Hunting High School

Chapter 304 Mask Man

A figure in a black robe and a white mask squeezed into the barrier.

It was the avatar that the Convict Envoy transformed before. He returned the contract burning with golden flames to the black cat, and then walked towards the Convict Envoy in the barrier. After the two came into contact, they quietly merged into one person again.

The black cat didn't raise its paw to accept the contract, but shot out a stream of magic power to wipe away the contract. Then, looking back at Mammon, the wizard wearing a fox mask nodded politely at the black cat, and disappeared silently under the shadow of the moonlit forest.

"Be more open."

The guilt of reuniting the two into one seemed to make the mood a little happier, and he comforted the black cat with a good voice, and at the same time reminded: " only used one golden bean to buy Mammon's neutral assessment. , as far as I know, this is the best deal I've ever seen. Plus, they really are devils...those cute animal masks just cover up their real looks. Devils are not philanthropists...don't take it easy , Communicate with you fairly and reasonably... If you think that everyone is a role that can be easily dealt with like Samuel, it is a big mistake!"

Samuel is the sin of 'Rage' wearing a wolf-head mask. His assessment is a battle. At that time, the black cat only spit out half a cat jade, and the guy turned around and left. It is indeed the simplest assessment that the black cat has experienced. up.

"What about the criminal?"

The black cat suddenly remembered the "position" he was preparing for the exam, and immediately complained: "Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, five of the seven deadly sins have passed, at least let me know what the position I am taking is for... ...We are decent cats, we don't want to be devils."

When this masked guy first appeared to recruit the black cat, he kept his words secretive, and it was inconvenient to ask three questions about the responsibilities of the guilty envoy. Even today, the black cat's patience has almost reached a certain point.

The wizard in the mask apparently knows this too.

"It's worth it, it's worth it, how can it be worth can I endure their crimes?"

He paced back and forth in the small enchantment, carefully choosing his words, and said very slowly: "As I said before, the only intersection between this position and the devil is to stay in the same place as them." In the conference room... we are impartial adjudicators, objective supervisors, we convene club meetings, balance internal transactions, collect requests from devils, and then communicate with other forces... You will not become a devil, but you have a chance Watching the devil. It's a rare experience."

This answer is quite satisfactory. Although it satisfies the cat's curiosity to a certain extent, it does not completely satisfy it.

Maybe he sensed the state of mind of the black cat at the moment.

"Observation is a good word," he suddenly chuckled, and changed his words: "It's also a very subtle identity. In this name, you can maintain a detached attitude and walk in light and shadow Between... the Seven Deadly Sins is one of the deepest shadows in that area."

While speaking, the sinner had already lifted the sound-proof barrier. After saluting the black cat slightly, he retreated beyond the moonlight and in the shadow of the trees, his figure dimmed little by little.

"I doubt it." The black cat stared at his disappearing figure, flicked its tail, and muttered in a low voice.

Considering the previous contact with several members of the Seven Deadly Sins—Mr. Arrogant is indifferent and good at mental pua, the angry guy is cowardly faster than anyone else, the lazy classmate wants to find someone to do homework for him, and the greedy fox lends usury to his companions— Among all the people, only Miss Jealousy seemed to have carefully prepared the assessment items.

Just a simple comparison with the companions of forgiveness, you will know how unreliable this club is.

Black Cat felt that he had expected too much from this small organization.



After leaving the sight of the black cat, the wizard wearing a white mask passed through a hidden secret door under the wall of Jiuyou Academy. When he came out, the figure was divided into two, one figure turned to the left, and the other turned to the right.

After passing through different secret doors, the two figures diverged again, turned into four, and went in four different directions.

In this way, his figure continued to enter the seats.

In the secret passages located in different corners of the school, some figures took off their masks after being 'desensitized' several times, and greeted the janitors patrolling at night with smiles on their faces; some figures wore masks, walked down the stairs, and returned to the The office of the Seven Deadly Sins; some figures quietly passed through the fence set up by the school's guardian circle, crossed the Silent River, and disappeared into the dark forest at night.

Of course, after passing through a certain secret passage, more figures quietly turned into wisps of light air and dissipated under the moonlight.

The figure that entered the silent forest skillfully identified the direction in the dark and quiet world, and soon came to a half-dead old locust tree.

The old locust tree seems to have been struck by lightning. One side of the tree is scorched black, and the other side is lush. There is a long and narrow crack between the two, like a half-open eye. cm.

The wizard wearing a white mask paused in front of the crack before stepping in without hesitation. The place where he landed was not a crack in the old locust tree, but a winding staircase leading to the ground.

The two sides of the stairs are surrounded by rough textures belonging to trees. There is no light between the steps, it is dark and quiet, making people feel that every step is stepping into the abyss.

When he walked up the low rank ladder, the pure white mask on his face disappeared and was replaced by a pitch black crow mask.

There is a small number on the corner of the mask.

Zero three.

Below the stairs is a long corridor. There are closed doors on both sides of the corridor. There are no windows on the doors, but different numbers are marked on them.

When his light footsteps passed through several doors, there was a sudden violent impact and crazy howling from behind the door.

No. 3 crow didn't look sideways, and his pace was not affected in any way.

At the end of the corridor was a huge half-covered iron door. When he walked to the door, No. 3 Crow finally couldn't help it, shook his head slightly, and raised his hand to perform a "preparation door".

The iron door slammed shut behind him.

Behind the door is an empty hall. A huge test bench is placed in the brightest part of the hall. Dozens of figures in black robes and crow masks are busy beside the test bench.

Hearing the door close, one of the crows turned around.

"Nice job!"

He praised in a slightly gloating voice: "You locked the professor out... The professor just went out to get something... It's been less than three minutes."

Crow No. 3 stroked its long beak, turned around, and quickly threw an opening spell:

"Under the Hengmen, there is no defense for households!"


The iron door was pushed open with great force.

A professor with high cheekbones and gray hair kicked in the door holding a stack of documents. Unlike the other crows, he didn't wear a mask.

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