Hunting High School

Chapter 325: After The Frenzy

Whether it is watching others burn oneself or burning oneself, it is a very novel experience. For a moment, Zheng Qing felt that he seemed to have a certain resonance with those ancient wizards who deliberately captured and enjoyed the flame bath.

Therefore, he originally planned to watch the entire parade.

However, when he glared at Xin Fatty fiercely, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar mask - a wizard wearing a crow mask was sneaking past the corner of its eye and disappearing into the dark woods beside the road.

The black cat stood up suddenly, its yellow pupils shining brightly under the light of the fire. The mask disappeared very quickly. Although the serial number on the mask could not be seen clearly, the appearance of the mask was unmistakable. It was the crows that appeared in the school hunting competition.

"What?" The wizard wearing a white mask glanced at the black cat.

"Hush! Be quiet!"

The black cat hissed, like a cat that found a mouse, bent down, climbed and jumped along the thick branches on both sides of the road, and followed silently.

The sinner smiled softly, twisted his figure, and disappeared together as a shadow.

Most of the wizards who hid in the trees to "participate in the parade" gathered among the branches on both sides of the road. When the black cat passed through the trees beside the road and went deep into the forest, the surroundings soon became quiet, and the luxuriant branches and leaves were like dark green The barrier isolated the noise and shouts of the parade, and after a while, those voices became extremely blurred like misty clouds in the distance.

Without the interference of human voices, the silence of the night suddenly permeated.

The gentle night wind, the rustling leaves, the humming insects, and the faint sound of water interweave together in the mottled tree shadows, making the black cat feel like he has suddenly come to another world.

The wizard wearing the crow mask was extremely agile, and seemed to be very familiar with the path in the night forest. Even with the agility of a cat, after chasing hundreds of meters, he still lost the trace of the wizard.

The black cat stood beside a clump of golden forsythia bushes with a gloomy face, raised its head, and tried to sniff its nose. It could clearly smell the slightly pungent smell of forsythia leaves, the smell of soil, and even Can smell the damp breath of the Silent River in the distance, but can't catch the trace of the 'crow' that just disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, it looked up at a sycamore tree not far away. On the branch was a wizard wearing a white mask, who was also looking around.

"I'm looking at what you're doing." The sinner's answer was very slick.

The black cat snorted without explaining, continued to sniff its nose, and slowly turned its ears—it had stretched its pinna to the size of a cattail fan, and could clearly hear the sound of a few earthworms turning the soil several meters deep, but it still couldn’t hear it. A little news about crows.

After a long while, it finally accepted the change, and shook its ears listlessly: "Ah... Is there any news about the incident that I asked you to investigate last week?"

The wizard wearing a white mask said with some hesitation: "What news? As the envoy of the seven deadly sins, there are too many things to deal with every day... Please remind me."

"The crow." The black cat said concisely.

"Oh, they."

The culprit coughed, turned over, fell lightly down the tree, and squatted down in front of the black cat: "Sorry, except for the information you provided, there is no new news about wizards wearing crow masks on the market... If you Don't mind the timeliness, about three hundred years ago, there were many similar wizarding activities in Europa... Well, of course, there may be some wizards wearing similar masks tonight, but I believe they do not belong to the scope you are looking for."

The black cat froze for a few seconds before realizing the meaning of "timeliness" in the mouth of the sinner - hundreds of years ago, doctors in Europa would wear masks with beaks to treat plague patients, and they were once regarded as messengers of death avatar.

The whiskers around its mouth trembled, but in the end it didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, it turned around and left.

The wizard wearing a white mask stood behind the black cat and watched it gradually go away, slowly blending into the woods under the night. After a long while, he sighed softly, and the figure slowly faded away until it disappeared.




It was nearly midnight when Xin Fatty returned to the dormitory.

He lingered for a while in front of Ni Wuye's small bronze niche, and gave up a lot of high-end smoke pills before he was finally let in by the little bronze beast.

The fat wizard twirled an evil ghost mask between his fingers, humming a ditty, with a smile on his face, and stepped up the stairs, his mind full of the grand and gorgeous parade tonight.

Pushing open the door, the room was pitch black.

He thought everyone was asleep, so he tiptoed towards Own's bed, but unexpectedly, he bumped into a furry thing just two steps away, causing him to groan and sit on the ground.

Two yellow Ye Ming lanterns as big as discs suddenly appeared in the darkness.

"Fuck! What is it!"

The fat wizard was startled by the two lights, he got up and turned on the lights, but most of the room was still dark.

Because a huge black cat is entrenched in the dormitory. Its huge body occupies almost every empty corner of the dormitory. It seems to be aware of the dull gaze of the fat wizard. Teeth, the bright red tongue licked his mouth.

"Are you back?" The black cat's voice was like a deep thunder, rumbling and shaking the room: "They have been waiting for you for a long time..."

As he said that, the thick tail looked like a black python, falling from the ceiling, rolling up the fat wizard at the door, and hanging directly from the ceiling.

Only then did Xin Fatty notice that there were two guys hanging from the ceiling.

It looks like it has been hanging for a long time.

Dylan drooped his head, drooped his limbs, limp all over, and made suspicious whirring noises, as if he had just fallen asleep; while Dr. Xiao was holding a crystal ball and watching intently.

It's just that maybe because of the improper posture of being suspended in the air, his glasses slipped off more easily than usual. The moment Fatty looked at him, the doctor adjusted his glasses four or five times.

Noticing Fatty's gaze, the doctor adjusted his glasses again and greeted him with his eyes.

"When did you grow two extra tails?" This was the first sentence Fatty asked after recovering.

Because he can clearly see that the tails of Own, Xiaoxiao and Dylan belong to three parts, and they all grow from the black cat's buttocks, which completely breaks his previous inherent cognition of black cats. .

Hearing the fat wizard's question, the pupils of the two huge cat eyes in the room closed dangerously, the beards on the corners of the mouth were swept back, and the white teeth showed a little bit sharp: "It's this time, you still have the heart to think about my How many tails? Why don't you care about how many lives you have?"

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