Hunting High School

Chapter 319: Four Diaries Of Zheng Qing

October 27th (Tuesday, Yi Ding Meng, avoid praying)

Attend class.

Receive letters.

The most feared thing finally happened, the damn Daily Bugle, I really don't know whether to praise them for their insight, or to meddle in their own business. Does it matter who Su Shijun's husband is?

Why don't you bother with that big fox!

I can only pinch soft persimmons.

It is impossible to commit suicide by suicide, and it is not possible to commit suicide in this life. Killed and unwilling. Just sneak around, hide and hide, and let's live through it for a while before talking.

The world is so colorful and I love being alive so much!

Fatty suggested that I suspend school, saying that it is very important to everyone not to have me in school. Dylan didn't suggest that I turn into a zombie, insisting that vampire blood was nobler. The doctor can only hold up the glasses.

But I still want to struggle again as a living person.

It's nothing more than drawing a few more invisibility symbols every day. In the past, he could use this trick to avoid those fanatics, but he might not be able to in the future. During this time, even in the classroom, I will not take off the invisibility talisman on my body.

In the afternoon of Advanced Runes, Professor Montelia was very talkative and allowed me to wear an invisibility amulet to attend the class.

After writing the diary, I still have to fill out a lot of application forms and apply to the teacher of each class to attend classes incognito.

I’m not worried about Lao Yao and other senior professors, but those younger ones—such as Fuluzhang, Sima in History, Gan Ning in Magical Biology, and Hilda in Practice—hope there There is no fanatical fan of Miss Su.

The moonlight outside the window is very good.

But I just feel that there are countless malice surging in the darkness.

The old almanac said that it is not suitable to pray for blessings today, so I will not pray for myself--Sanqing is above, Namo Amitābha, Allah bless, Amen.

By the way, the paper ashes from the burnt letter paper were used to prepare a hemostatic agent, which worked very well, and the nosebleed stopped immediately.

October 28th (Wednesday, suitable for travel, avoid Anmen)

Attend class.

Make up homework.

Didn't sleep well last night. Had a few nightmares in the middle of the night but couldn't wake up. All kinds of monsters, seen and never seen, chased and killed me like crazy in my dream, and even fell off several cliffs.

I very much suspect that someone has stabbed a small person, but there is no evidence.

After a night of fermenting, the Bugle report had spread completely. According to the news from the student union, the letters that flooded into the office last night were equivalent to the sum of the past half a year!

In addition to the invisibility talisman, I also need to prepare some more amulets.

History of magic in the morning, magic creatures in the afternoon, the teachers are very young and friendly, allowing me to wear an invisibility amulet in class, and they don't ask me to get up to answer questions.

This proves that they are not fans of Su Shijun.

But among the students, there are many sinister guys. My desk has been cursed and turned into a stinking swamp that swallowed my history homework, so tonight I must rewrite a 5,000-word report analyzing the impact of the establishment of the New World colonial system. Influences from the wizarding world.

I think the only impact is that the rich magic resources from the colonial world have fed many wizards, and they pay attention to some Eight Trigrams news all day long!

But you can't write that in your homework.

Because Sima really can tear parchment.

There's no moon tonight, and I know it's bad.

Before going to bed, I prepared ten nightmare dolls and a stack of meditation charms, hoping to have a good dream.

In addition, there are more letters and paper cranes today than yesterday, but most of them are roaring letters, leaving little paper ashes. I was afraid to go to the student union office to pick up the letter, so I wrote a power of attorney to Xiao Xiao. It is said that the office building is surrounded by some malicious and wandering guys.

The old almanac is inaccurate.

October 29th (Thursday, suitable for offering sacrifices, avoiding all inappropriate things)

Attend class.

Catch up on sleep.

I'm sure someone is stabbing my little one.

because I slept last night

At that moment, all the amulets on the pillow turned into black ashes. I never knew that there were so many evil beings in this world.

Except for amulets and invisibility talismans, I don't have the energy to draw other talismans.

I complained to the school work committee and the student union.

The school working committee replied very kindly, only saying that the school has blocked many long-distance and powerful curses, and the ones tormenting me now are all the 'pranks' of the children in the school?

Ridiculous, how many children are there in First University!

The reply from the student union was very strange. They wanted me to go to the office to report the injuries I had suffered, and said that this was a formal process. Suspecting that they had ulterior motives, I declined the invitation.

Of course, the past few days have not been all good.

Because I wear an invisibility talisman in class, and I won't be called up by the teacher to answer questions, so I can catch up on sleep in class openly. The only thing to pay attention to is not to snore or talk in sleep.

After all, I choose my seat randomly now, and there is no reliable companion next to me.

This afternoon is a section on career planning. The professor gave me an example with great interest, claiming that this is one of the most successful career planning he has ever seen.

God knows what I've planned!

It's gray outside tonight, I don't know if there is a moon.

You need to be more careful when you sleep, otherwise, why would Sim Fatty and Dylan look at me so often? They are either worried about me, or want to harm me!

This is not persecution paranoia.

Be cautious.

October 30th (Friday, clean up, don't erect monuments)

Attend class.

draw character.

In the morning, after morning class, Fatty bought me an extra bowl of energy potion for breakfast, saying that my complexion was not good these days, and I might need to replenish it.

I didn't dare to drink it, so I quietly fed it to edamame.

It's just this dog who still looks at me the same way as before.

There is still no news from the Qingqiu mansion, Su Damei still hides in the laboratory without saying a word, Poseidon was also picked up by Su Ya to the mansion, I think it will be safe recently.

Things got worse and worse.

No one talked about the school hunting competition that had just passed less than a week ago, and it was obvious that Nicholas was a little disappointed.

Every corner I passed by incognito, everyone was talking about the matter between me and Su Shijun in Eight Trigrams. This kind of enthusiasm makes people suspect that there is nothing real in the wizarding world except gossip!

Many people are looking for my trail.

I asked my acquittal companions to let the news out quietly, saying that I had completed the withdrawal procedures and left Phuket Island, and so on, hoping that it would help a little.

The companions who apologized have been under a lot of pressure recently.

Because they couldn't find me, others came to them - of course, they didn't experience what happened to me, and no one wasted magic drawing villains to curse them - but almost everyone they encountered asked me where I was going And whether Poseidon is really the child of me and Su Shijun.

So I need to draw more cloaks.

Endless homework, endless symbols, and unavoidable nonsense!

Tomorrow is Halloween.

Hope to have some good luck.

The moonlight is very dark tonight.

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