Hunting High School

Chapter 294 Titan Supernatural Powers

The titan swung his arms and strode forward, and he was seven or eight meters away in one step. However, in the deep and dense silent forest, the negative effects brought by his tall body far exceeded the advantages that these seven or eight meters could bring.

Not only is the huge movement during running likely to disturb some terrifying monsters in the depths of the silent forest, but also there are thick branches and tall trees hindering it, making it extremely uncomfortable to run. Consuming the magic power of the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

They can't last long in this state.

"Consume a drop of Blood Essence!"

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth and gave Xin Fatty an order.

The forgiveness hunting team does not need Bo Fu's Blood Essence to use the second-tier battle formation, it only needs to extract a trace of breath from the Blood Essence. But if you want to use the Talent supernatural power of Bo Fu's titan, you must completely consume that drop of Blood Essence.

In this final, in addition to the first drop of Blood Essence, Su Shijun prepared two more drops for forgiveness, that is to say, the hunting team had three chances to display the supernatural power of Bo Fu's titan.


Xin Fatty happily agreed—he had been gearing up and waiting for this moment, because titan Blood Essence was precious, and this was the first time the hunting team had actually performed such an operation.


The sound of the shattering of the glass bottle resounded in the titan, inaudible, and immediately, a dark blue bloomed at the heart of the titan, like a small sun.

The turbulent magic power swept from all directions, like a flock of birds returning to their nest, or like a violent storm, the tall trees around the titan were blown and rattled, but all this was caused by the low roar that erupted in its chest. Submerged by:

"Kuafu...chasing the sun!"

In just two syllables, titan has already run nearly 100 meters, and the curse sound was torn apart by time, distance and strong wind, and turned into a strange and long whimper.

It's just that none of this prevented the titan from successfully displaying its own magic power.

At the exit of the last byte, titan's raised left leg suddenly disappeared into the air, and then appeared at an inlet near the Silent River a few kilometers away, stepping heavily on a wet pond.

Immediately afterwards, the pale blue figure squeezed out of the air little by little like toothpaste, and scattered violent magic power all over the place. The magical creatures who were taking a nap by the river and the river water were stunned for half a second, and immediately dispersed, panicking and swiftly disappearing from the river, leaving together with the birds perched in the canopy and the singing insects in the bushes. And the fish watching in the river.


The number three crow stopped at the place where Bofu's titan disappeared.

Lifting his foot, he stepped on the huge footprints left on the ground, feeling the violent magic power transpiring in it, and sighed with emotion.

"too exaggerated."

A cyan crow landed on his shoulder, tilting his head to comb the feathers on his back. Number three scratched the chin of the cyan crow and shook his head again and again: "It's too exaggerated... Are all the children these days so rich? I didn't even touch it, so I used a drop of Bo Fu's Blood Essence... It ran faster than a rabbit!"

"It's not ruled out that their fortuneteller saw something."

Crow No. 7 carefully analyzed the remaining traces in the air, and replied softly: "I remember that the apologetic fortuneteller is a special recruit at the school... a very unusual young man."

"Special enrollment?"

Crow No. 3 paused, then shook his head again: "No, it has nothing to do with divination... Today's mission is not only for No. 1, but also for others..."

He chuckled, but couldn't finish the sentence in the end.

Because a group of blue flames suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, outlining a blue bird.

The blue bird spread its wings, stretched its neck and chirped twice, and then the voice changed into a cold female voice: "No. 9 has found the target, and the target location has been confirmed... No. 1's opinion has been received... Give up contact and execute No. 2." Plan. Repeat, drop contact, implement plan number two!"

The two crows straightened up at the same time:



Immediately, the blue bird folded its wings and turned into a blue flame again. It's just that the flame didn't leave or dissipate. Instead, under the watchful eyes of the two crows, two thin blue threads like spider silk shot out, one left and one right, and plunged into the depths of the silent forest.

Crow No. 7 opened the dharma book and whispered:

"Here you are, watch all directions!"

A water mirror slowly emerged from the air. At first, the picture looked like a lake, but soon, a large piece of mottled color blocks intertwined with black and green appeared in the mirror. On the edge of the color block, a jade belt-like jade belt could be vaguely seen shadow.

It is the bird's-eye view of the Silent Forest.

No. 7 quickly adjusted the focus and angle of the water mirror, and the two figures were quickly reflected in the mirror, like two sesame seeds, and between the two 'sesame seeds', there was another blue dot, which was extremely clear.

The thin lines extending from the blue dot pass through the mottled color blocks in the forest, connecting with the small blue dots in other places, and weaving a huge and fragile blue net in a short time.

The thread trembled slightly, and the indifferent voice of the witch came out:

"The shielding magic time is limited...Hurry return!"

The last two words were said a little later, and a series of "received" sounds echoed on the thin blue thread, causing the thin blue thread to vibrate violently, as if it would break in the next second.

The No. 3 crow was quite speechless and adjusted his mask.

Beside him, No. 7 Crow clasped his hands in front of his face and began to pray in a low voice: "...the place where the killing and plundering took place was built on an unholy land...surrounded by silence, the world began to fall the name of a mentor, willing and Dream with you!"

Number Three raised his head, as if he wanted to see that familiar face, but the sky was calm, and even the shapes of the passing clouds were so ordinary.

He opened the scripture book in his hand.

A complex and awkward chimeric incantation is recorded in it:

"Cong Fei 薨 薨 hong, willing to share the dream with Zi!"

"After I was born, every time I met this, I still have nothing to sleep on!"

"After I was born, every time I worry about it... I still can't sleep!"

"After I was born, all kinds of evils will happen... I still can't sleep without hearing!"

The soft sound of incantations spread along the thin blue line in all directions, echoing and oscillating with the sounds of other nodes, and spread to a wider range, soon covering the entire area covered by the giant cyan network .

Not far from the two crows, a golden bell hiding in the bushes shook its tentacles slightly, turned its belly over, and rolled into the mud.

A little farther away, a blue-billed sparrow hiding behind the leaves opened its mouth slightly, and began to lower its head little by little amidst the sound of mantras.

Farther away, the running cats, the hunting cats, the kappa catching insects on the bank, the fish swimming in the water, and even the gentle breeze in the forest, all quietly quieted down amidst the sound of mantras .

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