Hunting High School

Chapter 281: Gan Ning

Facts have proved that the dream that Zhang Jixin had in the divination class was a very standard predictive dream.

After Zheng Qing returned to the dormitory at night, he received a paper crane from the red-faced wizard, confirming the school hunting team's intention to cooperate with You Zui in the final.

So, the ball rolled to Zheng Qing's feet.

That night, the young public servant tossed and turned on his own six-poster bed, unable to sleep at night, carefully deliberating over the pros and cons of choosing which ally to choose - vertical or horizontal, this question is no easier than survival or death.

In other words, the choice of this matter actually determines the 'survival' or 'death' of the forgiveness hunters in the final.

Early the next morning, Xiao Xiao who got up to do morning class was startled by Zheng Qing's dark circles.

"Are you sure you want to go to morning class?"

The apologetic fortune teller poked the gray face of his captain, a little worried: "If you go out like this, I feel that you will die suddenly somewhere at any time...Did you have a nightmare last night?"


Zheng Qing stared at Xiao Xiao in bewilderment, and it took him a while to realize: "Oh, it's's about who You Zui is working with...We are familiar with the members of the Edge Hunting Team, but their strength is a little weak... Thinking about it the other way around, being so weak and making it to the final shows good luck... Brother Xin said that the final winners of many hunting competitions depend on luck... But the concept of luck is too empty to measure, who knows Did they run out of luck on their way to the final!"

This way of thinking is old-fashioned.

Xin Fatty was also woken up by the discussion between the two. He propped himself up and barely opened his eyes. Hearing this, he couldn't help but interrupted: "Since you're so conflicted, why don't you choose the school hunting team? At worst, we'll take second place... ..."

"Big deal?"

Zheng Qing smiled weakly: "It's the best result, we can get second... to cooperate with a group of hunting teams that don't usually have much contact with each other, not to mention tacit understanding or trust... It's just that he is strong and I am weak. Big question... What if they run into trouble along the way and they push us out to top the tank and run away?"

"Can you sign a contract in advance?" The fat wizard tried to patch up Own's suggestion.

"Ordinary contracts are not very binding, and it is not ruled out that the masters of the school hunting team have a way to bypass the contract; advanced contracts are too wasteful, it is just a school hunting competition, and there is no need to lose your pants."

Having said that, Zheng Qing paused, rubbed his face, and then continued to analyze: "...and I heard that those masters in the school hunting team have a very temper, how can you be sure that they are willing to sign a contract with us? One more step, even if they are willing to sign the contract, we still have to consider cooperating with the school hunting team, and we may be attacked by other hunting teams together... The bosses of the school hunting team may be able to escape unscathed, what about us?"

The latter question is really tricky.

The school hunting team is indeed the most powerful hunting team in First University, but it does not mean that it is invincible. Including Jiuyou hunting team and Alpha hunting team, every year in the campus cup, the hunting teams of the four colleges will fight to the death. Brains have tried to beat the School Hunt, and there have been many successes - even many students at the school think that beating the School Hunt is something to be prouder of than winning the School Cup.

Cooperating with the school hunting team means that Yuzui will be attacked by other strong teams at any time.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, you make your own decision." The fat wizard was dizzy, leaned back, and snored again in a short while.

Zheng Qing took the hot towels from the elves, wiped his face vigorously, and immediately felt a lot more awake.

Xiao Xiao looked at his team leader pityingly, thankfully he didn't need to make up his own mind: "It's really difficult... The key is that we still don't know what clues the edge or the school hunting team got... What if they are not" Spoon', it's even more troublesome."

The young public finance student gave a whimper in agreement.

The fortune teller tightened his belt, and finally confirmed: "Since you don't go to the morning class...then do you still go to the morning class? Do you need to ask you for a leave of absence, and you will catch up in the dormitory in the morning."

This Wednesday, the history of magic in the first session in the morning, teacher

It was Sima Yang Yun, and Zheng Qing believed that Xiao Xiao would definitely be able to get a fake note for him.

"Forget it, it's not good to be absent from class during this time."

The young public finance student finally shook his head: "It's a big deal to use a sobriety talisman... Well, in case I doze off in class, you cover it up a little... Don't get deducted points by Sima."

With the help of Awakening Talisman and Xiao Xiao, Zheng Qing really didn't doze off in the history of magic class. But even magic has diminishing marginal effects in resisting drowsiness.

In the afternoon magic biology class, Zheng Qing was finally defeated by the natal supernatural power released by the sleepy bugs.

Hoo, hoo.

He was snoring sweetly, and vaguely dreamed that he was riding a huge black cat, wielding a rune gun, and chasing a few vaguely shaped monsters in the silent forest. Gun, after pulling the trigger hard, the rune bullets fired from the barrel not only failed to smash those monsters, but circled in mid-air and hit his arm heavily.


The young public finance student who felt his arm was about to break hissed, and finally woke up from his sleep. Looking around, he realized that he was still in class, and it was not a certain talisman that poked his arm, but Jiang Yu. feather nib.

On the podium, Gan Ning, the lecturer of magic biology, smiled at the wizard who had just woken up, as if he didn't care at all about a certain classmate dozing off in his class.

Zheng Qing smiled awkwardly, and stole a glance at the witch beside her.

The witch had a stern face, sitting upright in her seat, taking class notes seriously—even though today's class was about an old-fashioned three-headed dog.

Unlike the professors of divination, the lecturers of Magical Biology are well-behaved in teaching, strictly following the syllabus and never overstepping the rules. He didn't chatter a few more words in class, he chanted the boring content in the handout like a robot:

"...When facing a three-headed dog, a musical instrument or a small piece of bread are very effective means. They can divert the attention of the three heads to the greatest extent... The difference is that music can make the three heads The head dog is addicted, and a small piece of bread can make the three heads of the three-headed dog get into a dispute... as the saying goes, "Sinan's ladle, thrown on the ground, is not a guide."

"Traditionally, most people believe that ancient shamans used 'Sinan' for pointing and divination...but modern shaman theories overturn this view...a lot of evidence shows that 'Sinan' is more like a collection of concepts, both The realization of the complex concept of "astrology" in reality also represents a certain principle that wizards follow in practice... In the sentence "Li Sinan is at the end of the day and night", "end of the day and night" refers to correcting the own position , Clarify the own program, rather than simply pointing out the direction..."

-----Off Topic-----

ps, I checked again and again, the last two paragraphs are not wrong _(:3」∠)_ surprised me.

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