at Duan Xiaojian, and found that he had completely fallen asleep.

Even the corners of his mouth had already drooped a trace of transparent liquid.

"This spell is interesting!" Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

"Poor child." Xin Fatty hugged his stomach, looked at Duan Xiaojian who was sleeping on the ground with pity, and shook his head again and again.

"The original intention of this spell is to make people tired and weak." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and frowned: "There is something wrong with this situation."

As if in response to his doubts, Hilda's voice sounded again.

"When you practice this incantation, you must pay attention to enunciating the words clearly." The teacher assistant opened his mouth wide and pronounced slowly: "虺hui... 隤tui! It's not a black push, and it's not a pile of ashes! 虺隤, come and follow me for a year... … 虺hui 隤tui!”

"虺...隤..." Alpha's freshman repeated the incantation after the teaching assistant with a long voice.

"Your charm professor must have reminded you of the taboo of this spell." Hilda looked at the white-robed students in front of her with probing eyes.

Everyone nodded.

Zheng Qing noticed that Andrew and his little friends nodded exaggeratedly, which made him couldn't help but sneer.

Hilda, however, seemed very pleased with the exaggeration, and even gave them a satisfied nod.

"If this spell is not pronounced clearly, it is easy to cause various accidents. For example, the subject is unconscious, or the legs and feet twitch, and even the old students of the previous class, and some people have been paralyzed under this spell for a whole month!"

"A whole month! That poor student couldn't even move a finger... his whole body was paralyzed and he was lying in the school hospital. He even ate liquid food."

All beings were horrified and gasped.

Xin Fatty finally restrained his laughing expression.

He thought of the situation where he was cursed by that flower, and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Poor kid." Zheng Qing patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

"The demonstration is over!" Hilda snapped her fingers, awakening Duan Xiaojian from his sleep.

The hunchbacked young wizard wiped his saliva in bewilderment, and walked back to the team with his legs bent amidst the laughter of a group of bad friends.

"Student Duan Xiaojian was rewarded with a credit for his excellent performance in the training." The teaching assistant obviously didn't cross the river and demolish the bridge, so he happily gave the young wizard a jujube.

This made Duan, who had just woken up, beam with joy.

He didn't even care that Xin Fatty was imitating the way he was drooling after falling asleep just now.

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