Hunting High School

Chapter 21 Yin Qilei!

"That's not a wild boar, it's a wild boar demon. It's not that the wild boar is frightened, but the boar demon is going mad. The Pure Heart Talisman can calm the frightened wild boar, but it can't stop the wild boar from going mad." Thomas grabbed Zheng Qing, who was eager to try, and sternly warned : "Wizards never act rashly, do you know what monster you are facing?"

"Pig demon!" Zheng Qing felt his scalp tingling.

In countless literary works, monsters play the role of murderous and bloodthirsty villains most of the time.

When Zheng Qing was young, he always thought that monsters lived in caves, raising a group of ferocious beasts like wolves, tigers, and the like. In his free time, he would capture some beautiful women and do harm to him; Occasionally, a few monsters would argue about how to make human meat delicious, whether it should be steamed for tenderness or fried for chewy texture.

Gradually growing up, he knew that those stories were just stories in books after all.

Later, he followed his husband to the calligraphy collection.

After returning from the Huizi collection, Zheng Qing once asked Mr. if there are any monsters in the world.

Mr. said yes.

Do monsters eat people? Zheng Qing insisted on asking.

Mr. said, eat.

What should I do if I encounter a monster? Zheng Qing felt that the whole world was dark at that time.

The husband looked at him in surprise, and said, of course, he ran away when he encountered a monster! You are just a little scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken. If you don't run away, are you the Buddha who cut flesh and fed eagles?

As for what a monster looks like, Zheng Qing has asked him many times, and the answer is different every time.

Sometimes the teacher said that the monster had a green face and long fangs, and was hundreds of feet long, with thick smoke rolling in his eyes, and magma dripping from his mouth.

Sometimes the husband said that monsters are a group of small bugs, they can't be killed all the time, it's very annoying.

My husband also said that a monster looks exactly like a human, and you wouldn't even know it was a monster if it didn't eat people.

On the streets of Sijifang, Zheng Qing carefully looked at the wild boar monster not far away, and muttered to himself: "The monster looks like a pig! Mister is a deceitful person."

The wild boar demon roared, sticking out a pair of pale fangs, and slammed into a magic supply store.

The wooden signboard erected at the entrance of the store was directly blown away by it, and a huge Human Cauldron squatting behind the signboard was overturned by its fangs and rolled to the middle of the road.

Stopping, shaking the wood debris above his head, the wild boar rushed to the next shop with red eyes.

"Does it have no brains?" Zheng Qing looked at the wild boar monster running around on the street, and felt that its image was too different from the mighty and violent image in his heart.

"This is a wild monster that has just been transformed. It acts entirely on instinct. It can also be understood as having no brains." Standing in the barrier, Thomas looked very relaxed, and explained to Zheng Qing leisurely.

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"What is a wild monster?"

"The lowest level of monsters. Except for the king of the wild monsters, the wild monsters are generally without wisdom. They are a group of greedy hyenas, seeking the pleasure of flesh and blood. Wizards are their favorite prey."

"But there are so many wizards on the road, why does this wild boar just run around on the road?" Zheng Qing felt that a mad dog would chase and bite pedestrians on the road, and a crazy monster should act more bloody.

"You also know that we are wizards." Thomas pointed to the light blue light curtain above his head, and said with a smile, "What do you think this barrier is for?"

Zheng Qing came to a sudden.

The wild boar demon had already run not far from the two of them.

Zheng Qing could clearly see the white turbid liquid flowing from the corners of the pig demon's mouth and nasal cavity, as well as the pair of fierce and cruel small scarlet eyes.

Then he saw a greasy bag hanging around the wild boar demon's neck.

This bag looks familiar.

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the wild boar demon with gray fur.

There is no hair on the bald pig's head, as if scalded by boiling water, it is bright red.

The fat on the cheeks is bulging, forming layers of thick folds on the narrow pig's face, making the small scarlet eyes look deeper.

One floor, two floors, three floors.

The fat between the pig's face and the pig's neck just squeezed out three layers of clear folds.

"This pig looks like the Fatty I met before." He smiled and said to Thomas: "The Fatty I met in Yunxiangyi and Shangyuan Shusi before, his head is like an ostrich egg, and he also has a three-tiered chin. , and there is a greasy saddle hanging on the shoulder."

Thomas didn't speak, his expression became serious.

The wild boar demon snorted irritably outside the mask, and let out sharp growls from time to time.

Zheng Qing stopped laughing.

He suddenly felt his mouth a little dry.

He glanced at the pig demon again, and a terrible thought popped into his mind.

"That Fatty doesn't really turn into a pig," he murmured.

"It's really not a simple matter for a wizard to turn into a pig. It needs to involve advanced transformation spells." Thomas' voice was a little low: "But it is very simple for a wizard to be forced to become a pig demon. As long as Just one bite from a demon will do."

"Take a bite!" Zheng Qing felt a chill.

Outside the light curtain, the wild boar demon raised its head, sniffed, and slowly backed away.

Zheng Qing clenched the stack of meditation charms in his hand, moved carefully, and leaned towards Thomas.

"Very sharp." Thomas said with a smile in his tone, but his eyes were fixed on the slowly retreating wild boar demon: "Excellent intuition. Maybe I should recommend you to participate in the Star Academy's Unlimited Free Fighting Competition."

Zheng Qing swallowed, her face turned pale.

Not because Thomas wanted to recommend him for that bloody fight.

It was because of the wild boar demon outside.

The wild boar demon stared at the two people in the light curtain with its small scarlet eyes, breathing heavily from its nostrils, and its sharp hoof shells knocked on the stone road of Sijifang, making a thumping sound.

"Why do I think it can see us?" Zheng Qing asked in a trembling voice.

Thomas quietly flipped through the own method book and remained silent.

"Aw!" The wild boar demon screamed, and ran towards the two people under the light curtain in a daze on four stubby legs.

Before Zheng Qing could scream out, he saw Thomas' Dharma book floating out of nowhere, the pages were flipping rapidly, and three runes slowly floated out of the pages.

Zheng Qing knew these three characters.

"Yin Qilei!"

A small wind suddenly blew on the quiet street.

Xiaofeng rolled up a few leaves and patted the wild boar demon's body.

Zheng Qing held her breath, her face was pale, and she looked at the pig demon running wildly.

Those sharp fangs were paler than his face.

Zheng Qing heard the screams of other wizards not far away.

No one seemed to realize that the pig demon could see through this light curtain.

This curtain of light is one of the standard spells issued by the Wizarding Union, ranking among the most widely spread security spells.

It can perfectly conceal the aura and image of the wizard, making it impossible for hunting monsters to attack.

Numerous wizards have verified the effectiveness of this spell with their own experience.

And now, in the eyes of more wizards, the two figures guarded by this spell are about to face a violent wild monster.

Thomas took a deep breath, and looked expressionlessly at the pair of pale fangs not far away.

With his left hand pressing the Dharma book, his right hand pointed parallel to a sword, pointed at the pig demon, and sternly said:

"Yin Qilei, before this one!"

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