Hunting High School

Chapter 302 Three-Party Transaction

The airflow from the black cat's roar was like a gust of wind, Mammon seemed to be suffocated.

He could clearly see the black cat's bright red throat like a black hole, the neat barbs on its tongue like barbed pears, and its mouth full of white teeth.

You can also clearly feel the irritable mood of the black cat at the moment.

But these are not reasons for him to give up his 'legitimate rights', so even though he was sprayed with black cat saliva, Mamen did not retreat a step, and bravely went forward.

It made him look like he was about to get into the black cat's mouth.

"Twelve grains, not even a single copper." He yelled, his tone very firm: "Within the scope of permission, I have already offered the most favorable terms. This is the final bottom line."

In the same way, the tough attitude of the black cat is not discounted in the slightest.

"There are only eleven grains, and there is not a single more copper." It was breathing heavily, and its eyes were staring. It swept Mammon's body with malicious intent, as if wondering which piece of meat would be easier to eat.

The two sides stared wide-eyed and remained motionless for several minutes.

The guilty envoy at the side finally couldn't hold back anymore and coughed softly.

"Ahem," he helped the duck-egg-like mask on his face, and mixed the mud: "Everyone's time is so precious, let's make a compromise, each person takes a step back, and one golden bean is exchanged for six silver horns. Black cat, you pay three more silver horns, Mammon, you charge three less"

"Never 1

The wizard wearing a fox mask sternly refused: "This is a trample on tradition, an insult to mathematics, and a desecration of the mask on my face 1

"Not a dime 1

After saying this, the black cat seemed to have thought of something, and sneered and shrunk its body: "Either take eleven golden beans and the contract ends, or hey."

It drooped its tail, and walked back and forth in front of the fox calmly: "Others say that the one who owes the money is the uncle, if you have the ability, you can find me in three months and collect the money—if you can find me."

The mask on Mammon's face suddenly darkened.

"We signed the contract 1 He gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Does anyone believe in the devil's contract?" The black cat snorted, and the threats in his words were sharper than his fangs: "I have a hundred ways to get rid of this contract."

This isn't exactly nonsense.

After all, it was only a sale of ten golden beans, and there was no need to use such a high-level contract. If you really had the determination, you could always find a way to wash off the name on the contract by spending three or five jade coins.

"You give me two jade coins, and I'll help you solve the problem of the contract 1 Mamen suddenly changed his rhetoric.

The black cat looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm a cat, but it doesn't mean I'm stupid 1" Its voice was full of doubts: "It's obviously a matter of one jade coin, why do you think I will pay two jade coins? "

Seeing this pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, the embassy finally couldn't stand it any longer, he sighed deeply, his body flickered, and two figures appeared, one on the left and the other on the right.

One dragged Mamen to the side, propping up a sound-proof barrier; the other squatted in front of the black cat, and also raised its hands to prop up a sound-proof barrier.

"That cat is a complete neurofoil, just touched its cat, and almost killed me 1 The sinner who communicated with Mammon first clarified his position, shared the same hatred with the fox, and then reminded gently: "So I think he Seriously, Baobuqi is willing to spend an extra jade coin in order to give you one less golden bean. "

The wizard wearing the fox mask was also a little numb at the moment.

"It's more greedy than the devil 1 He cursed a few words in a low voice, but still insisted: "Twelve golden beans, really can't be less"

"Aside from Jindouzi, are other forms of payment acceptable?" the embassy gave another choice.

Mammon was slightly moved: "Well, if the value is the same"

the other side.

The sinner who was squatting in front of the black cat was also earnest: "Think about it, the initial sum of gold, nine times out of thirteen, you are equivalent to paying the interest of four golden beans. Now, you only need to pay for it."

If you want to give twelve pills, it is equivalent to taking out one less pill, so why not be satisfied? You don't need that money anyway. "

"But the contract clearly stipulates that the penalty interest is three golden beans." The black cat scratched its cat's claws while muttering to itself: "I got nine, and he took away three golden beans. Isn't it ten? One grain? I was right 1

The embarrassment tilted his head.

"If," he gestured calmly, "if the other party is willing to accept payment methods other than gold beans, are you willing to offer something of considerable value? I say this because when evaluating the price, There is a little room for maneuver here, maybe you think that something worth eleven golden beans is worth buying twelve golden beans on the other side.”

This proposal is quite new.

The black cat flicked its tail in interest: "For example?"

The guilty envoy seems to have already prepared the draft, and immediately replied quickly after hearing the words: "For example, exclusive talisman, exclusive talisman, exclusive little curse, exclusive rune analysis, exclusive news, or like last time, what you did with 'lazy' As in the transaction, there is room for 'mutual acceptance' of the prices of 'products' such as homework help."

The black cat tugged at its ears.

Homework is indeed a good example. In the eyes of the "lazy man" Bell Finger, it is worth 120 golden beans, but in the eyes of Xiao Xiao, it is only worth 20 golden beans, and one hundred golden beans just went into his pocket, which is true Happy earning.

But now Dr. Xiao needs to be busy with the task of those twenty golden beans, and it seems that he has no spare time to accept more assignments in a short time, Black Cat thought regretfully.

As for others, no matter if they were talismans, self-created spells, or rune analysis, they could easily reveal their identities.

But news, it has one here.

And this piece of news is going to talk to the 'duck egg mask' in front of me later, so it seems like a good idea to sell it right now.

"How do you evaluate the news?" It squatted in front of the condemnation envoy, fiddled with a beetle that was slowly crawling in front of it, and turned the little guy upside down, struggling helplessly and unable to get free.

The wizard glanced at the poor beetle.

"You can tell me the news, I'll buy it at an estimated price, and then sell it to Mammon." His tone was light and his answer was quick, obviously not the first time he had done brokerage business: "We have a complete set of contract services for this type of trade."

The black cat raised its paw and stroked the whiskers around its mouth.

It felt that this action should make itself look older.

"Well, that sounds good."

The black cat pondered for a moment, finally nodded, and muttered: "In this case, I have a message about a group of wizards wearing crow masks. I don't know if anyone is interested."

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