Hunting High School

Chapter 328 Please Give Me A Frog

The night talk in Dormitory 403 on Saturday night went on for a long, long time.

Zheng Qing told his companions about the assessment of the seven deadly sins tonight and the wizard wearing a crow mask who appeared in the parade; Xiao Xiao talked about the difficulties encountered in planning the parade; Xin Fatty analyzed the public opinion in the newspapers and schools recently The atmosphere; Dylan reported some voices inside the parliament next month.

When the night talk ended, Zheng Qing could no longer remember.

He had a good night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

When I opened my eyes in the morning and raised my hand to touch the pillow, I was horrified to find that I forgot to put the nightmare doll and amulet last night.

Immediately, he realized that he didn't have a nightmare last night either!

"now it's right."

During the morning class—because of the special situation, he has been doing morning class on the balcony these days—Xiao Xiao and the young public-funded student analyzed: "The parade last night let those who should vent, want to vent, and can vent, I've vented it all out...for a while, there should be no one to bother you."

Then he noticed Zheng Qing's expression eager to try, and immediately added: "But the invisibility talisman still needs to be worn for a while... The next week is very critical. Judging by the results of divination, this turmoil should gradually subside... At least until the next day For a weekend, you have to keep a low profile like this."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing sighed in disappointment, took a last look at the laughing crowd outside the window, turned away from the balcony, and returned to the dormitory.

In front of the desk, Dr. Xiao Da is holding a quill pen and sketching on a piece of parchment.

"What are you doing?" The young public finance student noticed the messy numbers on the parchment, which didn't seem to be the content of arithmetic divination.


Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses, and replied unhurriedly: "Last week, the store sold a total of 3,165 grass figurines. After deducting taxes and fees, the total operating income is 500 golden beans... Then After deducting the cost of the weed maker, the net profit is 400 golden beans...and 50% of the dividends from Qingqiu Mansion..."


The more Zheng Qing listened to it, the more he didn't like it. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it, and interrupted: "Why are there still dividends from the Qingqiu Mansion? Give them such a high dividend!"

"Isn't the dividends from the Qingqiu Mansion your dividends?" The sour voice of the fat wizard came from behind: "Or, do you want to do something with the account and build a small treasury?"

Zheng Qing ignored the convulsed Fatty.

Xiao Xiao tilted his head and glanced at him: "Oh, I haven't had time to tell you about this matter yet. The business of selling straw people is jointly done by our shop and Qingqiu Mansion, otherwise we will It is impossible to supply thousands of straw people in such a short period of time... Therefore, according to the previous agreement, half of the net profit of selling grass people this time belongs to the Qingqiu mansion."

Then, he lowered his head again and continued to draw on the parchment: "Well, this alone will increase the store's income by two hundred golden beans. The size of the Knights of Exoneration is ten heads, and each person can share twenty golden beans." …Say more, talk less. It’s much faster than helping people with their homework.”

"As for you," the doctor nodded slightly after finishing the drawing: "This time, you should be able to divide fifty golden beans... Will you roll this gold into the store's capital reserve, or use it?"

Fifty golden beans are equal to five jade coins, which is equivalent to half a year's scholarship for public-funded students.

While Zheng Qing was numb, he was also a little puzzled: "Isn't everyone twenty golden beans? Why are there thirty more? Who gave it to me?"

"No one will give it to you. The extra 30 grains belong to the cost... your authorized income." While speaking, the doctor took out a few pieces of parchment from the drawer: "Hey... this business is from Qingqiu The mansion and the squad leader take the lead, I give some ideas, Fatty, Dylan, Elder and others assist... and you are responsible for providing the power of attorney."

power of attorney.

Zheng Qing flipped through the parchments in front of him, feeling that he would never be surprised again—in these materials, he respectively granted d&k to use the name of own to make straw figures, agreed to the cooperation between d&k and Qingqiu Mansion, granted Hank's Account

Taxes and the power to sign purchase and sale contracts, etc.

Looking at the familiar signatures on the parchment, Zheng Qing felt hesitant. Those authorization letters were originally provided by him when he went to the office to collect letterheads for his companions, but unexpectedly they used them to do so many strange things.

"Is there anything else you guys are hiding from me?" The young Gong Feisheng shook the parchment in his hands, and looked deeply at the short wizard in front of him.

"It should be gone for the time being." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, expressionless: "It's you have other things to hide from us all?"

Zheng Qing stretched out his fingers, picked out his ears, and avoided the topic with a haha.

There was a rustling sound behind him.

Turning around, Xin Fatty was struggling to put on the robe.

"Why did you get up so early today!" Zheng Qing took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time in surprise. It was not yet half past seven in the morning: "At this point, you are still asleep even in class!"

Fatty snorted and put on his robe: "Didn't the doctor say that the account has been settled? I'm going to the store to get my bonus... twenty golden beans! Are you going?"

Zheng Qing only hesitated for a second.

"Go together, go together."

He skillfully slapped an invisibility talisman on his body.

The campus on the weekend was very quiet in the early morning. Last night's celebration consumed so much energy that Zheng Qing felt heartbroken for wasting an invisibility talisman for himself while walking on the street.

But when they returned to school after receiving the money, there were obviously many more pedestrians on the street.

Hanging a new invisibility talisman, Zheng Qing cautiously walked between Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty, carefully sizing up the young wizards passing by.

Everyone was so polite and well-behaved, as if the yelling and burning grass figures he saw the night before were all hallucinations after he was possessed by a demon.

"The mask is really a good thing." The young Gong Feisheng murmured thoughtfully.

Wearing a mask, everyone can vent their emotions wantonly and participate in the carnival ceremony; excerpt

"What is Nicholas doing?" The fat wizard's curious voice interrupted the boy's thoughts.

After regaining consciousness, the three of them were already standing in front of a narrow table on the side of the street. Nicholas and several strange wizards were standing behind the table. Next to the table was a large roll-up banner with the words 'Please give me a Frog' a few words.

Seeing his classmates, the wizard with the ponytail seemed to want to hide, but immediately, he gritted his teeth and came out from behind the table, holding a petition in his hand.

"Please pay attention to the living conditions of the wizards in the North District," he said as if he didn't know a few people, speaking quickly and sincerely: "The wizards in the North District are also members of the alliance, but the wizards in the North District have not received the corresponding magic education. Right...'Give me a frog please', a voice for younger Northside wizards, Northside needs everyone's support!"

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