Hunting High School

Chapter 286: There Is A Fight In The North

"There is a fight in Weibei, and the reveal of Xibing!"

Liu Feifei recited the positioning mantra in a low voice, and a stream of mantra light rose from the book, holding the 'copper spoon' that served as a clue in the air.

Under the influence of the spell, the copper spoon spun rapidly like a top, and then stopped slowly after a while, pointing crookedly at the depths of the forest.

"Are you really going?" The gypsy witch Carmen held a handful of tarot cards in her hand, her tone was a little uneasy: "Being able to enter the final has already exceeded our initial expectations by a lot..."

She does not agree with the hunting team to continue the adventure.

Even if they didn't do anything, the Edge Hunting Team had finished ninth in this year's school hunting competition. The rewards from the school and the Gypsy Witches were generous enough to discourage the witches from continuing their adventures.

Of course, what's more important is that when she just did the divination, she drew a correct Devil card - Devil represents temptation, and Devil's temptation is often poisonous.

So she very much hoped that the hunting team would stay in this small camp until the end of the game.

"It's a rare opportunity to come to such a deep place. If you go out without doing anything, you will definitely regret it." Lin Yan stared at a pile of green and jade-like things not far from the camp, his eyes were a little fiery.

It was a stone soaked in dragon's blood. Judging from its color, it should belong to a rare green qiu.

The horned dragon is a small dragon with horns, which has a very high affinity for magic, but its body is weaker than most dragons. Its blood, flesh, bones, scales, horns, etc. are all very valuable magic materials, which are in short supply in the market. .

Nicholas caught the gaze of the alpha freshman.

"A dragon is not something we can subdue." He stroked the ruby ​​ring on his hand and warned, "...don't make any troubles."

"A, hiss, an injured little dragon." The murloc Yin Shini hoarsely said, the vertical fins on the back of his neck greedily opened, catching the damp breath in the woods, and added: "...and the injury didn't last long, the smell of blood It's still fresh, hiss!"

"A wounded little dragon is also a dragon."

The captain of the fringe hunting team patiently persuaded the own murlocs: "You have the most hunting experience in the team. You should know that injured beasts are the most dangerous...especially that beast can also use magic."

Having said that, he looked around and raised his voice a little: " is not wise enough to hunt that little dragon, or to stay where it is... If there is any advantage to being a wizard in the North District, it is that I have more advantages than everyone else." Be more aware of the dangers in the Silent Forest... This poor experience is summed up by generations of herb collectors who died in the forest with their lives... It is most suitable for our weak hunting team."

Weak, this is his clearest positioning for the Edge Hunters.

There is no long history of school teams and college teams, no rulings, strong senior seniors in Cheung Kei, and no experience of black prison battles like Yuzui - there are even first-year freshmen in his hunting team!

Nicholas' only thought was to take the hunting team out safely.

"Stay where you are... Isn't it safer to strengthen the camp to protect the magic circle?" The gypsy witch whispered her own thoughts.

"If it's on the edge of the Silent Forest, or even by the Silent River, I won't let everyone leave this camp." Nicholas patiently explained: "But no one knows where we are... and there is a pile of dragon blood next to the camp .”

A magical creature that can seriously injure a green qiu is definitely not something that the fringe hunting team can easily deal with.

"It's time to go."

On the other hand, Liu Feifei, who is an auxiliary hunter, reminded that because of the short formation time, the fringe hunting team did not have a very fixed position arrangement. Except for Carmen as the fortune teller and Yin Shini as the main hunter, almost all the other three can be counted. As an auxiliary hunter.

And their 'hunters' and 'safari' are a group of cheap light bugs.

These little winged insects are driven to explore the way, illuminate the darkness around for the hunting team, and at the same time attract the hunters hiding in the woods for the young wizards.

Of course, the creatures that feed on the fireflies are large

Some of them are not very dangerous, such as Bowtruckle, Grass Sperm, Bud Bird, Tree Monkey Frog, Invisible Beast, etc., but their existence means that there are no 'very dangerous' creatures around, which reversely confirms safety.

Nicholas followed behind the lantern swarm and walked in front of the fringe hunting team.

From time to time, in the darkness, one or two slender tongues popped out from behind the trees or bushes, and swept away a few fat light bugs. After a short time, the swarm of bugs leading the way became a little sparse.

The wizard untied the bamboo basket hanging from his waist, released a group again, and drove them to merge with the survivors in front and continue to lead the way.

Inexplicably, he thought of the wizards in the North District.

Before this year, Life's magicians in the North District were like these light bugs, struggling in the cruel world with their cheap lives.

The world has not changed.

The captain of the fringe hunting team looked around, turning back from the surrounding darkness to the light cast by the lanternfly - the trees and vines in the forest cast long twisted and skewed shadows in front of them, and the frost-covered moss was steaming With the thin mist rising, the wizards' light footsteps were extraordinarily loud at this moment, and their breathing was clearly audible.

He couldn't help imagining the world beyond the light and in the darkness.

The green eyes of the beasts, the entangled reptiles, the dead old trees slanted on the ground, the rotting tree shells are covered with green moss, cobwebs and dead leaves, and perhaps the altars left by the wizards who came to the forest in the past have long been there. It collapsed under the ravages of time, only a crow in black occasionally landed on it, thinking about something with a hoarse voice.



A messy and urgent voice came from not far away. Nicholas immediately raised his arms and made a gesture, followed by Liu Feifei and Carmen who opened the book almost at the same time:

"The wind and rain are gone, the birds and mice are gone!"

"Jiebi Nanshan, Weishiyanyan!"

Two spells, one opens up a protective barrier, and the other puts a few 'big shields' in the barrier. It can be said that they are extremely cautious in dealing with the countermeasures. It can ensure that the hunting team is safe and sound.

The next moment.

A tall, gray-purple monster rushed out of the forest. It had a pair of sharp golden horns on its head, and a circle of tentacles like octopus-like arms and legs around its mouth. Its back was raised like a hump, dragging behind it A long snake tail.

Strong reading sacrifice. "It's a horned camel."

This time 17 chapters. Liu Feifei's low and hasty voice sounded in the enchantment: "A kind of violent and aggressive magical creature, with rough skin and thick flesh, comparable to a dragon... It is very difficult for ordinary magic to cause harm to them."

"The powder made from their pair of golden long horns can be used in many potions and is very expensive." Lin Yan added in a low voice.

But it's just a supplement.

Even he had no intention of capturing the beast at the moment.

Control the big and the owl. Because the horned camel that appeared in front of the fringe hunting team had several terrifying huge wounds on its back. The grayish-purple skin that was comparable to dragon skin was rolled outwards, and the bones could be seen deep, and the lavender blood flowed like a spring. gushes out. The pop-up window is very serious recently, you can click to download to avoid the pop-up window

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