Hunting High School

Chapter 317 Letter

Roaring letter, a magical letterhead used to directly convey the sender's unhappiness and anger to the recipient through the letterhead, usually in red.

Just like the color painted on the huge lips that appeared in front of Zheng Qing at this moment.

Seeing that big mouth seemed to want to shout something, the young Gong Feisheng had quick eyesight and quick hands, like a dueling western cowboy, quickly drew out his own Colt silver python, and raised his hand to shoot.


The light blue talisman shot disappeared in a flash, smashing the big mouth into pieces.

Until then, the officers of the other student unions came back to their senses.

There was silence in the office.

"Didn't you say that high-risk emails have been filtered out?" The young public finance student said dryly, forcing a polite smile on his face.

"Yelling letters are not included," a first-year witch raised her hand as if answering a question in class, and replied weakly, "After all, we can't stop parents of students from yelling at their own children..."

"It's you," another sophomore student council officer's eyes fell on the rune gun held by the wizard, with a nervous expression on his face: "Is this the rune gun you used to injure classmate Soprano?"

This is another legendary and glorious past of Zheng Dagong Feisheng.

After all, Soprano is now the Augustus of the Alpha Academy, and not everyone has the chance to blow him up and seriously wound him—although Zheng Qing is still carrying the relevant punishment, his actions are very serious. It is highly praised by the students of Jiuyou College.

"No, not this."

The young public finance student kept in mind the relevant prohibition given to him by the school, and immediately denied it when he heard the words: "...this gun is only loaded with a few ordinary rune bullets."

The tall and thin wizard who brought Zheng Qing to the office reminded: "Even so, using rune guns or similar magic tools in places like office buildings or teaching buildings can easily cause accidental injuries and is not allowed."

"Sorry, sorry, after-effects of hunting."

Zheng Qing stuffed the gun back into the gray cloth bag, with a hypocritical smile on his face, and apologized repeatedly: "Because there are campus cups in the black know...sometimes it is inevitable to overreact..."

"Oh, I get it! PTSD!"

A little witch interjected enthusiastically: "When I was studying in Baiding World, I saw many cases in this regard... I never thought that wizards would have such a disease!"

"It doesn't matter, then you can open another letter." The wizard who brought Zheng Qing to the office smiled kindly, and took out another letter from the grid.

"No," Zheng Qing snatched it, his voice distorted because of being too nervous: "No...not here...don't bother everyone! I'd better go back and watch it!"

"Is that so?" The tall and thin wizard couldn't hide his disappointment, but he still tried his best to persuade him to stay: "There are many people in the office, everyone can help you open it together... As far as I know, there are always seven out of ten such letters. The content of the eight copies is the same, and it is very hard to read too much."

"No, I'd better go back and dismantle it myself." The young public finance student insisted on his own opinion.


The tall and thin wizard muttered, and took a few pieces of parchment from the hand of the witch next to him: "In this case, please count the number of letterheads and paper cranes, and then fill out the return receipt... sign here..."

The grid in the cabinet looks small, but it has a lot of capacity.

When Zheng Qing finished counting, stuffed the letter and the paper cranes into the gray cloth bag, and after going through the whole process, it was already eleven o'clock, less than half an hour before get out of class ended.

No wonder Professor Yi said he didn't need to go back.

With this emotion in mind, the young public-funded student took advantage of the time when there were few people in the school during class, and went straight back to the dormitory. Su Shijun discusses the report in the Bugle newspaper.

It's a pity that Su Man told him that the young lady went to the laboratory, and she would not be able to return to the mansion until the weekend. In the end, the wizard could only leave a short greeting letter and leave angrily.

When he returned to the dormitory, it was still early.

In the dormitory, apart from dozing balls and playing elves, only Dylan's big black coffin lay a sleeping vampire werewolf.

Sighing slightly, he began to process the incoming letter.

The roaring letters were all picked out, thrown into a ball of fire and burned, and they didn't even listen to them.

For the other letters, Zheng Qing only opened a hundred or so letters before he was exhausted, and felt that the long-lost headache seemed to be faintly coming back.

Nine out of ten of the letters are "greetings" to him—greetings about his distant ancestors, about the serious diseases he was suffering from, and about the end of his reproductive and digestive system.

Many letterheads of greetings are also mixed with letters of challenge full of courage and justice, as if Zheng Qing is not a sophomore in college, but a The Underworld Devil.

Even those letters that appear to be very polite without greetings, there are also strange stories asking, "Is there really a reproductive separation between wizards and foxes?" Argument.

In contrast, it seems quite normal for some unknown witch doctors to offer advertising letters for drugs like 'Dali Pills' in a mysterious tone.

Similar 'normal' letterheads abound.

For example, letters from Beta Town Post and Ganges Daily made appointments for interviews; an enthusiastic self-recommendation from an unknown security company; an advertisement for accident insurance and personal injury insurance of an insurance company; and even an endorsement invitation for the famous love potion.

All in all, it is only because of this bright secular world, Lu Li is so strange, and all living beings on the earth are so beautiful, they are fascinated by greed, anger, joy, hatred, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow and jealousy.

Fat Cat Tuantuan had already woken up, with its tail up, circling around the young public fee student, but it didn't care about the sighing wizard, but stared at the ball of Fierce Flame floating in mid-air, curious Looking at the big mouths of various types that were ups and downs and broken in the fire, they looked eager to try and take a claw.

The elves were chasing and playing in mid-air, flying ignorantly and happily.

Not long after the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the fat wizard with a pale blue face hurriedly squeezed into the dormitory—compared with usual, his body control was not very successful today, which made the dormitory door look much narrower.

Zheng Qing calculated the time in his heart, from the end of get out of class to the return to the dormitory, Fatty absolutely had no time to eat.

This made him even more desperate for the future—it could make Fatty, who loves food, give up his lunch and come to him wholeheartedly. One can imagine how other people will react when they know this.

"I like red boxes."

Without raising his head, Zheng Qing stared at the fire in front of him, and murmured: "Black ones are fine too... I don't like any flowers I like... just marble for the tombstone, no lettering... don't bury the school or the Silent Forest , will be planed off..."

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