Hunting High School

Chapter 243 Deformation Sequelae

Although Zheng Qing could hear faint voices behind the bookshelves, Momohuhu couldn't hear them clearly. He wasn't even sure whether those voices were people talking or little ghosts whispering.

The round-faced wizard not only heard it, but also clearly explained the content of those whispers.

This made Zheng Qing feel refreshed immediately.

"I just said, those just now were not illusions!" He seemed to demonstrate an extremely difficult divination calculation principle, and looked at Xiao Xiao eagerly: "You really can't hear anything?"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses.

It's just that before he could speak, the round-faced wizard spoke quickly and argued: "It's not surprising that the doctor can't hear you, because the guys from the 'Dharma Book Liberation Association' who spoke are five or six bookshelves away from us. In another corner, if I hadn't seen them when I came in, I wouldn't be able to be sure it was them."

These words contained a little too much content, and Zheng Qing didn't realize it for a while.

"What do you mean it's five or six bookshelves away from us!" He raised his eyebrows with a puzzled face: "It's so far away, and the voice is so low, who can hear it clearly?"


The round-faced wizard looked confident, and pointed at himself with his thumb: "Our family inherits a little special blood, and has a strong control over the 'wind'. As long as there is air flow, even if it is far away, you can hear it. .”

This explanation made Zheng Qing silent.

Xiao Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

After a long time, the young public finance student raised his head and murmured: "Your blood is special, it's understandable that you can hear voices so far away, but what about me... eh, where are you?"

Only then did he notice that the round-faced wizard had disappeared at some point.

"Let's go." Xiao Xiao flipped through the reference book in front of him as if nothing had happened, and replied casually: "He just came to tell me something, and he has no obligation to listen to your nagging..."

Zheng Qing was silent for a few seconds.

Then he took out the Colt python very kindly, hung it on his finger and squeaked it: "Although I care more about the voices you can't hear, it doesn't mean I didn't understand some of the words he just said... ...What do you mean by double heads? Come on, explain to me what double heads are!"

As he spoke, he took out a two-headed straw figure from the gray cloth bag and patted it in front of the doctor. The body structure of the straw man refers to the hoop-headed double-headed ogre. The two heads hang around the neck one after the other. Although the two faces on the head are somewhat abstract, people with a discerning eye can recognize them at a glance.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the grass man, adjusted his glasses calmly, and changed the subject naturally: "His name is Xu Qingmu, he is a student of Divination Class 09-1, Grade 09, Jiuyou College, and he usually asks me for advice. Divination problems, so I will occasionally help me a little... His bloodline Talent can be understood as the result of special races like werewolves or vampires, whose five senses have been strengthened to a certain extent."

"With this kind of talent, why didn't you enter the Alpha Academy." Zheng Qing's attention was really cheap, and he muttered.

"Not all students with good talents will enter Alpha, just like not all students who are good at exams will enter Jiuyou Academy, and all those who are good at fighting will enter Star Academy." Xiao Xiao calmly opened another reference book: "As for why you can hear voices in the distance, the only thing I can think of is the black cat."


Hearing this, Zheng Qing became much more energetic: "I just thought about it for a long time. The only thing that can strengthen my hearing is cats, but does transfiguration still have this kind of sequelae?"

"If you use Polymorph frequently."

Xiao Xiao looked at the young public fee student meaningfully: "The use of any magic is not free, especially when it involves life and change. The reason why different species are isolated in various ways is not just because of their differences in appearance... but the essence This is why the Alliance strictly controls the learning and use of Transfiguration."

"So, what do you want to express." Zheng Qing felt a pain in his head listening to this pile of nonsense. The doctor is good at everything, the only bad thing is that he has the bad habits that many fortune tellers have, and he likes to talk in a cloud


Then he saw the object he slandered raised two fingers.

"First," Xiao Xiao finally put down the homework at hand, raised his head, and adjusted his glasses in a leisurely manner: "Frequent use of transfiguration can be addictive. Anthony Russell, a famous transfiguration researcher in the eighteenth century, wrote in "Transfiguration for Wizards" A Survey of the Influence of the Brain and the Body" and "A Display of the Mighty Destroyer" have both demonstrated this possibility, and Magnus Hess in the nineteenth century was the first to make it clear that long-term use of Transfiguration would appear. Symptoms similar to magic poisoning, and named it 'deformation poisoning syndrome', so far, this symptom has no solution, and can only be curbed by reducing the frequency of transformation."

"This matter...why didn't you say it earlier." The young Gong Feisheng murmured.

"Because I think you are special, and you should be able to overcome these 'rules'." The doctor gave him a meaningful look, and continued: "From a psychological point of view, the real experience of two different living states is the most important thing for anyone. Individually, it's a wonderful experience, and it's hard to say no to this special treat..."

"What about the second?" Zheng Qing felt that it was going to become 'nonsense' again, so he couldn't help but pull the progress bar.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him dissatisfied: "Second... well, the second one forgot."

"Huh?" Zheng Qing blinked, with an expression that you were teasing me.

"I really forgot." The doctor spread his hands honestly: "I was still talking about it just now, but as soon as you interrupted, I forgot... You can't blame me for this."

"Oh," the young public fee student sneered, "when I turn into a cat at night and bite your head off, you will probably be able to remember what you forgot..."

"Yes, that's it!" Dr. Xiao Da snapped his fingers with an excited face: "Secondly, frequent use of transfiguration will cause wizards to acquire certain 'habits' of the transformed creatures, such as dogs who like to stick out their tongues, The one who turns into a parrot likes to talk like a human, and becomes..."

A huge shadow silently enveloped the heads of the two young wizards.

Zheng Qing looked up quietly.

The librarian's eight thick tentacles were floating over the two of them, and there were only five stern bold characters in the huge bubbles: "Library! Be quiet!


The two wizards raised their hands together and made a zip movement around their mouths.

The administrator glared at them viciously, over the top of the bookshelves, and slowly drifted to another corner.

Seeing it go away, Xiao Xiao lowered his voice and added: "... If you don't want to find a half-gnawed dead mouse next to your pillow after getting up one morning, I highly recommend that you temporarily stop using Transfiguration, even if Only a few days..."

A thick tentacle fell from the sky, and instead of snatching Xiao Xiao, it grabbed Zheng Qing by the collar and threw him out. The last thing the young public finance student saw was the appearance of the doctor sitting upright at the table doing homework.

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