Hunting High School

Chapter 309 Gifts (Part 2)

"The response was real and strong."

After carefully observing the fat wizard's reaction, Dr. Xiao Da took off his glasses, wiped them slowly, and murmured: " really doesn't look like I'm dreaming."

"Hiss!" Fatty gasped, tears in his eyes: "You... why did you stab me! You suspected hallucinations, so stab yourself!"

"How painful it is to pierce yourself... Besides, didn't you ask 'give me'?" The doctor put on his glasses again, asked in surprise, and looked at the red-faced wizard at the same time.

Zhang Jixin nodded calmly as an endorsement.

"I didn't let you..." The fat wizard was furious as he rubbed the deep pit of flesh pierced by the tip of the quill.

Zheng Qing hurriedly put an end to the petty infighting among his friends.

"A spell with a legendary aura is worth at least dozens of jade coins." He had just recovered from the reward announced by the professor, and was wringing his fingers, eagerly calculating the value of the reward.

"Dozens of jade coins?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him sideways, and sneered again and again: "There is no sense of value at all... A curse banned by a legendary wizard, wandering around, at least it can be sold for more than a thousand jade coins... If the banned magic is special, or belongs to Mass destruction spells, probably worth even more."

"I know that last year an auction house in Jinlingfang sold a legendary 'July Flowing Fire' spell for a high price of 4,700 jade coins..." Zhang Jixin immediately gave a very specific statement. Reference Information.

Four thousand seven hundred jade coins? !

Hearing this number, Zheng Qing almost bit his own tongue.

As a public-funded student, his annual scholarship is only ten jade coins; the small roast chicken on the pedestrian street only sells for twenty-four copper coins; I won it; the doctor worked hard to write homework for a week, but he could only earn 20 golden beans... Well, of course, the last comparison is slightly inaccurate, because the client actually paid 120 golden beans.

"Many little wizard families may not have five thousand jade coins in combination of current assets and fixed assets." Xiao Xiao was doing random calculations on his notebook with a quill in his hand, speaking quickly: "As far as I know, every year at the school hunting meeting The total sales of gambling, prize pools and commissions did not exceed 3,000 jade coins...Last year it seemed to be only more than 2,000."

"The Bologna bound book only costs 23 jade coins, and the Paris bound version costs 13 jade coins." Zheng Qing talked about the most expensive commodities in his impression, and suddenly felt that this world is both cheap and expensive: "...and This set of pre-Qin bamboo slips that Sima sent you, consists of Shushan silk and fox's back skin, and the price will definitely not exceed twenty jade coins!"

"This set of bamboo slips is priceless." Dr. Xiao Da corrected him righteously.


Lao Yao squeezed a cluster of golden tobacco, stuffed it into the pipe, then threw a spark into the pipe, sucked it hard, squinted his eyes contentedly, smiled and looked at the classroom that was in chaos again, and didn't cancel the doors and windows. A little proud of the ban.

"I also want to teach a forbidden magic... Is it too late to join the forgiveness now?!"

"You're thinking about Tao Zi, You Zui has stopped recruiting for a long time. I applied before this school hunting competition, but Brother Qing said that this year, You Zui locked up the head..."

"Ahh! What a pity, Nicholas invited me to join his hunting team before!"

"Why didn't you go?"

"I think Matthew's hunting team is a bit stronger..."

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. Some people are elated, while others are naturally sad, and some people complain about it in private after suffering an unwarranted disaster.

As the organizers of the other two hunting teams in the class, both Downton and Matthew felt unlucky. It is true that people are sitting in the classroom, and the blame comes from the sky.

Although Matthew has keen hearing, he has an extremely cold temper. After hearing some unpleasant words, the expression on his face did not change at all; in comparison, Downton appeared to be more magnanimous and rather resigned. Feng Fan, when Duan Xiaojian complained to him that he didn't get the reward, he could still jokingly propose "apply to join the forgiveness hunting team as a group".

Lao Yao looked at this lively scene with a smile, until he finished smoking a pot of cigarettes, he spit out a string of neat smoke rings, and knocked on the lecture in front of him.

"What do you think, we can talk slowly after the class meeting." He put away his pipe, picked up the list in front of him, and slightly restrained his smile.

Affected by this, the atmosphere in the classroom was immediately serious:


"Forgiveness Hunting Team: Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao, Zhang Jixin, Xin Banner Schmidt-Bayer, Jiang Yu."

"Fringe Hunters: Nicholas Green, Liu Feifei, Carmen."

"Everyone welcomes with applause..."

Lao Yao put down the list in his hand, picked up his pipe again, and was about to say something more, when suddenly he saw a short arm not far from him raised high, almost poking into his nostrils.

"Does Li Meng have any questions?" The professor asked kindly.

"I am also a member of forgiveness, why is there no name for me!" The short-armed owner stood up, indignantly: "Su Ya can testify to me, how hard I have worked this season... Councilor Su even praised me for being in the hunting team It's a unique position!"

"Mengmeng!" Jiang Yu, who was already standing in front of the podium, winked at her hastily.

Very rare, this time Li Meng didn't flinch, but stared back with an aggrieved face, which immediately made the witch feel a little troubled, and blinked at the professor on the podium.

"Li Meng is also a member of your hunting team?" Lao Yao looked at Zheng Qing in surprise.

"Well... she is the manager of the hunting team," the young public fee student nodded slightly, swallowed the word 'vice' while rubbing his nose, and at the same time commented with a smile: "I did do a lot for the hunting team in the previous training." contribute."

This evaluation made the little witch even more arrogant: "The distinction between main members and auxiliary members is status discrimination! I want to complain to the academy!"

"Well, the academy has received your complaint."

Professor Yao nodded solemnly, and at the same time asked a little curiously: "Mr. Su, I know... who is Su Ya who you just said can testify for you?"

"Su Ya is the maid of the Qingqiu mansion." Zheng Qing took the lead and replied concisely.

The professor suddenly realized.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he decisively took out another piece of parchment that exuded a hazy golden light, added it to the row of prizes, and allowed the little witch to go on the podium, but at the same time added: "Due to the restrictions of the rules, you can Yes, but it must be led by Jiang Yu... This is not a rule set by me, but Dan Hag's request."

The little witch doesn't care about the rules.

Hearing that he was able to accept the award, he immediately smiled and happily squeezed onto the podium.

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