Hunting High School

Chapter 278: The Eighth Week Begins

Monday evening.

Beta Town, No. 97 Pedestrian Street, dap;k.

The store door was half-closed, and through the clean glass window, one could vaguely see the swaying light in the room and a few vague figures, and there were definitely people inside.

Boom, boom, boom!

There were a few hesitant knocks on the door, and a moment later, the store door was violently opened, and a red-faced, flesh-faced wizard leaned out half of his body, shouting, "Why is it so late... um... what are you looking for?" Who?"

Outside the door was a witch in a gray robe, with a veil tied around her forehead, under which a tadpole-shaped black curse mark could be vaguely seen, and a lock of silver hair hanging from her temples. favorite makeup.

As if frightened by the rude action of the wizard who opened the door, the witch outside the door exclaimed in a low voice, stepped back a few steps, reached into the cloth bag tied to her belt with one hand, and clutched an old law book in the other.

The red-faced wizard—that is, Zhang Jixin—glanced at the cloth bag, and guessed in his heart how many frogs were contained in the bag.

Although Korma has developed an 'artificial sage's stone' to replace the frogs, due to cost constraints, it is impossible to equip every wizard in the North District with one. The most widely used spell-casting material by wizards in the area.

"It's so late, what's the matter?"

The wizard who opened the door softened his tone a lot. He even tried to put on a smiling face, but the swollen face made his efforts pale, and instead made his expression look more ferocious in the dark night.

"I...I hear...I heard that there are rat...rat people here, so I want to meet them." The witch stammered, looking as if she was about to run away at any moment.

"Oh...that's it." The red-faced wizard scratched his head, looked back into the room, and shouted loudly: "...she wants to see Brother Jingdong!"

Another male voice came from the room: "Come back tomorrow, I have something to do tonight...and they're not in the store."

The red-faced wizard turned his head, and just as he was about to convey the opinions in the room, the witch nodded repeatedly, backed away in small steps, and then fled with the magic book and the cloth bag in her hands.

Zhang Jixin sighed in frustration.

Looking around, there were not many students on the street on Monday evening—especially if the opposite side was homeless—among the scattered figures, there were no guests he was waiting for.

The wizard muttered something in a low voice, then fished out a sign from the house, hung it roughly at the door of the store, and then retreated into the house.

With the twilight from the window, the two big characters 'Closed' on the sign are clearly visible. The night breeze was blowing, pushing the sign and shaking it slightly on the door, preventing the next guest who wanted to knock on the door.



After the North Witch left dap;k, she reckoned that she was some distance away from the store, so she slowly slowed down and looked back from time to time, but at this moment, the panic on her face had disappeared without a trace. It became peaceful.

Walking not far along the pedestrian street, the witch turned into a narrow alley. The alley was twists and turns. Many bluestone slabs on the ground were damaged, and there was no street lamp on both sides. However, the witch's light footsteps did not stop at all, as if a A dragonfly flitting across the water is agile and quiet.

After turning several alleys one after another, she finally stopped by a quiet bay.

This is a little-known tributary of the Silent River that flows through the town of Beta. There are some old neighborhoods on the left and right of the bay, sparsely populated, and there are no shops. There are not even old wizards walking at this time; It was a small boat, and on the front deck were two North Ward wizards who were fishing.

Seeing the figure of the witch, one of the wizards picked up a big fat frog from the bamboo basket on the deck, and muttered a few spells in a low voice.

The invisible magic fluctuation centered on the small boat, spread to all directions, and was submerged in the deep night in an instant.

He nodded to his companion.

The companion pulled the rope on the boat, pulled the boat to the shore, and boarded the boat to meet the witch.

"They're waiting inside." The first man

Wu reminded softly.

The witch nodded slightly, but without opening a mouth, she bent down and got under the narrow canopy. Different from the small and shabby appearance outside, under the canopy is a rather spacious room, with a few light yellow magic lamps hanging on the wall, casting a soft light, thick carpet on the floor, and an exquisite bar in the corner, Exquisite pastries and fruits were placed on the coffee table in the center of the room, and a few figures sat on the low sofas around the coffee table.

Hearing footsteps entering the door, those figures stood up and looked towards the door.

"can not see."

Without waiting for the master to ask, the witch of the North District replied quickly: "It can be confirmed that the forgiveness hunting team is having a meeting in that store, and the person who opened the door was Zhang Jixin, who was very vigilant... There was no chance to enter the door."

There was a sigh of disappointment in the room.

"I didn't have much hope."

The voice of the owner of the house seemed a little lazy. She raised her hand and threw something into the arms of the North Witch: "Thank you for your hard work, this is a little thank you...Thank you to Korma for me."

The witch of the North District looked at the expensive magic gemstone in her hand, and her calm expression finally became more excited. Although compared with the man-made Philosopher's Stone, the magic power contained in this gemstone is extremely limited, but compared to the frog, it is much better.

"Thank you." She bowed deeply, turned around and left quietly without disturbing the owner of the house.

After the North Witch left, the owner of the house stretched and stood up, walked to the corner bar, picked up a bottle of gin, and poured himself half a glass.

"Congratulations again for reaching the final."

She raised her wine glass with sleepy eyes: "I'm not little Zhu Si, I won't put too much pressure on you... Even if you continue to take the last place in the finals, it's not shabby at all... Cheers!"

After the coffee table, the five hunters of the Edge Hunting Team who were sitting on the sofa looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally obediently followed the instructions of the 'instructor' and raised their wine glasses.

"Captain," Lin Yan whispered into Nicholas' ear while drinking, "Our...the big one and the young one...why do we have such a big difference in attitude?"

Nicholas squinted his eyes—this was Liu Feifei’s suggestion, because when he looked at others with trembling eyes, he always gave people a feeling of guilty conscience—and shook his head: "This has nothing to do with us... the most important thing we will discuss today The playbook for the final ... and how it should be used."

As he spoke, he pointed to a small wooden box in the center of the coffee table.

The box was about an oak in length and width, and inside was covered with a velvet cushion, on which lay a dark 'soup spoon'. This is the 'clue' received by the Edge Hunters team after the final rules were promulgated last night. According to the puppeteers, only by using their clues correctly can they truly enter the final five days later.

-----Off Topic-----

Connected to a ps, jump, jump... Standing long jump, jumping up on the spot, probably jumped three centimeters _(:3」∠)_ Before writing, I expected that I would not be able to jump very far. After writing, I became more and more desperate... orz

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