Hunting High School

Chapter 315 Zheng Qing, Your Mailbox Explodes

A quick and fierce rebuttal greatly exhausted Zheng Qing's physical strength. He felt as if he had participated in a full marathon, or was facing the black prison battlefield again.

And the three wizards standing opposite the young public fee students behaved differently.

Zhang Jixin scratched his head with a dazed expression, completely believing Zheng Qing's explanations; Xin Fatty crossed his arms and sneered again and again, not believing a single word; as for Dr. Xiao, he straightened his glasses as usual, and glanced at the newspaper again .

"I also say a few words."

The short wizard grabbed the newspaper, shook it, his voice was calm, and his words were very strict: "First of all, if you have no relationship with Representative Su as the newspaper insinuated, you shouldn't have refuted it with that attitude just now..."

Zheng Qing was taken aback for a moment.

"At least you shouldn't be so excited." Xin Fatty mocked, and said sarcastically: "You look like someone stepped on your tail. I was just skeptical at first...but now I feel that it is true. .”

"Besides, there are loopholes in one way or another in your explanation."

Xiao Xiao continued to fill in the own discussion: "For example, the first article, the newspaper said 'open contact', but those contacts in the laboratory are naturally not public; and the second article, although the two little foxes have a good relationship It barely makes sense, but it seems very strange for you to prove that Poseidon and Li Meng have a good relationship."

"This is especially doubtful," the fat wizard sang together, and glanced at the front row of the classroom meaningfully: "After all, we all know who Li Meng's cousin is."

Zheng Qing's skin that had just turned a layer of blood turned gray again.

He decided to try one last time.

"The distance between me and Su Shijun is farther than the distance between fish and the moon," the young Gong Feisheng said with a dry smile, trying to squeeze his brains that had already dried up: "...As we all know, fish cannot touch the moon."

"But fish can touch the shadow of the moon every night." Xin Fatty is always outstanding in finding faults, and immediately put forward a rhetorical question that left Zheng Qing speechless.

Xiao Xiao also looked at the boy, and added from the perspective of a wizard: "In addition, ordinary fish may not be able to touch the moon, but what about magical fish... such as the kun fish that can transform into a roc? It just so happens that you are not an ordinary fish. fish……"

"My brother's Kunpeng hunting team has a little spirit witch, she can summon a huge Kunpeng, which can go into the sea or into the sky." The red-faced wizard interjected enthusiastically.

"Isn't your brother in the school hunting team?" Zheng Qing immediately found an excellent opportunity to change the subject.

"I am Dage, Zhang Boren, he is married!"

Zhang Jixin scratched his head, spread his hands and said, "The school hunting team is my fourth brother... At the end of last semester, my Dage's hunting team also participated in the Battle of Hell, and also took on a very important task! Don't you have an impression? "

"So, Poseidon is indeed Su Shijun's child, right?" A hazy blue light appeared on Xin Fatty's face, and it seemed that he would explode in the next second, smashing Zheng Qing into small pancakes with his fist.

"Comparatively speaking, I'm actually more curious about how there is Poseidon between you and Mr. Su." Dr. Xiao took off his glasses, full of admiration.

"No, it's not what you think..." The young public fee student moaned in a low voice, his scalp tingling for a while, as if he had already imagined the terrifying scene of being chased and killed by most of the wizards in the school.

"People can' least they shouldn't hide such an important matter from their own friends!" Xin Fatty hammered his chest, the blue light on his face was shaken by the hammer, with a heartbroken look on his face.

Zheng Qingxu glanced at him.

"If I confessed before, would you accept it calmly?" The young public servant asked tactfully.

"No," the fat wizard's answer seemed very honest to this point: "I will feed you enough live The Underworld potions before I smash you... instead of putting you in your waking hours like I am doing now. Punch and punch into a pulp!"

Living The Underworld decoction, also known as living water, is a powerful sleeping pill.

"Then I should really thank you." Zheng Qing muttered

While talking, and wanting to say something, the surrounding sound barrier suddenly shattered, and the rustling chatter of other students in the classroom and the voice of Professor Yi rang clearly in the ears of several boys.

"Class begins!"

The professor of divination class knocked on the bamboo whip in his hand, glanced at the corner of the back row, and said in a familiar thick nasal voice: "I heard that some students like to set up soundproof barriers in the classroom recently, I need to remind everyone that this is my classroom. ...don't do some insignificant things...go out if you don't want to attend class!"

All living beings in the hall suddenly became awe-inspiring.

Zheng Qing also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, pulled himself together, and opened the "Basic Easy Learning·Sophomore Year" in front of him.

The professor nodded in satisfaction, but looked at Zheng Qing again, frowning slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just shook his head and opened the own handout:

"In this lesson, we will continue to study the Yao Ci of the Book of Changes. Classical divination uses many 'mediums' such as tortoise shells, divination grass, even copper coins, chess pieces, etc. to analyze the Yao Ci and predict bad luck. This is a very extensive divination method. Lai Zhide, a famous fortune teller in the Ming Dynasty, has made it clear in his works that divination should achieve the unity of principles, qi, images, numbers and other dimensions..."

On the podium, Professor Yi shook his head and talked about the content. On the podium, although Zheng Qing looked at the textbook with a dignified expression, he couldn't understand a word, and his mind was full of "it's over" and "it's over" Messy thoughts like ''how to do'', 'should I run away', 'can I run' and so on.

So much so that when Professor Yi beat the bamboo whip two or three times, the young public finance student didn't hear it, and it was Dr. Xiao Da who was next to him who quietly tugged at his clothes, which woke him up from his trance.


Zheng Qing turned his eyes, saw Xiao Xiao's eyes, and immediately came to his senses. He stood up in a hurry, glanced at the blackboard first, and then immediately flipped through the textbook in front of him. ' Yin & Yang, movement and stillness, the principle of restraint and full spirit change'..."

Crack, crack!

Professor Yi knocked hard on the table with a dark face, snorted, and said angrily: "I didn't ask you to answer the question... I didn't ask the question either! Someone is looking for you at the door!"

Zheng Qing looked up in astonishment and looked towards the door of the classroom.

A strange tall and thin wizard was looking around, and when he saw Zheng Qing, he immediately waved his hand kindly: "Student Zheng Qing? I'm from the Student Union Office... Please come out."

Amidst the low laughter of the classmates, the young public-funded student bent over and smeared out the door.

"What's the matter?" He had a ghost in his heart, and he didn't dare to leave Professor Yi's sight, so he asked in a low voice while blocking the door.

"Your mailbox has exploded." The thin and tall wizard shrugged: "The student union has never encountered such a I need the help of the person concerned to deal with it."

"Go, go!" The professor on the podium waved his hand away with a look of disgust: "You probably won't be able to come back in the second half of the class...By the way, I wish you good luck!"

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