Hunting High School

Chapter 241: The Eleventh Week

What Zhang Jixin said hit the nail on the head.

In the next few days, there was a lot of discussion on the campus, including the "Give me a frog please" that the wizards of the North District gradually became more and more powerful, and the Beta Town Daily's editorials about the admission of the Ratman Clan to the next month's council, and the starry sky. The arena of the academy and the winter festival of Atlas, as well as someone who reappeared in the academy and a new straw man who is not a famous burned wizard are on the market.

Only no one cared about the murlocs in Linzhong Lake.

It seemed that those wizards who worked so hard for the murlocs in the lake last semester had died in just one year. And the murlocs have also become unusually well-behaved, seldom rising to the surface of the lake to cause trouble in this chaotic early winter, so that the first-year freshmen have no sense of the rumored cruel race of pulling children into the water and snatching freshmen's schoolbags.

The murlocs in their impression are mostly staring at a pair of dead fish eyes, floating half of their heads out of the water to bask in the sun, or spitting bubbles in shallow water, knocking unconscious frogs lying on the shore with stone sticks, and then killing them Drag into the water.

"I think the bigger reason they're quieting down is that winter is coming."

Holding the textbook, Zheng Qing stood beside the black rockery by the lake, and analyzed with the doctor in a serious manner: "...Murlocs are cold-blooded animals, and their ability to resist the cold is originally weak, so it is not surprising that they chose Maodong .”

Several strange witches passed by behind the wizard, pointing and laughing in low voices, as if they were encouraging each other to greet Zheng Qing.

It's already good, at least they didn't charge up with torches, Zheng Qing comforted herself, not staying where she was, and walked towards the library with Xiao Xiao.

Behind them came the disappointed sighs of the witches.

"You should communicate with them more," the doctor adjusted his glasses, and calmly offered his own suggestion: "Compared with boys, witches have less dislike for you and are more interested in you. To build a good relationship with them, we You can launch other suitable peripherals, such as photos, postcards, dolls... instead of just selling a single straw man."

With a dark face, Zheng Qing sneered, "Hey, grass seller, are you still selling tricks?"

"Didn't you also make a lot of money from this?" The doctor curled his lips, and was very displeased with the attitude of the young public-funded student: "If you really care about it, go to the school and Dan Hager for a restraining order , no one will sell these things anymore..."

Zheng Qing was suffocated when he heard this.

"Me, am I doing it to make money?" He discerned, the veins on his neck were bulging, and his face flushed: "I was doing it to channel other people's violent emotions! As the saying goes, 'It's better to guard against the mouth of the people than to guard against it. Chuan', 'It's better to block than sparse'... If they don't have straw people to burn, they will arrest you and burn you as substitutes!"

"Burn you Zheng Qing, what does it have to do with us."

Xiao Xiao was baffled by the logic of the young public-funded student, but in the end he patiently analyzed: "Another way of thinking, every piece of straw they buy from the store can become a resource for your experiments... to make money , not shabby... The next time you eat a golden bean for breakfast, you can tell yourself in your heart that what they burnt is your hairs, what you eat is their cream and blood, and every day they burnt A straw man turned into a spoonful of caviar on an egg roll in front of you."

This analysis was unexpectedly in line with Zheng Qing's appetite, and he immediately felt much more comfortable.

Just when he was about to express his willingness to write postcards and autographs, Dr. Xiao Da, who was next to him, changed the subject and abruptly jumped to another topic: "Speaking of which, compared with murlocs or shop business , I am more concerned about the frequency of your recent transformation into a cat... Is it because the fruit on the cat fruit tree is about to start a war with the little Young Masters in the pet garden, or is there some secret operation of the Seven Deadly Sins? Why have you been sleeping every night for the past two weeks? Go out as a cat?"

Because the little white cat is unhappy, the black cat wants to coax the little white cat.

Zheng Qing sighed silently in his heart, he hadn't figured out how to answer this tricky question, suddenly his eyes went dark, and several burly figures stood in front of them, at the same time, a light blue card fell on him underfoot.

Xiao Xiao didn't stop at his feet, just

He made a slight change, turned to the side, and walked past several wizards blocking the way.

And Zheng Qing skillfully activated the talisman hanging on his waist, pulled out the Colt silver python, and then took a rest, looked at several uninvited guests, and said quickly without waiting for the other party to speak: "No time, no Giving face, no Hunting, not accepting challenges, not participating in group arenas, is not a coward. I am a student of Jiuyou Academy, if you want to compare it, you can compare it to a test paper."

This is the speech template he summed up in the past week of his appearance.

Of course, if the witches are blocking the way, the template will become 'Sorry, no time, sorry, no signature, Poseidon is in Qingqiu Mansion, Councilor Su is very busy, this is personal privacy, thank you' like this A more polite expression.

Overall, witches lean more toward Eight Trigrams, while wizards tend to be more mobile.

"Heh, it's as shameless as the rumors say!" The white robe standing on the side sneered again and again, and the Dharma book in his hand clattered: "Since we are standing here, is it up to you to decide whether to compare or not?"

There was a snap of fingers not far away.

Zheng Qing was certain in his heart—the voice meant that Xiao Xiao had opened the photo flower, to ensure that everything that happened in front of him would be recorded truthfully.

"Give you a piece of advice," he glanced at the book in the hands of the white robe, and his eyes fell on the two black borders—it was only a second-year student, he must—remind kindly: "You are not the first wave Trouble coming to your door...By the way, according to the campus management regulations of First University, it is a violation to randomly take out Dharma books to students on campus, and if it rises to aggressive behavior, it is not just to write inspections or warnings."

"Too much nonsense!"

The other blue-robed man muttered impatiently, and threw his fist at Zheng Qing without saying a word. His two companions flashed, one left and one right blocked Zheng Qing's room to dodge, and opened the book at the same time.

Zheng Qing pouted.

It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words, mercy can't save oneself from others.

With a slight flip of his wrist, the Colt Python's magazine was emptied in an instant, and the six rune bullets with ordinary rune light formed six completely different arcs and landed on the three uninvited guests one after another.

This is a bit of life experience he has gained through countless encounters and baptisms.

The phantom of the yellow hill, the rising of the fog, the sound of scolding, cursing, the flash of curse light, the sound of a brief explosion, and then everything returned to calm.

At some point in the surrounding area, a group of red-robed people who watched the excitement gathered again.

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