Hunting High School

Chapter 267: There Are Cracks In Everything

Andrew stood at the door of the vagabond bar, looking at the big frog squatting at the door.

At noon—especially at noon from Monday to Friday—there are very few passengers on the pedestrian street, and correspondingly, even fewer people come to the street.

Mr. Commissioner remembers very clearly that when he was a student, the frog at the door of the Wandering Bar looked like this, short and fat, lazy, and looked like he hadn’t woken up all day. Although he was an alchemy creature, his temper was extremely Tricky, if someone stuffed it with a can of fruit flies, this frog would not shy away from stuffing it in private, giving the bribers a higher-ranked hand.

"Business visit, thank you."

The commissioner of the Three-pronged Sword greeted politely, and shook the own badge in front of the frog. The frog squinted his eyes and looked carefully for a long time. A hand full of fruit fly residue.

Andrew took it without hesitation, put it on his wrist, and pushed the door open.

The corridor behind the door is exactly the same as in memory, deep and winding, and the hall at the end of the corridor is extremely quiet, with no music, colored lights, or waitresses. A few guests huddled in their respective corners, waiting for their 'business'. Behind the bar, the multi-armed waiter was wiping the wine glasses that could never be finished, watching everyone in the hall vigilantly.

Noticing the eye-catching figure of the new guest, several black figures huddled in the corner quickly got up and left quickly through the side door. The originally quiet hall was completely empty—they fled so hastily that a chair was taken by someone. The corner of the guest's robe was overturned on the ground.

"Mr. Commissioner, good afternoon!"

The multi-armed waiter behind the bar spoke in a rough voice, complaining: "...If you don't scare my guests away, I will definitely buy you a drink!"

"Good afternoon... Just call me Andrew."

The wizard of the three-pronged sword greeted him kindly, lifted up the fallen chair, patted it, and said with a slightly emotional tone, "These chairs are exactly the same as when I was in school... Time seems to stand still here."

"For the guests of the vagabond bar, it is a particularly reassuring state to remain unchanged." A slightly abrupt voice sounded behind Andrew: "The weather is so fine, what can I do for you?"

The commissioner of the three-pronged sword turned around.

As expected, I saw the owner of the homeless bar.

The figure of the wandering wizard fits perfectly with the candlelight falling from the ceiling, as if standing there all the time, but the guests ignored his existence.

"Oh, it's nothing." The chubby wizard nodded slightly while supporting his hat, and replied in a relaxed tone: "I just passed by and saw the big frog at the door, and I thought of my previous nickname... I used to be called 'Frog' Prince's."


The wandering wizard smiled and looked at the commissioner of the three-pronged sword: "... Would you like something? Absinthe, juniper berries, butter beer or green bee? If you don't feel enjoyable enough, there is also a new batch of siren rum in the bar. "

"no thank you."

Andrew raised his finger and pointed out the window: "It's still working hours... You can't drink alcohol. But it sounds like you have all kinds of alcohol here... Just like what the boys talked about when I was in school, there are only You can't think of it, there is no goods you can't find."

The wandering wizard looked in the direction of Mr. Commissioner's finger.

The afternoon sun passed through the cracks in the window sills of the bar, casting a slender, crooked light, like a glowing earthworm rolling in the dark soil.

The bar owner was silent for a moment.

"There are cracks in everything, that's where the light comes in." He chuckled, implying: "There is light in the night, there is light in the dark prison, and this little bar of mine also has light leaking in... ...and vice versa."

"It sounds complicated enough...reminds me of when I was in a philosophy class." Andrew raised his hand and wiped the almost non-existent sweat stains on his forehead, muttered, turned and walked out of the bar: "In short... I just Come here and wander around... don't bother... wish

Business is booming. "


"You're welcome."

As Commissioner Three-pronged Sword said, he stepped over the crooked light on the ground and stepped into the corridor, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at the owner of the bar.

"Suppose," he gestured, his gaze swept across the empty hall, Hanhu said: "If I want to hear people talk about the school cup or the wonderful performance of a certain hunting team... on weekends, there should be a lot of people."

The wandering wizard frowned slightly: "Sport hunting?"

"For example, the Forgiveness Hunting Team, which has been very popular recently in the School Cup." Andrew patiently explained: "It is said that they have already been able to skillfully launch a second-tier battle formation... This is still rare near the school... If I want to press a side door..."

As he said that, he winked his eyes at the wandering wizard: "... Is there another hunting team, not necessarily a student, but another hunting team that also masters the second-tier battle formation... such news."

"No." The wandering wizard replied very simply: "I haven't heard any similar news."

"Is that so?" The commissioner of the Three-pronged Sword looked extremely frustrated: "A few days ago, I heard that a huge female earth bat was seen flashing past the edge of the town at the edge of the Silent Forest... It looks like a hunting team is practicing The second-order constellation array."

"It's really surprising news." The owner of the homeless bar looked at the guests.

"Yeah," the dumpy wizard wiped his forehead and sighed, "It's really surprising...I mean...if you heard anything..."

"I'll definitely fly you a paper crane right away," the wandering wizard replied tactfully, "After all, practicing this kind of high rank magic circle near the school requires corresponding approval procedures."

"That's great...I mean, thank you." Andrew said, making a contact gesture, and without hesitation, he turned and left the gloomy bar.

The wandering wizard stood at the door, watching the chunky figure hurrying away on the street through the tiny cracks in the door frame, with a pensive expression on his face.


Back in the office, Andrew didn't care to take off his hat, grabbed the iced tea on the table, and drank half of the cup.

Then he noticed a paper crane dozing off on the table.

The commissioner of the Three-pronged Sword violently grabbed the paper crane by the neck, and dismantled it into a piece of letter paper. The letter paper was not big, and there was not much content in it. Except for the greetings at the beginning and the nonsense at the end, he only extracted one sentence of value from the letter. :

"...It has been confirmed that there is no hunting team in the northern area (within the management of the Kini Lodge) that has mastered the second-tier battle formation..."

The letter had Kerma's seal on it—this meant that a great wizard had endorsed the contents of the letter—Andrew sighed heavily, crumpled up the letter, and threw it into the wastebasket next to him.

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