Hunting High School

Chapter 249 Concealment

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Samuel, who was wearing a wolf-head mask, interrupted the interaction between the black cat and the witch, and his tone seemed a little irritable: "I wasted precious time at night to come here, not to listen to your gossip!"

"On this point, I support Mr. Grumpy." Mammon, wearing a fox mask, said slickly.

"It's rage, not rage." The black cat corrected it seriously, and at the same time raised a paw, looking around: "So, what news have you all received, tell me?"

Everyone looked at the black cat in confusion.

It looked a little uncomfortable all over.

"Is there any problem?" The black cat subconsciously lowered its voice.

"No, no."

The witch wearing a cat face mask appeared behind the black cat at some point, slithering her fingers on the table, watching the black cat's tail, and at the same time explained with a good attitude: "It's just that under normal circumstances, we Let the member who initiated the meetup host the meeting."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly grabbed the tip of the black cat's tail with two fingers.

The black cat didn't look back, the tip of its tail nimbly flashed to the other side, dodging the witch's finger, it shook its ears, and clearly heard the regretful sigh coming from under the cat's face mask, which made it involuntarily slander in the bottom of its heart. The behavior of being jealous of the lady is as childish as Li Meng.

"So, you didn't call me here because of the news about 'The Crow'?" the black cat asked patiently.

"Crow?" Mr. Pride raised his chin slightly.

"What crow?" Bellfinger, who was wearing a bird-head mask, cheered up. He didn't look like a real "lazy person" at all, and looked around with great interest: "When did the Seven Deadly Sins add a crow?"

"You don't know?"

The black cat squatting on the conference table straightened up, with a trace of confusion in its eyes: "Some time ago, I asked the sinner, um, my predecessor, to issue a task of collecting information about the 'crow' in the Seven Deadly guys Don't you know?... I originally thought that tonight's rally was related to that mission."

"No, tonight's rally was called by me, and it has nothing to do with the 'crow'." Mr. Arrogant crossed his arms, tapped the bat mask on his face with his fingertips, and said in a slightly deliberate voice: "As for the 'crow' you mentioned , I have not received the relevant mission entrustment."

"I do not have either."


"never heard of that."

"do not know."

The wizards around the conference table opened their mouths or shook their heads, denying that they had received a similar task from the previous convict envoy, and only one person did not express his opinion.


The black cat turned the ruby ​​ring on its paw's wrist and cast a burst of magic power, lifting its ban on Mr. Lust, and looked over with questioning eyes.

The wizard wearing a sheep's head mask rubbed his cheeks.

"I don't know." He snorted angrily: "Your predecessor is more informed than all of us. It is very likely that he thought your mission of 'finding the crow' was of little value, so he did not issue a formal entrusted mission...By the way , if I had known that you were hooking up with jealousy, I wouldn't have been so rude just now..."

"Hook up?"

The black cat blinked and looked back subconsciously, only to see that the witch wearing a cat face mask had grabbed its tail at some point and was wrapping the tip of its tail around her index finger, looking like she wanted to wear a fur ring. look like.

With a dark face, the black cat turned the ruby ​​ring on its paw wrist again, silenced the outspoken sheep-headed wizard again, and warned with a bad attitude: "Remind, everyone in this meeting room must treat every member Maintain the most basic respect! I am your sinner, not a cat!"

Saying so, it drew back the tip of own's tail viciously.

"Ah, ah, ah," the witch wearing a cat mask smiled and raised her hands, "I know you're a cat that's not a cat...but you're still a cat after all, right?"

The black cat got up, walked around to another corner of the conference table, turned its back to Mr.

The man - haughty, but relatively speaking the bat-masked wizard seemed to be the most polite person in the room - confronted the 'jealous' lady, making sure she wouldn't surprise her again while crooked. Excessive, expressing that you don't want to continue topics that have nothing to do with business.

"Before tonight's discussion, let me repeat the task I just mentioned."

After pondering for a moment, the black cat spoke again: "As far as I know, a group of wizards wearing crow masks appeared in the First University. Their identities, purposes and activities are unknown. This is what their masks look like..."

The black cat turned the ruby ​​ring on the claw's wrist, using magic power to outline the style of the crow's mask, and added: "According to the existing observation data, they are all wearing ordinary black wizard robes, and the number of members is uncertain. More than one person, they are extremely powerful, and they all have the ability to cast spells at the level of registered wizards."

"How to investigate if you don't know anything?" Bellfinger, wearing a bird-head mask, raised his hand listlessly, and said lazily, "Let's forget it, I think."

"The last time I observed these wizards," the black cat glanced at Mr. 'Lazy' blankly, without any pause in his voice: "It was half a month ago at the first school hunting meeting, the final venue, in the depths of the Silent Forest Traces of the activities of these wizards have been is believed that the activities of these wizards have somehow affected the final results of this year's school hunt."

After these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room suddenly changed.

The most obvious ones are the 'jealous' lady Leviathan in the cat face mask, the furious Mr 'Salmai' in the wolf head mask, and the 'arrogant' Lucifer in the bat mask behind the black cat.

Perhaps it was the intuition of feline creatures, the black cat clearly noticed that compared with other members, the aura exuded by these three people was suddenly much more serious.

In other words, these three are likely to be members of the hunting team that entered the finals of the school hunting competition? The black cat shook its ears, and a series of guesses flashed in its heart, or, did they have relatives and friends who entered the finals of the school hunting competition? Are they avid game hunters?

Of course, it doesn't rule out that this is just a feint and a posturing.

After a while, Mr. Arrogant spoke first, with a low voice: "You said they affected the final results of this year's school hunting meeting. Do you have any evidence?"


The black cat flicked its tail very simply, and added quickly: "I didn't expect that you can really find out anything through such a little news of little value... But I believe that each of you has your own social skills. Circle, and I also believe that you all have the ability to obtain information secretly in the circle without revealing your respective identities. I just hope that if you get the news about the 'crow', you can share it with me. Of course, I We will pay the price for that.”

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