Hunting High School

Chapter 323 Burning To Death Zheng Qing Parade (Part 2)

Two orange fireballs staggered in mid-air, sliding out two elegant arcs, like a deformed cross and a pair of sharp scissors.

The flames fell.

The blazing fire rose from the pyre in an instant, illuminating the originally slightly dim site, and the dark red light jumped, reflecting the strange masks, like a mottled and strange impressionistic watercolor painting.

The Wuyang Wuyang crowd surrounding the woodpile suddenly dispersed outwards, leaving an extremely clear space between the woodpile and the crowd.

The sound of drums came from nowhere, shaking the fire.

Accompanied by the desolate and weird ballad, a group of figures with big furry tails appeared hand in hand, and danced the ancient dance of witchcraft around the fire.

The black cat's eyes widened immediately, and couldn't help but took a step forward, almost falling off the tree.

Immediately, it realized that those figures with big fluffy tails were not fox wizards, but just dressed up like everyone else tonight.

"Is it so grand?"

The black cat couldn't help doubting the reality—although it had various psychological preparations, it originally thought that tonight was a carnival of a group of fans wearing masks.

Instead of the solemn speeches and the solemn prayer dance as it is now, there is a decent sense of ceremony from the beginning to the end.


The convict turned his head and glanced at the black cat: "Halloween celebrations are like this every year... It's just that it was only popular between Atlas and Alpha. This year, Jiuyou and Starry Sky are more popular Yes...but if you want to say it's grand, it's far less grand than it was a few decades ago...the school professors participated in Halloween! Sigh, these days, no matter what festival, the festival flavor is getting weaker and weaker."

The black cat didn't care about the complaints from the wizard next to him.

It stared intently at the flames jumping in the distance and the figures jumping in the flames, curious how the ceremony would go on.

When he was thinking about it, the wizard wearing the Xiezhi mask suddenly shouted: "Sacrifice please!"

"Sacrifice please!!"

"Sacrifice please!!!"

The melodious voice spread far away in the heavy night, swirling and stirring, as if more than one wizard spoke at the same time, the sound was like a bell.

The strange and desolate songs around the fire became louder and louder, and even the flames became more vigorous.

The black cat subconsciously clamped its tail between its hind legs, arched its back unconsciously, flattened its ears, and stared vigilantly at the disturbing scene in the distance.

The wizard wearing a white mask watched the black cat's reaction calmly, guessing its identity in his heart - although the professor reminded him not long ago to keep a low profile recently, don't provoke the relevant departments or the young wizards of the two hunting teams for the time being , but this black cat is not among them.

"As expected." The black cat muttered in a low voice.

The Convicted Envoy regained his senses immediately, and his eyes fell on the noisy field again. He saw four tall wizards carrying a huge wooden frame, slowly entering the arena from the side, and the crowd in front of them was like a tide. The sides receded, leaving a wide passage.

On the wooden frame, a tall straw man is tied. The straw man has a funny carrot nose and obsidian eyes, a half black and half white hat on his head, and a plain white robe. There are two plaques on the front and back of the robe. The two characters are 'Sacrifice' and the latter two characters are 'Zheng Qing'.

"As expected?" The sinner played with the word, and his eyes fell on the black cat next to him again: "You seem to know that Zheng Qing is not the sacrifice tonight?"

The black cat's ears suddenly stood up and turned around.

"Hehe," it laughed dryly, "It's also the number one university... It's customary to make a fuss, but it's definitely not okay to go too far. If you want to come to the school, you won't allow a student with great potential to be burned to death in full view... ...This is the First University, not the Inquisition."


The sudden red light in the distance interrupted this short conversation on the old locust tree, and one person and one cat resumed their conversation.

When he turned his head, he found that the straw man had been thrown into the fire, and a red flame several feet high rose up.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the flame was burning, the black cat felt a slight scratching sensation all over its body, as if it was being exposed to the sun with its shirt off in summer.

Sparks fluttered everywhere, and the atmosphere at the ceremony almost reached its climax. On the tall wooden platform, four wizards in four-color courtyard robes raised their magic books in unison, and their voices were resounding:

"The parade begins!!!"


As if to explain this sentence, several tall flames sprang up from the blazing fire. At the same time, the crowd around the fire cheered and jumped for joy, and suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation. Four teams are divided, and the wizard headed by each team will hold up a burning straw man.

Colorful mantra lights continuously rose from the team, transforming into ghosts with strange images and various colors.

Those illusory ghosts hovered over the crowd, screaming and dancing wildly, with a long tail of magic light trailing behind them, and finally crashed into the burning straw man at the front of the team. Every time a ghost collided with it, the crowd would shout excitedly.

The black cat didn't need to look carefully to determine what was written on the plaques hanging on the chests of those straw men.

"Oh, burning one is not enough!"

It muttered, and its expression became more and more subtle, but it was difficult for others to detect the subtle changes in the facial expressions of a black cat under the night.

After the parade circled around the biggest fire in the square for a few times, it turned into four fire dragons and marched in four directions, one of which came in the direction of the black cat. Not surprisingly, this should belong to Jiuyou Academy team.

Sure enough, in this approaching team, the black cat saw many familiar figures.

For example, the guy holding the burning grass man in front of the team is more than twice as tall as the others, his light blue skin is shining with a purple luster under the firelight, and his passionate voice is as loud as thunder:

"Burn him!"

The fat wizard held the torch aloft, filled with righteous indignation, surrounded by cheering crowds, shouting the slogan of "burn him to death" and came towards the direction of the academy.

The black cat sneered again and again, and began to wonder if he should sleep on Fatty's pillow when he returned home.

Three short little witches ran in and out of the crowd holding hands, each holding a straw figure whose head had been removed, and screaming "burn him" from time to time. They wore fox masks on their heads, Behind it is a big fluffy tail, but one of the tails is real and the other two are fake.

The black cat tugged at its ears, feeling that it was not surprising to see these three little girls on such an occasion, the only strange thing was that they didn't bring Linguo in.

This made the black cat inexplicably relieved-after all, someone did not participate in this boring and silly-looking parade.

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