Hunting High School

Chapter 298 Changes In The Meeting

Because there was no serious problem, Zheng Qing and others were discharged from the hospital at noon on Saturday.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.


All members of the Forgiveness Hunt have an emergency meeting.

The content of the discussion was this school hunting competition, especially some encounters during the finals.

"We had very bad luck."

Changing from his usual energetic appearance, Zhang Jixin lay lazily on the table, teasing a hamster that was consigned in the store: "My brother said, if we hadn't fallen asleep at that time... even if it was a minute later, the situation would be different." It will be very different..."

"What's the difference!" Xin Fatty hugged a box of chicken popcorn and ate non-stop. Hearing this, he said angrily, "Could it be that we won the championship a minute later?"

The red-faced wizard tilted his head, squinted at the fat wizard, and sneered again and again: "The first one is a bit difficult, but the second one is absolutely fine."

In a word, everyone was shocked to hold their breath, and Xin Fatty choked on this answer, coughed violently, and his fat face turned blue.

"Water from Wubi Spring!"

Dr. Xiao Da had sharp eyes and quick hands, opened the short book in front of him, and released a clear spring spell, a small ball of clear spring gurgled in mid-air, and Fatty immediately buried half of his face in it.

Zheng Qing glanced at Fatty and saw that Fatty was fine, so he turned to look at the red-faced wizard: "Second is fine? How do you say that?"


Zhang Jixin sighed, and teased the hamster again: "My brother said that the people from the Hunting Committee who rushed to the scene found that we had already completed the hidden mission of this hunting competition... It was very different from what we guessed in the previous meeting , as long as a certain hunting team can 'integrate knowledge and action' and make a choice that conforms to the hunting team's principles, it will be recognized by the 'clue'."

"For example, we saved the fringe hunting team?" Jiang Yu nodded slightly.


Zhang Jixin was noncommittal, and seemed a little uninterested: "In short, if we are a minute late, after we assemble Sinan, Sinan will take us directly to the final site, like a door key... Note, it is directly... If we compete The means to snatch the 'magnetic spoon' from other hunting teams. After the assembly is completed, Sinan will only point the right direction and guide us to the final scene... My brother said that the school hunting team and the Alpha hunting team that finally arrived are all like this. situation."

"Directly!" Zheng Qing moaned in a low voice.

Just like everyone knows that the probability of winning a billion-dollar jackpot is very slim, so you can often laugh it off when you read the news and hear the news of someone else winning a prize. But if you have already bought the winning lottery ticket, but accidentally forgot where it was thrown, then you will die.

It is equivalent to having completed the 80.99 difficulty of the 9981 difficulty, and when he finally entered the Da Leiyin Temple, he knocked his head on the threshold and died.

It doesn't get any more irritating than that.

"Shouldn't there be extra points for completing the hidden mission?" After Xin Fatty was relieved, he started to feel aggrieved again.

"So we are eighth, one place higher than the Edge Hunters." The red-faced wizard shrugged, but he was not at all happy after beating Fatty.

The atmosphere in the shop became more and more gloomy.

Zheng Qing sighed heavily from the bottom of his heart, raised his hand and knocked on the table: "As the saying goes, luck is also a part of strength, our luck is not as good as others this time... It is not a crime of war."

When the words "luck is not as good as people" were mentioned, a sneer suddenly came from the sea of ​​knowledge of the young public finance students.

As soon as his mind moved, he immediately dropped a wisp of consciousness into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. On the ostentatious little tree of the forbidden curse, the little blue snake clinging to it was squinting its eyes and lazily spit out the letter.

This is a bit of obsession left behind by the Siren King after he became an ancient man. It needs to be wiped out with the help of the forbidden spell in his body. When Mr. Zeng put it in, he claimed that he had prepared a small pet for himself, but he knew the true identity of the green snake. Zheng Qing never dared to treat it as a real pet, only as a 'tenant'.

At the beginning, this "tenant" was like a dead thing, and he would never move without Zheng Qing hand seals

However, in the recent period, Zheng Qing felt that it was becoming more and more agile. Not long ago, when he was tested by the seven deadly sins, this little green snake helped him.

So, after entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness this time, the boy didn't hesitate, and asked directly: "Did you laugh just now? Did someone play tricks in this final?"

The green snake raised its eyelids, revealing that blue eye, and said with a chuckle: "Hey... I don't know where the brat cast a sleeping spell... It's a very interesting thing."

"What did they do? Why didn't you stop them?" Zheng Qing suddenly felt annoyed: "Even if it's inconvenient to do it, don't let me fall asleep!"

"What good will it do me to stop them?" Green Snake rolled his eyes very smartly, and flicked his tail lazily: "... I'm going to die anyway... As for the others... I didn't hurt you... If There is no clear order, just make sure you don’t die.”

Hearing this, Zheng Qing suddenly came to his senses, and then became terrified.

Is this 'obsession' alive?

It doesn't want to die?

It doesn't die, will the sea demon king who has become the ancient one press me to death with one finger? Being targeted by a boss of this level, what if the husband is too late to save him?

Compared with this big bomb, the school hunting, luck, fairness and other things discussed outside suddenly became worthless.

"Captain, captain? Hey, scumbag, what are you thinking?"

Zheng Qing came back to his senses, Xin Fatty was pressing his shoulders and shaking him vigorously. When he noticed that the boy was awake, the fat wizard curled his lips and looked at the others: "If you call him the captain, he will not agree. If you call him the scumbag, you will agree... This man, Hey!"

Zheng Qing was so preoccupied with knocking off the fat wizard's hand that he didn't even pay attention to Jiang Yu's expression.

"I just remembered something."

He swallowed, another Fatty suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help saying: "Andrew, do you know? It's the commissioner of the three-pronged sword... He came to me some time ago..."

"You mean the abnormal Death incident in the Silent Forest?" Xiao Xiao immediately remembered this incident—because it happened last week, and the forgiveness and the others had a serious discussion at that time, so a little reminder at this moment, everyone will immediately I remembered.

"Do you suspect those crows are up to something?" Dylan crossed his arms, leaning against the bar, thoughtful, "Although it feels a bit conspiracy theory...but it's not completely impossible."

Zhang Jixin shook his head: "I remember that the fringe hunting team has reported the situation of those crows to Trident Sword. If it has something to do with the last incident, Andrew will definitely continue to chase them."

"He chased his, we investigate ours!"

Zheng Qing knew that he needed to give his companions a way to divert their emotions, so he simply threw out this matter: "At that time, in the Silent Forest, besides us and the edge, there were also those crows... No matter how you look at it, they are all suspects!"

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