Hunting High School

Chapter 273: The Little Transparent Hunting Team

While Fatty was eating snacks and rambling on, Dr. Xiao had been concentrating on the homework in front of him.

Heavy reference books and textbooks of different thicknesses are placed next to him, but there are almost no signs of being opened. Sitting next to him, Zheng Qing can only see a light green quill pen dancing across the parchment , leaving a line of flowing text, giving people a pleasing feeling.

"...In my impression, the doctor's homework is always done first, and I have never seen him make up homework when others are taking a break!" The fat wizard chewed beans, his face full of confusion: "Besides, I don't remember the 'magic' Did the Universe study ask to draw a star map?"

This semester, he and Xiao Xiao took the Magic Universe as an elective, which is why he has such a entanglement—he is not so much concerned about why Xiao Xiao does his homework, it is better to say that he cares more about whether he was distracted in class and missed something assigned by the teacher. Operation.

"This is not homework."

The doctor raised his eyelids and glanced at Fatty from above the mirror frame: "...This is just an after-school exercise, just like what you eat is snacks instead of dinner."

"What a difference." Fatty grinned, immediately relieved, stopped paying attention to those damned star maps, and instead stuffed a Luo Han bean into his mouth again.

The young public finance student who was drawing a talisman couldn't help but twitched his lips.

The "after-school exercises" that Xin Fatty cares about is the one he gave Xiao Xiao in the task of "drawing a star map and drawing an exploration route". It seems that the motivation provided by the two jade coins is already very sufficient.

After drawing the first invisibility talisman, he lifted it up, noticed the jumping quill again, and suddenly remembered something, and immediately leaned into the doctor's ear and whispered: " know that writing this 'exercise' can't be done with own A quill, right?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him sideways, and snorted: "Wait for your reminder, the day lily is cold... Don't worry... The quill is a non-marking quill I just picked up at Green's shop at noon, and the ink is also mixed with different base materials. Answer These are all standard content in textbooks... No one can find you, a public fee student, based on this assignment."

Helping others to do their homework is against the rules of the first university, Xiao Xiao thought that Zheng Qing was worried about this. Hearing this, Zheng Qing laughed dryly, without saying a word, just lowered his head and started drawing the talisman at hand again.

Immersed in the process of drawing symbols, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

When Zheng Qing raised his head again, he had already accumulated a small stack of exquisite works in his hand, he put down his talisman brush, rubbed his sore wrist, and punched a few rounds of "no punches" with a small range.

On the podium, Professor Yao's projection is slowly clearing from the mold lake, and the noisy voices in the classroom are gradually quieting down, turning into an elusive rustling. Every time like this, Zheng Qing always feels as if he has entered A silkworm room, in which hundreds of hungry silkworms are gnawing on mulberry leaves.

"Time is tight today, so I will talk about three things."

The voice of the projection was stern, without showing the slightest 'nervousness' in the words: "First thing, first of all, we congratulate the several hunting teams in the class for their wonderful performance in the selection competition—"

As soon as the words were finished, there was enthusiastic applause in the classroom, and the professor on the podium had to make several gestures one after another to signal everyone to be quiet.

"—Downton's hunting party,"

He began to comment one by one: "From the entrance ceremony to the tactical arrangement, everything is well-behaved, which is in line with the best performance of young wizards at your stage, especially their application of basic spells, potions and divination, which is enough for them to be able to fight in the future. This semester's practical grades have received excellent evaluations."

Downton, who was sitting in the front row, stood up and thanked the surrounding applause on behalf of the hunting team.

"Matthew's Hunting Party,"

The professor pointed to the young vampire sitting by the window: "Showing a 'sharpness' that is completely different from the general hunters under the moon, especially in the third scene of their battle against the demons, they dared to give up the guardian magic circle and fight quickly It's impressive to use guerrilla tactics... In my opinion, any act of courage to breakthrough is worthy of praise. Especially in the Yuexia clan, which is known for its 'tradition' and 'stubbornness', this is even more worthy of praise affim."


Xiu silently got up, saluted, and sat back. The whole process was almost silent, like a shadow. Zheng Qing couldn't help but glance at him while applauding. Since Sir Friedman's silence, this young vampire seems to have put himself in a case, and his every move is like the most delicate clock, making it easy to ignore his exist.

But Professor Yao's comments today made Zheng Qing realize that Matthew was not as conservative as he appeared—as if magma was rolling under the surface of a calm lake—a truly conservative vampire would not have the courage to act like that on the hunting ground. Arranged by aggressive tactics.

"There's also the Edge Hunters..."

The professor raised his hand and nodded to Nicholas, and then to Liu Feifei - ambiguous laughter immediately resounded in the classroom, the witch buried her face in her arms embarrassingly, but it was Nicholas who smiled and generously bowed to the cupped hands around him.

"If I had to describe the Edge Hunters in one word, I would choose the word 'surprise'." The professor said in a flat voice with a strong sense of contrast: "...As for the surprise, it will be announced later Everyone should know the results of the trials. I believe everyone will be surprised."

To be evaluated as a 'surprise' and 'surprise' by a legendary wizard immediately caused an uproar in the classroom, and almost everyone began to whisper, trying to find out how the Edge Hunters performed in the selection competition.

But what is embarrassing is that no one in the class seems to have watched the fringe game in its entirety—the forgiveness hunting team has the attraction of Su Shijun as an instructor in the front, and the second-tier battle formation as a gimmick in the back. It has already been divided into Tianwen 08-1 Most of the attention of the class, and the few remaining attention, were divided by Downton and Matthew, and they were gone—this made the word 'marginal' seem very real.

"They should change their name to 'Little Transparent Hunting Squad'."

Xin Fatty turned his head and muttered in a low voice: "As far as I know, the few newspapers that have been following the school hunting competition have hardly paid attention to their competition... The reporter assigned to them by our school newspaper is a novice this year— She needs to pay attention to seven arenas at the same time—unlike Apologia, the school newspaper has arranged six reporters to pay attention to everyone in our hunting team, and a reporter is also assigned to interview Congressman Su at any time."

"It's seven."

Zhang Jixin interrupted the fat wizard's digu, and corrected him solemnly: "The school newspaper also arranged for a reporter to join the apology to ensure that we can obtain first-hand information at any time."

Zheng Qing couldn't help but laugh.

"With Zhu Si's help, Innate has some advantages in the trials." Xiao Xiao analyzed it seriously: "It's like we know the Tindalos Hound, so we just made a ball and passed the test smoothly... we don't know each other Such a hunting party of magical creatures will probably be torn to pieces by those dogs."

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