Hunting High School

Chapter 296 Collecting Materials


A small insect fell from the tree and hit the hand that Zheng Qing and Nicholas were holding.

It's a horsetail beetle.

This is a small beetle that feeds on leaves. Whatever tree the mother beetles live on, the larvae will feed on the leaves of the tree from childhood to adulthood.

At this moment, this little beetle is curling up its tarsus, motionless, with two slender antennae drooping on both sides of its body, fluttering slightly in the wind, as if dead.

Zheng Qing didn't take it seriously - it's normal to be hit by a bug in the silent forest, even if the bug got into the nostrils, ears, or even the mouth is nothing unusual - he raised his hand to brush off the little bug .

One click, two clicks, three clicks.

The young public finance student played three times in a row, but he missed it!

There seemed to be double images in the world in front of him, layer upon layer, the outstretched fingers changed from one to four or five, and the bugs on his hands seemed to enter a kaleidoscope, appearing in countless fragments, making him unable to tell the difference. It is clear which is real and which is just an illusion.

He couldn't help blinking hard, and looked up into the distance, trying to restore the illusion through 'looking into the distance'. Until now, he thought it was just a symptom of magic power imbalance caused by the backlash of the previous battle.

But as far as the eyes can see, the distance, height, and size of the entire world begin to distort.

The boy suddenly felt terrified, and turned his head to look at his own companion.

Dylan was hanging upside down on the sycamore tree, with his arms folded in front of his chest, his whole body glowed with the light red halo of First Stage—this was the form of the blood race when he was sleeping in the wild, he had heard Xiao Xiao mention it.

If Dylan still pays attention to some manners when sleeping, then Xin Fatty has no similar psychological burden at all. He stands behind Zheng Qing with his arms folded, snoring softly and abruptly, obviously sleeping very sloppily.

Next to the fat wizard, the red-faced wizard was still rubbing his eyes vigorously, shaking his head, struggling against the sudden drowsiness. As the hunter with the most experience in forgiveness, he knows better than anyone what it means to fall asleep in the Silent Forest.

"It's... high rank... drowsy... tossing and turning... Phew."

Xiao Xiao gritted his teeth, and his voice was intermittent. The set of bamboo slips given to him by Sima was spread out in front of him. The quill in his hand was trembling, as if he wanted to add a spell temporarily, but the crooked strokes on the bamboo slips confirmed it from the side. His efforts were doomed to fail.

Nicholas's voice could be heard faintly in his ears, as if he was saying hello and farewell, but it also seemed to be shouting anxiously. The voice was melodious and distant, like a thick barrier across the First Stage.

The world starts to spin.

Zheng Qing couldn't use his strength at all, he felt as if he was wrestling with the wind.

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

The young public finance student exhausted his last bit of strength and threw a few meditation charms at his companions. Xiao Xiao slowly rolled his eyes at him, tilted his glasses, and snored loudly.

Then, Zheng Qing also fell asleep.

Songling insects, flying birds, swimming fish, fallen leaves and small winds all disappeared, and even the gurgling silent river became more silent.

The entire forest was silent, as if it had fallen into an eternal sleep.





One after another, figures in black robes landed on the bank of the river bend. Everyone wore a crow mask, and the numbers continued from zero three to twenty one.

"The Forest of Silence should be changed to the Forest of Sleep today." No. 3 crow still had that cynical look, laughing and joking with No. 7.

This time, No. 7 ignored him, but held up the book and looked around cautiously.

"Ah, ah, ah." Crow No. 3 patted his companion on the shoulder, full of confidence: "Today's sleeping spell, but a great wizard took action..."


A cold female voice interrupted crow No. 3's chatter. It was the witch who presided over the Blue Net before. She gave No. 3 a fierce look.

No. 3 crow tilts his head

Bag, raised his hand obediently, and made a zipper movement in front of the long beak.

"The Sleeping Curse has a remarkable effect, and no awake targets have been observed!"

"The school guardian circle will scan through this area in five minutes!"

"The observation team of the Hunting Committee has no abnormal reaction!"

"The hunting contact mechanism is all normal!"

"The two closest hunting teams are the Jiuyou Hunting Team and the Judgment Hunting Team, 19.31 kilometers away... There will be a conflict between the two hunting teams, and it will not affect the project."

"The shielding circle will expire in four minutes and thirty-seven seconds!"

Groups of blue flames appeared in front of the witch, turning into blue birds one after another, reporting news one after another, chirping together and becoming the only voice within a few miles.

The witch raised her hand.

More than a dozen gazes fell on her body.

"According to the plan," she waved her arm calmly, and gave an order: "From the 12th to the 21st, you go to collect materials...including the murloc hiding in the river; numbers 6, 9, and 11 , to plant shovel trees, and pay attention to the distance and range of shovel leaves; on the 3rd and 7th, are you ready for Lushu?"


Crow No. 3 immediately patted the dharma book hanging on his waist, full of confidence: "The two males Lu Shu in estrus are in their prime of life, and there is absolutely no problem with their teeth!"

The witch ignored the chatter behind him, and her eyes fell on the busy companions.

On the flat and wet riverside, the nine hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team and the Borderline Hunting Team were lying on the ground, snoring like thunder. One crow after another landed beside them, opened the toolbox they were carrying, and began to collect 'materials'.

They put on thin silkworm leather gloves, carefully cut off a few strands of hair from these young wizards, sucked the liquid in their mouths with a plastic dropper, and then released a palm-sized creature that looked like a mosquito to extract their bodies Blood and other bodily fluids in various locations.

The witch carefully looked at the bellies of those mosquitoes.

The blood of the Zhang family child was as deep as mercury, and the witch felt that the belly of the mosquito that sucked his blood was about to fall to the ground; although the child of the O'Brien family had more werewolf blood, the blood was still pitifully small, and the blood-sucking mosquito had a mouthpart. They were all sucked up, but their stomach was still deflated; and the blue titan, perhaps because he presided over the battle before, his blood was still boiling, causing the mosquitoes that sucked his blood to turn blue, like a different kind.

Then, her eyes fell on the main target.

Captain of the Forgiveness Hunt.

A boy named Zheng Qing.

The moment the blood-sucking mosquito's mouthparts pierced his body, it ignited without fire and turned into a mass of ashes.

"Come again."

The witch calmly ordered: "Don't waste ordinary mosquitoes, use the female insects directly... The professor has already predicted this situation."

A mosquito nearly twice the size of other mosquitoes but with thinner mouthparts landed on the boy's arm. This time, the bright red blood was sucked into the mosquito's belly and preserved in a golden halo.

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